All Chapters of Another Cinderella Story.: Chapter 191 - Chapter 200
410 Chapters
Chapter 191
My mother’s eyes went wide in shock. "It’s you... it really is you." I can’t hold back the tears that were falling down from my eyes. "Mother!"I opened my arms and embraced her tightly. I was afraid that in any minute she might disappear from my sight. "I-Isabella?" My mother’s voice was filled with uncertainty. "No, it can’t be." "It’s me, mother. It has... been so long." I said in between sobs.My mother pushed me at arm’s length. She looked at me carefully, her hand tracing the shape of my face. "It... it really is you? My Isabella... my baby girl?" My mother still can’t believe that I was in front of her. "But how? And you are now this big." "Mother, many years has passed." I replied.My mother looked at me from head to toe and I see tears coming down her cheeks. "Oh my Isabella, how beautiful you have grown up to be." My mother said full of affection. "My baby girl."She pulled me into her embrace. I can’t help but cry my heart out after feeling her warmth. "Mother!!" Bot
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Chapter 192
I looked at my mother with confusion. What is the pressing matter she is talking about? Is it about the war my Aunt Fiona started? Does my mother know something? "Since the time your aunt saved me, she was always trying to contact me through my mind. There is a reason for this." My mother said with a serious tone. "She is planning to revive the forbidden magic our father once used. That was same magic that destroyed our country." "Mother, you know of the forbidden magic?" I asked in haste. If my mother can give us some information to prevent the forbidden magic from being used then it would be a win for us.My mother shook her head. "I was just a little girl at that time when the research of the forbidden magic was ongoing. What I know is that only the ’chosen one’ can wield and use such enormous power. And my father thought he was that ’chosen one’." My mother looked sad while recalling the past. "The only thing I could remember was that in activating the forbidden magic, there is
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Chapter 193
[Ragnar’s POV]I have been cooped up inside my office for the past few days now. And so I thought to have a walk at the palace garden to get some fresh air. These past few days have become hectic. The enemy’s battle plans that Phillips have sent from Geneva has been very helpful. Using them as a guide, my army had made preparations and precautions before the surprise attack starts. I have been restless since Isabella’s last letter. Many days have passed by and no new letters have come. I can’t help but worry about her.I look at the beautiful palace garden where the signature purple passions were planted. These purple passions are one of a kind and are only found inside the palace. The insignia of the royal family of Avalon bear the purple passion in it.I heaved a deep sigh. I have hoped to lift up my spirits by looking at the beautiful scenery of the palace garden but all I can think about was my love. "How I wish you are here my love." I said to myself. "I wanted to show this ga
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Chapter 194
[Ragnar’s POV]I was not really surprised with this information. I am sure with my mother’s looks and personality, men would fall for her. It was my father’s luck to be loved back by my mother and to be chosen by her. "When I became the head researcher, your mother was the head mage of her order. She was very beautiful and talented in magic. Many noble men sought for her hand and I was one of them. Gaining a proper rank, I proposed to your mother back then. We were both still young and just entered adulthood." Marvin said with a smile while reminiscing. "I guess that didn’t go too well." I said. "Haha, you are quite right there your majesty." Marvin. "But it was because of a reason that I have regretted doing. After my research came to fruition, the mad king assembled his army and planned to conquer the continent. Your mother, she knew that my research was something that was frightening and can give power to someone and also can destroy many lives. I still remember her words." ***
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Chapter 195
"I have heard that your fiancée is the daughter of King George of Wales. And her mother was just a maid from the palace." Marvin said. "But judging by her features, she has the looks of the royal blood of Sparta." "What you said is correct." I replied. "Princess Isabella is the third princess of Wales between King George and his legal concubine Diana." I looked at Marvin with seriousness. With mentioning Isabella’s mother’s name, I am sure Marvin will connect the dots. "My word, Diana you say. Then she is one of the twin daughters of the mad king." Marvin said. "Hah, what are the odds to know that the royal blood of Sparta still exists in this continent." "Not only that, the Queen of Geneva is Diana’s twin sister Fiona. It is said that her son the crown prince is of pure blood, born from their elder brother the crown prince of Sparta and Princess Fiona herself."Marvin’s eyes widened in shock. He has been wandering the continent for research but of course such information has been
