All Chapters of The Alpha Billionaire and I: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
75 Chapters
Chapter 61
“That’s a hell of a thing to say to me. I wanted Shaina to get better. I was the one who asked you to look at her in the first place. Her father had no money. Don’t forget that, Miah, while you’re so busy condemning me. And don’t think for one minute your precious Alexander has no ulterior motive when it comes to Shaina. His motive is you. He wants you and he’ll use anyone to get you. Is Alexander holding something over your head? Are you afraid of him? Is that what it is? You can tell me. I can help you. He can’t be so powerful we couldn’t fight him together.” Miah almost burst out laughing. Bert had no concept of what power really was. The two of them and an army could not defeat Alexander. “No, Bert. I’m not afraid of Alexander, but thank you for asking. I’m grateful you would want to help me.” “Why have you taken him back into your life without so much as a fight?” Bert demanded. “He just showed up on your doorstep and you let him in. Why? Why didn’t you take some time to get to
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Chapter 62
“Do not leave the hospital until I am once again with you. I am on my way.”“What if that’s just what he wants? What if he is using me to lure you out where he can harm you?” There was real fear in her voice. “He has never defeated me in battle, sweetheart. You should have more faith in your lifemate. Luther is a very unusual demon, just as he was an unusual supernatural. There is no other like him. It does no good to try to second-guess him. He always does the unexpected. He could just as easily have attacked you or Shaina. He is intelligent far beyond your imagining, just as he is more powerful than the legends have told. To guess what he is up to is impossible, but he has found you and he has found Shaina. I do not want you to set one foot into the night without me by your side.” For some reason, Miah was annoyed. “I am not about to allow this demon to change my life, Alexander. This is my city. There is much I do here, much I love. Over the centuries there have been many demons
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Chapter 63
His arms tightened possessively. His lips drifted from the heat of her silken mouth to her throat, down lower to find her creamy breast, soft and full and inviting. His lips closed over the hard peak, pulled strongly, a torment for both of them. She circled his head with her arms, cradled him to her. “Tell me this is real, Alexander, this is us, you and me, not the supernatural heat rising between us.” There was a plea in her voice, an aching need for it to be real. “Only you, Miah,” he whispered fiercely. “Look into my mind and see the truth; it is there for the taking. I want you and only you. For yourself, not just your beautiful body. For me there will never be another. No other could satisfy this desperate craving. A craving as old as time itself. Beautiful and magical.” His hand wandered over her skin, pushed low into the waistband of her jeans.“I look at you and remember the endless centuries, all those wars and battles, my people turning undead and the countless times I was
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Chapter 64
Miah could hardly bear to look at the news. There were strings of murders, mutilations, terrible things that seemed to be breaking out all over the city. Was it Luther? Was he responsible for the crimes sweeping her beloved Paris? If she and Alexander left, would he follow them? It was more than the brutal murders, it was the feel of the city, as if something evil resided there. Something dark and malevolent, crouching, awaiting its moment to rise. Somehow it seemed to permeate the city until the residents were affected. Fights broke out, wrecks occurred on the streets, and conflict erupted everywhere. It was important to her to spend as much time as possible with Alexander. She wanted to be with him each rising, when the night was so beautiful it took her breath away.She wanted the early morning hours. She wanted to make love to him, watch his gaze become so intent that she felt a rush of heat through her body. They had spent every moment they could together, their only responsibili
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Chapter 65
“Perhaps’ those small things have been your downfall with him, Alexander. Perhaps he was cunning enough to know the memories would defeat you where he could not.” He brought her hand to the warmth of his mouth. “I know only that he was a great man and I loved him much. We were together two thousand years, Miah, even during the last few centuries when we battled long. He was always there, touching my mind, sharing information, a challenge in a world of emptiness. It was Luther who allowed me to continue when the darkness threatened and the whisper of power called to me.He was always there, my mission on this earth. To allow another to destroy him would be a sacrilege and I have given my word of honor to him.” He shook his head, his sorrow so great it weighed both of them down, a stone on their hearts. “Alexander?” The voice shimmered in his mind and Miah heard it as clearly as Alexander did. It was soft and beautiful. Lonely. Concerned. It sent a shiver deep inside her very soul. Ho
