All Chapters of Captive of My Mafia Crush: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
383 Chapters
Chapter 0121
I can almost feel Christian setting his jaw in frustration, even though I can’t see it. When I open my eyes, a little piece of me is pleased to see that I’m right. He starts to pull away from me, but I tighten my arms around him, not letting him go just yet. “Chris, can we just be friends again?”
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Chapter 0122
I gape at him and then scowl, swatting away his hand. “I was not being a brat!” “There she is,” he murmurs, laughing and giving me a wink as he unbuckles his seatbelt and reaches for his door. “Brave Bambi, always coming forward when you make her feel a little spicy. Come on, Bambina, you’re safte
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Chapter 0123
“Good,” Andre snaps, sharp, snatching the towel out of my hand even though I just get started. I make a little huff of protest, but he waves me over to the counter at the back of the bar, grabbing a couple of salt and pepper shakers. I frown, a little confused about what’s going on, but I don’t sa
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Chapter 0124
“Yes,” I say, nodding slowly. “And Bambi,” Andre says, his voice low. I cock my head to the side, a little surprised because – I mean – there’s more? “There is one Marino client in particular that Romano wants you to pay special attention to.” My mind flicks immediately to the old man we served
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Chapter 0125
“Holy shit,” I breathe, staring at the man who could be a model on any runway in…well, anywhere. My eyes sweep over his broad shoulders, his chiseled face, his long hair that’s swept back behind his ears. God, crap, but he could be on the cover of a damn romance novel. Andre pulls me out of my d
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Chapter 0126
“Hi,” I say casually, placing both of my hands gently on the bar and leaning forward just a little, keeping my voice soft, inviting him to lean in to listen. “Any questions about the menu?” He blinks at me for a moment and then looks around him. “Um, I don’t think I…got a menu.” Inwardly I curse
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Chapter 0127
Christian completely ignores me as I prep his drink, taking my time and using every second of it to regain my composure. I think – or maybe just hope – that none of my shock at seeing Christian here showed on my side. That would be bad for me for sure also bad for Christian. No one – especially Edwa
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Chapter 0128
My eyes move back to Christian, noting the possessive tone of his voice, letting me know that he’s not only claiming Edward’s drinks but my involvement with him too. Christian’s message couldn’t be clearer – even though he can’t sit down now without awkwardly admitting that he’s very, very clearly t
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Chapter 0129
The money and the card held tight in my hand, I make my way over to my bodyguard, deciding to get the teasing over with sooner rather than later. There’s no avoiding it, after all. “Wowwww, how much did you get?” Frankie asks, grinning deviously and leaning over the bar, trying to peek into my han
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Chapter 0130
“Frank!” I gasp, spinning to look after him as he strides down the hall. But he just waves to me over his shoulder, letting me know that this is my problem and mine alone. I glance around, looking for Nico, Violetta – anyone. But damn it, I’m alone with my best friend. I sigh, turning back to
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