All Chapters of Another Cinderella Story.: Chapter 351 - Chapter 360
410 Chapters
Chapter 351
The army we have built are now preparing for the battle to come. The men are busy sharpening their swords while others are preparing their suit of armor to wear. I myself is now preparing to suit up my armor I had prepared. *KNOCK KNOCK* "Your majesty, it is me." Kyler said from behind the door. "Come in."I replied.The door opened and Kyler came inside. He was wearing his own armor that is black in color with the crest of Avalon engraved in the breast plate. "I have come to help you wear your armor, sire." Kyler said solemnly. "Thank you." I replied with gratitude.Since back then, Kyler was always by my side as my right hand man. In every battle, he was the one to suit me up in my armor and now was no different. He walked towards the corner where my armor is, and carefully lifted it up one by one. He carefully placed each piece on my body, carefully tightening every part to fit perfectly. The last piece he placed was the breast plate, where the engraving of my family's crest is
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Chapter 352
The sky is dyed in the orange afterglow of the setting sun. The waves are splashing calmly along the beach near the small pier. A pair of guards are on patrol, walking along the sandy pathway of the beach. "It is kind of boring to guard this desolate place." One guard said. "Don't you think?" He asked his partner. "Well, kind of." The other guard replied. "The sound of the waves make me kind of sleepy. And the smooth wind just makes you just want to lie down somewhere and sleep." "Haaahhh…" The other guard sighed. "When will our shift end?" He asked. "Probably not some time soon." The other guard replied. "The others are preparing for the surprise attack we will launch in the beach 🏝️ city of Vienna." "That is where the king of Avalon is residing currently, right?" The other guard replied. "Yes. Our queen has quite a grudge against him." The other guard said. "Most of the army will be joining into battle against the king of Avalon while he has a small amount of his men with him
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Chapter 353
Philip and his men started to spread out to the ships that are on the docks. They quietly dealt with the guards that were not under the charm of the sirens, while the sirens are using those that they have charmed to deal with other guards as well. Overall, Philips group are going on smoothly in their plan.Philip was stealthily moving to another ship when he saw another pair of guards walking in their rounds. "I am a little relieved that I am on duty guarding here at the docks." The guard said. "And why is that?" The other guard replied. "It is because I do not want to fight against fellow Spartans like last time." The guard sighed. "I do not know about you, but it is does not feel right for me. I mean… we are fighting to revive our ruined country. Why would we need to fight against our fellow countrymen?" He reasoned out. "Even if they are fellow Spartans, they have betrayed our country by siding with the country that helped with our country's downfall." The other guard replied.
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Chapter 354
As I look down from above using Avatar’s eyes, I saw that the two groups are in their respective positions. They are only waiting for my signal to commence our surprise attack. "Kyler." I called. "Yes, your majesty." Kyler was in attention at once. "Tell the men to have a fifteen minute break." I ordered. "And after that, we will start our attack." "As you wish, your majesty." Kyler replied.I looked down to the estate with my own two eyes. Inside that mansion was Fiona and Darius. They are in the possession of the other half of the key fragment that I need to get to my wife Isabella. As I promised, I will surely end this war with Fiona right here and now. I came down from the edge and walked towards my men who were having a quick break. I am sure they had a weary journey but we still need to be in schedule after coming here. "Your majesty, I have conveyed your orders." Kyler said when I walked towards them. "Hmm." I nodded. I looked at my men who were looking at me with calm s
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Chapter 355
BANG BOOM BAAM*A loud explosion was heard inside the mansion of the estate. Queen Fiona was sitting in her room while discussing the surprise attack that they planned to do tomorrow at dawn. "What was that?!" Fiona stood up from her seat, surprised with the sound of the explosion. "It sounded like it came from the docks." High Priest Haden replied. *KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK*There was a sudden knock on the queen's door. "My queen, I have something to report!" A man's voice was heard from the outside. "Come in, hurry up!" Fiona said with impatience.The man outside hurriedly came inside. "Your majesty, there was a huge explosion from the docks." The man said. "The ships are on fire and I am afraid there will be nothing left even if we try to extinguish it." "WHAT?!" Fiona shouted in an outrage. "How could such a thing happened? Weren't there guards guarding that place?!" "Y-Yes your majesty." The man was clearly shaken up with Fiona’s outrage. "I-I believe there are intruders. Before