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Chapter 66
She rested her forehead on his chest, struggling not to cry. “I am very afraid, Alexander. You attribute all kinds of wonderful traits to me, but I am a woman who had chosen to end her lonely existence before you came. Now you think I will not only choose to stay without you, but I will do so for at least two more centuries. Alone.” “Or longer if you must. The child is most likely a male. He will need you to give him memories that will last until his lifemate is found.” “You can defeat Luther. I know you can do it. There must be a way, Alexander. We have to find a way.” She raised her head to look directly into his eyes. “I have examined your memories of him. I know that you bested him once. You caught him by surprise and locked him into the ground with you. He did not expect such an attack by you and it worked. We have only to think of something similar, something he would never expect. I will work with you. He will not think a woman would do such a thing. Do not smile, Alexander, I
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Chapter 67
“You are a woman much sought after by these human males and I am beginning to find it tedious.” Her eyebrow shot up. “Tedious?” she echoed. “Do I hear a veiled threat in there somewhere?” He bent his head to kiss her. “It was not all that veiled.” His grin was boyish and seductive at the same time. “I cannot very well admit I am bothered by those who seek your attention when I am your lifemate. As an ancient I am above such trivial things.” Miah found herself laughing. “You’re above something all right, but I’m not entirely certain what it is.” “Watch yourself tonight, Miah,” Alexander cautioned as he glided through the room toward the door. “You must always remember you are a target now, and so is Shaina.” “I’ll send word to Aidan’s family, asking them not to delay. That way if Shaina is home, she can be protected while we sleep.” Her dark gaze was suddenly anxious. “Alexander, don’t let Luther undermine your confidence in yourself. I really need you and so does our child. Our ch
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Chapter 68
“What stranger entered your room, Shaina?” “A man. He asked me lots of questions about you, but I didn’t answer or look at him. I retreated like I do. Into my own mind.” Shaina continued to look at the wall as if she were slightly ashamed of herself. Her hands were clutching the little stuffed animal until her knuckles turned white. “I don’t know if I can keep from doing it when I’m really afraid.” Miah gently pushed her hair from her forehead. She couldn’t wait to get the child home, where she would be surrounded by love, by feminine things. She couldn’t wait to do something with the wealth of hair that had been neglected for so long. “He’s a reporter, honey, nothing more. Someone told him a story about me and he wants to write about it. It has nothing to do with you, but I’ll make certain there’s a guard posted outside your door at all times. No one else will get in.” She should have posted a guard long before this. A small sound escaped Shaina’s throat, something between a laugh
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Chapter 69
“I will see to it this buffoon does no harm to our girl, but you will not do this thing.” Exasperated, Miah decided against arguing with Alexander’s tyrannical ways. At once she felt Alexander relax, felt his amusement, and she shook her head over the silly idiosyncrasies of men. “Did you have some questions you wanted to ask me?” she queried softly, looking directly into Barry Woods’s eyes. “Or did you have information that you thought was very important to tell me?” He could feel himself falling forward, deeper, deeper still until he was so mesmerized he wanted to stay there for eternity. He cleared his throat, unable, unwilling to break away from the beauty of her eyes. “I have friends who heard things about you. They’re dangerous men. We hunt demons. Real demons, not the make-believe things in the movies. No one believes the creatures exist but us. We’ve been collecting proof over the years. We just need to get one, a body, something tangible to make the world take us seriously
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Chapter 70
He heard the soft shuffle of boots in the dirt, the heavy breathing of the ghoul a demon had created. Dangerous creatures, ghouls lived to serve their masters, feasting on tainted blood and the flesh of humans. They were vicious and without mercy. He waited, his power building and building, gathering until it flowed through him and poured out into the air around him. The ghoul approached from behind, shuffling closer, an evil being, clumsy but very cunning and impossibly strong. A human being would be in grave danger should he meet with a minion of the demon. Alexander was one of the ancients, powerful and far too experienced to give the ghoul much thought. As the grotesque creature closed the distance between them, Alexander whirled around, caught the misshapen head between his hands and jerked hard enough to break the neck. The crack was loud in the silence of the night. The monster wailed loudly, flailing its arms, but Alexander had melted away, his speed far too great for the m
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