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Chapter 196
My eyes went wide open with this information, I didn’t know of this. "Your mother did not tell you?" Marvin looked at me puzzled.I shook my head as a reply. "No, she never told me of her linage. She was afraid that I will be shunned by other people because of my Spartan blood. I never knew I also have some royal blood flowing through my veins."Marvin nodded in understanding. "Your mother was trying to protect you from the harsh criticism. I am sure she loves you dearly." "The chosen one, does the person have to be of pure blood?" I asked earnestly.Marvin held his chin and was in deep thought once again. "When I read about the prophecy in the book I was translating and deciphering, I was still young and was just starting to learn the ancient texts. It read that before the almighty being died, he said that he will come back one day when the continent was in danger. He had foreseen the destruction of this continent and the’ chosen one’, his resurrection will be the one to either sa
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Chapter 197
[Isabella’s POV]I open my eyes slowly to a dimly lit room. Looking around, I realized I was in my room lying down on the bed. The room was a little bit dark with only the light from the fire place illuminating the interior. I slowly sat up and felt that my body was heavy and in pain. "Ouch." I made a silent cry from the ache that my body was feeling. My body must have sustained the bruises and wounds that I got from inside my mother’s consciousness. I hear the door creak open and a shadow of a woman was seen coming inside. When she was just a few feet away, I was able to see her face. "Your highness." It came from Mary’s voice. "I am so glad you are already awake."Mary dashed towards my bedside instantly. "How long was I asleep?" I asked her. "You have been sleeping all day after you lost consciousness inside the greenhouse your highness." Mary said and put her palm on my forehead. "You are still burning. Excuse me your highness, I will call the doctor immediately." She looked
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Chapter 198
"Isabella... Isabella." I can hear a man’s voice next to me. "Don’t worry I’m here, I’m right here." Someone said, comforting me.I felt warmth on my right hand. The feeling gave me hope and made me calm down. My hard thumping heart eased down. "Erik?" I wasn’t sure if it was him but I was yearning for him. I was yearning for his warmth and embrace. How I wish to see him once again. We have been separated for over a year now. "Erik , is that you?" I opened my heavy eye lids to see who it was. The room was dimly lit with the fire from the fire place. I can see a silhouette of a man sitting on my bedside, holding my right hand. "No, I’m not his majesty." The man said sadly. "It’s me, Phil." "Philips?" My eyes adjusted with the dim room and saw the man’s face clearly. "Phil, it’s you." I smiled at him.My heart was rather disappointed that it was not Ragnar, but still I was happy that Phillips was here with me. "How are you feeling?" Philips asked with a worried tone. I can see on
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Chapter 199
The next day, my temperature went down but I still have a slight fever. Because of this I wasn’t given permission to visit my mother in her quarters.Phillips has resumed his post, standing guard outside my room. Mary came in the morning and helped me get changed. "It is good that your fever went down your highness." Mary said. "I was really worried when you were burning with fever yesterday." "Thank you for the concern Mary." I replied. "I still have a slight fever but I am sure this will go away after I rest."Mary carefully tucked the blanket at the lower half of my body. She brought a bed tray with her and put it over my lap. "I have told the kitchen to prepare you a light breakfast since you are sick." Mary placed a bowl of steaming porridge on the bed tray. "Please eat to regain your strength your highness." "Thank you once again Mary." I smiled at her. I picked up the spoon and started to eat the steaming porridge slowly. "The queen ordered me to tell you that she w
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Chapter 200
I looked at her with curious eyes. "If I may ask, what would that information be?"My aunt looked at me with such sad eyes. "Well, before the war our father, your grandfather the king of Sparta, tasked his researchers to study the ancient texts from our country. The research team made a huge discovery that would give our country eternal glory. They found where the forbidden magic was and where the parts of the keys were hidden in this vast continent."I listened carefully to what my aunt was telling me. I am not sure if she will disclose all information to me or only bits and pieces. I am also not sure if she is telling all truth or are they mixed up with lies. But one thing I know is I need the other half of the pendant. "A map was made to mark the areas where the parts of the key for the forbidden magic were hidden. The map was embedded in two magic stones, one was given to me and the other was given to my twin sister Diana." My aunt explained. "With the use of the forbidden magic,
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