Semua Bab Pregnant and Divorced, The Billionaire's Regret: Bab 121 - Bab 130
227 Bab
Chapter 121 I Really Want To Kiss You.
Gabriel watched as the smoke sizzles in the air, soon disappearing with the winds of approaching summer. His eyes stared ahead, looking aimlessly at the scenery in front of him as he tried to sort out his thoughts.It had been more than two hours since his talk with Angelina had ended and he left Oslo's female prison and might he tells you, all the sh*t she told him, the sh*t he had done, did more harm than good.With a sigh, he brought the cigarette stick to his lips, and took another puff, watching the smoke rise up into the air."You know, that's going to kill you." He turned his head at the sound of an unfamiliar voice, raising a brow at the brunette who stood a few feet away from him.“And you care, why?” He asked, not really in any mood to entertain sympathy from a stranger.“Oh, I don’t.” The female shrugged. “But,” She pointed towards the scenery of a tulips and daffodils garden. “Those little guys, my little guys, don’t deserve to die due to the bad habits of grown men?”Gabr
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Chapter 122 Gnawing Realizations.
The first thing Gabriel noticed as the door came open was Leonica's brightly flushed cheeks, followed by her causal top that had one edge hanging off the side of her shoulder, exposing more skin that he was used to and finally.But as tempting it was to stare without much words, or any words at all, Gabriel reminded himself why he had driven for half an hour and stormed his way up her porch, permanently fixing his eyes on her face."What are you doing here?" She sharply questioned, clearly still bitter about their encounter earlier. "Ah," She held up her finger, stopping him just as his lips parted. "And if you're here to say 'we need to talk' then unfortunately for you, you've not only wasted your time and effort, but also your petrol, because I am not in the mood to talk to you.""If you weren't in the mood to talk to me, then why didn't you tell me about the aftermath of Ashley's accident? IVF? Bone Marrow transplant? Nothing." He listed, drilling his gaze into hers when she clamme
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Chapter 123 Trending On The Hot Topic.
"Ms. Romero, shall I tell her to come back another time?" The receptionist asked.Yeah, and postpone her trouble onto another day where she also wouldn't be in the best mood? Not a chance."No, I'll see her now. Have her escorted to the visitor's lounge." Leonica instructed."Understood." The receptionist said and the phone call ended.Standing up from her seat, Leonica adjusted her dress, straightened her posture and left her office.As she walked into the lounge, the female was quick to notice her."Miss Romero." Irene called out, the smile on her lips far from polite, not that Leonica cared. "Your empire is quite beautiful."Small talk, Leonica rolled her eyes at the obvious attempt, sinking into the chair opposite Irene and shooting her a pointed and very much unimpressed look as she dismissed every effort of small talks and went straight to the point."Why are you here?" Her voice held a tone of indifference, arrogance, one would have mistaken it for had they not known her well e
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Chapter 124 Bitter Taste Of Defeat.
Like hunger driven pests, the press and their paparazzi has flooded into the conference venue the moment word of a conference from Leonica was released.Sitting in the lounge, a few feet away from the stage, Leonica listened to the chatter of the crowd, their voices muffled by the sound proof wall and closed door."Five minutes still we make a statement," Kennedy announced, pacing the room with his tablet, sometimes having to bark orders at the staff present."Are you nervous?" A voice whispered close to her ear."No." She answered and turned her head to the side, locking eyes with the familiar brown ones of Arvan's. "I've had to face worse."Arvan smiled at her words, his expression softening. "True." He said, slipping into the chair beside her. "So, what do you intend to say?""What is meant to be said. The truth. Nothing but the truth.""Sounds good.""Alright, two minutes, we have to move, Ms. Romero, Mr. Richardson." Kennedy said, pointing his hand towards the door.Taking in a d
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Chapter 125 Date At A Ballet Theatre.
When 6pm the next day came, Leonica was dressed and ready, all dolled up with the help of Anastasia and Ashley. So she didn’t mind when Owen showed up five minutes earlier.As she stepped out of her house, dressed in a sun yellow off shoulder gown, her hair cascading down her back and shoulders in beautiful waves, and a simple silver watch and necklace of matching color with her gown, Owen was struck speechless by her beauty.“Is that a new look or are you just trying to impress me?” Owen asked, a smirk on his lips as he approached her.Leonica chuckled, rolling her eyes. “Don’t get too cocky Owen, I promised you a chance to swoon me, not a free gate p*ss to keep heart.”Placing his hand out for her to take, he said In a smooth tone. “Who said I wanted a free p*ss? I’ll earn it, no matter how long it takes.”“Yeah?” She shot him a questioning look as she slipped her hand into his, white lace gloves reducing the skin contact, but the warmth was still there. “Well good luck with that.”