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Chapter 356
[Ragnar’s POV]I look down from our position and saw our two groups are now engaging in battle. Philip has completed his mission quite well with the help of the sirens, all the ships in the docks have been caught on fire and are not usable any longer. Mac and his group together with Mulan and the lycans are also a force that can compete with Fiona’s Spartan army.We are now making a pincer attack against Fiona’s army. Mac and Mulan’s group are attacking from the valley while Philip and Ivy’s group are attacking from the sea side. My group on the other hand is up on the hill, waiting for the right moment to strike. "Avatar , can you locate Fiona and her son Darius?" I asked. "I am searching." Avatar replied.I linked with Avatar once again and is now seeing what he is seeing with his eyes. I can see the battle of two groups are engaging. They have split Fiona’s army as planned. I was relieved to see that both of the two groups are holding their ground fighting with Spartans that u
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Chapter 357
[Ragnar’s POV]Lucas played the last message the late crown prince of Sparta placed in those pair of jades. I saw once again the hologram of the late crown prince, about to relay his last will. Using my light magic, I enlarged the hologram's size so that the people at the front of the estate and at the sea side would see and hear the last will of the crown prince of their fallen country. "M-My love?" Fiona was lost for words and looked at the hologram of her brother who was also her fiance before he died.The hologram relayed the same message I have heard when I played it back just yesterday night. I looked at the reactions of Fiona’s men and it was mixed. Some were surprised while others are still meticolous of the message's credibility. Fiona was teary eyed at first, but after hearing the words given by her former lover, she then had a sour face. I have guessed that Fiona will not be moved by her former lover's words. Fiona’s men started murmuring their ideas of their late crown
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Chapter 358
[Ragnar’s POV]Avatar and I were flying in the sky to the destination where Luna and Fiona went. Avatar hovered above and we saw a small dock where a ship was lying in wait. "So, you are planning to escape Fiona." I said with a sinister smile. "Of course I will not let you." I conjured fire balls in the air and let it fly towards the ship that was in the docks. Fiona who was already on board the ship was caught off guard and was surprised with my attack. The fire balls rained down on her and Luna. "YOU B*STARD!!!" Fiona cursed at me in the top of her lungs, looking up at me with raging eyes. "Your majesty, we need to abandon ship." The captain I presume, told Fiona. "ABANDON SHIP… I repeat ABANDON SHIP!"The ship quickly caught fire after the rain of my fire balls from above. I see the people on the ship were running for their lives, jumping down and into the water to survive the fire. Fiona and Luna were no exceptions.I have instructed Avatar to hover near the shore to let m
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Chapter 359
Ragnar flew away towards the open sea on Avatar. The ones that were left on shore were Kyler, Lucas, and the body of Luna.Lucas was still crying while gently hugging his sister body in his arms. Kyler looked at him sadly, trying to comfort him with a pat on his shoulder. "Stay here with your sister. You are not in good condition to fight." Kyler said and stood up. He looked at Fiona who is at a distance. A wide river that formed after she parted the surface of the sea shore was the only thing separating them from Fiona. "No. I want to help you. She killed my little sister. I will let her pay." Lucas tried to stand up but Kyler pushed him back. "Do not even try in your condition." Kyler said. "You are in no condition to fight a royal of Sparta. Do not forget that your sister gave her life to save you." "B-But…" Lucas was still hesitant. His anger for Fiona was boiling up inside of him, but he had lost a lot of blood that he could just be a hindrance for Kyler. "I understand." He c
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Chapter 360
You have to stop this, sister." Diana pleaded with her twin sister. "Please just surrender. You do not have to take revenge, like big brother had said."Ragnar sent a message to Diana containing the crown prince of Sparta’s last will. He thought that Diana, who was a living immediate family of the late crown prince must receive the last words. Fortunately, Diana and George were on the road with the royal army of Wales as back up. She got the letter from the messenger bird right away. "And you believed it?" Fiona scoffed. "Our brother will not have said such things. He is a man of integrity and patriotism. He would not have said such cowardly words." "No, you are wrong." Diana shook her head. "I know brother would have said those words. Because he had said that to me in person before he left for the last battle." "What?! What do you mean?" Fiona asked in disbelief. "How come he had not told me this. We had spent the last night together." Fiona looked at her with such pitiful eyes.
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