All Chapters of The Luna's Law: Chapter 21 - Chapter 29
29 Chapters
Chapter 21
*Logan*"And now! Don't stop; concentrate on your opponent! Right, left, center!"I shouted commands from the sideline, never taking my eyes off Poppy and Gamma Chloé, who were punching each other like pros. My heart was pounding as I watched Poppy's progress in just a few months, but I was still afraid for her as I watched Chloé deliver blows to her so efficiently and precisely."Don't let your guard down! Up! Up! Now, double chin!"Poppy followed all my instructions, and Chloé's mate cheered on his wife from the other side. Both women did great, collecting points and improving their skills. Even though Chloé was a highly trained and experienced warrior, she sometimes buckled under Poppy's pressure. The people gathered around cheered the two women, but most of them chose Poppy, surprised and proud of her remarkable progress.Poppy's blows began to look like those thrown in a frenzy, thoughtlessly and definitely as if she was taking out her frustration, aggression, or pain on her oppo
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Chapter 22
*Poppy*I sat in an uncomfortable hospital chair and stared at Ryan, who was sleeping and hooked up to a drip. I shouldn't be so worried about his condition, but I couldn't help but feel guilty. I'm the one who put him in here. A part of me felt proud that I had defeated such a great and good warrior as Ryan. Still, on the other hand, there was a knocking fear in my heart that this fury might attack me again, and it wouldn't be directed at someone equal or Seamus but at someone close to me, maybe even weaker than me.'Stop blaming yourself for winning. Ryan understands he's a fighter himself.' Iris convinced me, but I couldn't look at this victory with full pride. Not after the way Chloé looks at me.'She is just jealous. She lost to Loser Poppy.' She growled, recalling Chloé's comments behind my back.
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Chapter 23
*Poppy*I watched as Daliah tried to call Tanner again but to no avail. His phone was still out of range, and the agreed emergency number was not answering. Arthur moved towards his wife and rubbed her shoulders, whispering reassuring words to which she nodded."Maybe Seamus started to suspect something. Maybe Tanner needs to be more careful and hide his phone; you said yourself that his last call was strange." I hinted, trying to comfort a frightened woman.It was the first time I had talked to Arthur or Daliah since I visited Autumn Pack. First, our trip was disrupted. Although I must admit that the help in overcoming the pain was pleasant, the fact that I allowed myself to be so stupidly surprised was not my best moment.Then, this sparring, which helped me more than running through the forest, also caused me a few additional problems. And I'm not talking about stupid gossip, which hasn't bothered me for a long time, but the fact that many people witnessed my little madness didn't
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Chapter 24
*Tanner*I heard water dripping into the metal bowl in the left corner of my cell. The cold and dampness of the musty floor made my body shiver, and a very sharp, frosty wind pierced me, causing a fever. My eyes were tired and sleepy, and my eyelids were too heavy to lift, but my brain screamed at me to move."How long do we have to keep him here? It's been almost ten days, and the guy hasn't said a word.""We are to hold him until he arrives. We are not paid to extract information from him; they will take care of that."I heard the muffled but still quite distinct voices of several men talking nearby. Although slightly muffled, my hearing still registered everything that was happening around me."Time for another dose."This announcement made me panic and made my heart beat faster. I knew what these words meant, and I was afraid that I would no longer be able to resist the effects of the drug. Otis was already so heavily intoxicated that his further resistance wavered. Even though I
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Chapter 25
*Tanner*"As you can see, I took the liberty of providing a little protection in case you betray me again. I hope you don't mind me bringing a guest." Seamus got up from his chair and slowly walked towards my Rose."N-no!" I tried to scream, "R-roseee!" I tried to make a full sound, but my tongue seemed too heavy.My heart sped up to an almost steady beat as his foot nudged my mate's delicate shoulder. Otis woke up for a second, and I growled at my Alpha in warning."U hu hu. Well, well, what a display of aggression. I just wanted to say hello to our little human being." Seamus mocked, crouching down next to Rose, revealing the dark cloth from her face that covered her entire body."Pretty. It's a pity she's an ordinary human. Such people usually die quickly." He added, playing with her red strands, causing me to feel fear, panic, and rage that I couldn't do anything. This drug gradually knocked me off my feet, leaving only my mind able to process reality."L-leave h-her." I pleaded,
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Chapter 26
*Poppy*I stood in a beautiful long blue tulle dress, staring at my reflection in the dark window, watching the snow fall on its glass. I felt out of place, out of my skin; although the dress, shoes, and the whole arrangement made me feel like a charming woman, I felt like a usurper in someone else's fairy tale.I took another sip of champagne that was too dry for my taste and turned towards the ballroom, looking for the one face in the crowded room I didn't want to see but forced myself to encounter to gain an advantage for my case.I noticed some of Seamus's good friends, who surprisingly didn't even look at me, apart from the typical male salivation over my body as if it was the next snack on their menu. I haven't seen or sensed Seamus anywhere. The lustful looks gave me creeps, and I turned around and focused on the golden carvings in the columns surrounding the windows. I didn't think such a situation would happen to me, especially in the face of the royal family, for whom mate b
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Chapter 27
*Poppy*Another hour passed, and I could feel Logan's eyes on me, although he did not need to watch me. Seamus didn't show up. There was neither him nor his Beta nor the fake woman he exchanged me for. To tell you the truth, I felt devastated. I was sure that Seamus would not let go of such an opportunity to shine in the salons, especially if it involved the royal family and the possibility of obtaining their support.I glanced to my left, where Alexander and Anastasia were accepting another gift from another couple, showing their gratitude for the invitation and their support and devotion to our leaders. Anastasia looked phenomenal in her black and scarlet dress with quite bold gold lace along the entire length. Her warm but trained smile never left her face, and her eyes shone with happiness and joy, although this was probably due to the champagne her waiter supplied her with hec
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Chapter 28
*Poppy*"I can't believe it! Arranged marriage?" I gasped, almost spilling all the contents of my ceramic mug."Can you believe it? And to think that Lex rejected the proposal without seeing the bride. But it would be funny if he realized what a fool he was if it was too late." Easton laughed as he drank the last drop of wine straight from the bottle."I wonder what he would have done then. Did he accept his fate, or did he kill me to have Anastasia?" He thought, turning the empty bottle of wine in his hands.I blinked several times, wondering if it was my imagination or the effect of two cups of wine giving me the images. I noticed a slight mischievous smile on Easton's lips, but it quickly disappeared or wasn't there initially."The question is, what would you do?" I answered with a question, although I didn't think I would hear the answer."I would kill."I heard the answer, and I was stunned. Shocked, I looked at Easton, staring off into the distance with his look, which I had pre
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Chapter 29
*Logan*I stood like a statue, trying to control my body, which was shaking with rage. Gunnar struggled to get outside and sink his fangs, claws, whatever into the disgusting skin of the man touching our woman."Excuse me, Your Majesty, but is everything alright? I thought I heard a growl?" Alpha, whose name I don't even remember anymore, asked, baring his neck, pulling his daughter away from me even though her eyes were devouring me, not realizing that she was in a life-threatening situation."I'm sorry, but we must move this conversation to another time. I have some urgent business to attend to." I drawled through my teeth, trying to sound as neutral as possible.But even that didn't work out today because the man let out a whimper, and his daughter moaned with pleasure, filling the space with the scent of her arousal. Gunnar growled again, this time disgusted by her horniness, and directed his disgust at the tall, handsome Alpha, who was currently leading an unease Poppy to the dan
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