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Chapter 126 The One Pulling The Strings.
That one eerie feeling, did, in fact not go away.That was the first and probably the only thing Leonica took notice of as she woke up.Staring at the ceiling, she once again tried to re*ssure herself, giving a short speech to herself. Telling her mind that she was only feeling this way because of the temporary happiness Owen provided to her life yesterday.Speaking of happiness, she thought, vividly recalling their date yesterday and how it had ended. She blushed and quickly hopped out of bed, hoping to distract herself from the heat rising to her cheek as she got about her daily routine.It was a Saturday morning, so thankfully, she didn't need to wake Ashley up for school. Leaving the child in bed and leaving Grace with the responsibility to prepare breakfast as usual, Leonica took a refreshing bath and got dressed in a comfortable work wear, intending of going into work today to finalize things with the entertainment sector of her company and make Owen an official employee of that
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Chapter 127 She Was Taken.
Resting against his car, outside of Romero Empire, Owen patiently tapped his feet while pressing his phone close to his ear.“The caller you’re trying to reach is currently out of service. Please try again another time.” The robotic voice rang into his ear for the umpteenth time.He pulled the phone away and ended the call, glancing up at the company empire in front of him with squinted eyes.It wasn’t like Leonica to be late to an appointment, talk less of having her phone switched off for ten minutes straight.Perhaps her battery ran flat and she’d running late in a meeting. He tried to *ssure himself.But no matter how much he tried to *ssure himself, he couldn’t ignore the feeling of worry bubbling in his chest.“This is odd.” He muttered and tried her number one last time. When it didn’t go through, he pocket the phone and matched into the building of Romero Empire.His eyes spotted the receptionist almost immediately and he walked up to her, tapping the pad of his index finger o
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Chapter 128 Escape Gone Wrong.
"So what you mean to tell me is that Ms. Leonica Romero was kidnapped by the CEO of C&D industries?" The man with a mustache, cloaked from head to toe in Norway's original police uniform, asked Owen as they stood in the security office.Owen narrowed his eyes, looking weirdly at the man in front of him. Had he honestly just asked that question after watching the footage he was just shown?"Yes." Owen muttered, biting his lower lip in order to not lose his patience with the man. "Are you not going to do anything?"The mustached officer looked at his partner. They both shared a look before he placed his hand on his waist holder."Sir, I'm sorry to have to inform you that, but there's nothing we can do." He said and Owen's brows twitched."Excuse me?" He said, a sharp edge to his tone."An official report has to be made and an investigation opened and only then will we be allowed to move forward. Until then, the most we can do is send a team to look for her.""So what? Leonica's gonna re
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Chapter 129 Rain Of Liberation.
The gun had gone off, the sound loud and clear, resonating loudly against the murky walls of whatever house Stuart had trapped her in. Leonica clammed her eyes shut, expecting the pain to come sooner or later, but it never did and the only thing that hit her body was Owen’s body.She peeled her eyes open at the contact and blood drained from her face when she saw that the waist side of the white Hoodie Owen was wear was slowly turning crimson red.All at once, it clicked in her head. He had been shot!“O-owen?” She sputtered, holding onto him as panic took over her quicker than she could ever have imagined.“I-I’m fine.” He groaned when his hand touched where the bullet had hit.“No you’re not. You’re bleeding!” Leonica pointed out the obvious, from the corner of her eyes; she caught Stuart laughing and turned towards him with a harsh glare.“He’s bleeding.” He parroted in a funny manner, laughing even harder at his own joke.“You sick b*stard!” Leonica spat, labored breath p*ssing th
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Chapter 129 Rain Of Liberation.
The gun had gone off, the sound loud and clear, resonating loudly against the murky walls of whatever house Stuart had trapped her in. Leonica clammed her eyes shut, expecting the pain to come sooner or later, but it never did and the only thing that hit her body was Owen’s body.She peeled her eyes open at the contact and blood drained from her face when she saw that the waist side of the white Hoodie Owen was wear was slowly turning crimson red.All at once, it clicked in her head. He had been shot!“O-owen?” She sputtered, holding onto him as panic took over her quicker than she could ever have imagined.“I-I’m fine.” He groaned when his hand touched where the bullet had hit.“No you’re not. You’re bleeding!” Leonica pointed out the obvious, from the corner of her eyes; she caught Stuart laughing and turned towards him with a harsh glare.“He’s bleeding.” He parroted in a funny manner, laughing even harder at his own joke.“You sick b*stard!” Leonica spat, labored breath p*ssing th
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