All Chapters of MATED TO THE MATED ALPHA: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
74 Chapters
MORRIS"Her only daughter, Riley, can be of help to you." She added as she read the shocked expressions on our faces. "She lives in the Vampire realm. A consort to the Vampire king." The news was worst than the initial one she gave us. Vampire realm. No werewolf or Lycan had ever set foot into their realm. They were an entire different specie from us and a great danger to our kind. How then could we reach Riley? The Vampire Realm wasn't far from here. An hours worth of horse ride was all but it wasn't easy going there. The Vampires were the worst kind of creatures according to our books and they weren't merciful enough to anyone, even amongst their species."How is Riley a consort to a vampire?" Our kinds could never be mated to the Vampires. The heavens were a witness to the enemity between us. How was a Werewolf a consort to a vampire, that was what I desperately wanted to know. "The blessed one wasn't a werewolf. She was a witch and so is her daughter. Find her and you shall get t
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MORRIS"No, you won't." A loud voice sounded from high above the fence. The relief that filled my veins was immediate. My warm feet and tensed body instantly relaxed as I looked up at the fence and saw a lady standing there. Tall, bronze skin, different from the vampires, her hair auburn and in braids. Even from that far I could see the black she lined her eyes with. Riley. It must be her. How did she know, we were seeking for her? Her powers must be extreme, if she sensed our distressed calls to her even in silence. The vampires face gloomed as they heard her voice. They definitely didn't appreciate Riley's interruption. They were in the mood for some play and blood sucking."They're my guests and you shall welcome them immediately." They didn't. They just turned their backs on us and walked towards the large gates. I turned around, to make sure the guards and female attendants were behind me. The vampires couldn't be trusted, especially when they were this hungry. The grand ga
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ARIA It felt like I was finally floating on top of the water I've been drowned in. It was cold. I was sweating profusely but I was still shivering from the heat. My body was weak and tired. My eyes were cloudy, the vision was blury and I couldn't keep them open for long. I was confused about my location, where I was. I couldn't seem to think about the circumstance i was in. All I did know was I had people around me, hovering over me and it was uncomfortable. I felt an uncomfortable hand lift my head up and place something at my lips. I shifted away, the metallic smell twisting my insides but the person's grip on me became stronger. My jaw was gripped, forcing my lips apart. I moaned lightly in pain from the force but kept my mouth open. A thick liquid was poured into my mouth immediately. I coughed out at first, feeling the warm spatters on my skin but more liquid was poured into my mouth. My nose was pinched, stopping airflow, restricting my respiration. In dire desperation to ta
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ADRIANTHREE MONTHS LATERI tried so hard to scribble words on the yellow paper but I couldn't. This was my life now. I spent most of my hours in the study working my ass off. There was nothing to look forward to. No female waiting for me in the chambers, no pup waiting to see his or her daddy. Just plain old me. Three moons were long gone and I was still at status quo, waiting for Aria to show up and be in my arms, to share the love all over again but it never happened. Instead, I heard an unexpected news, a news that shocked me to the core. The words caused my heart so much pain and turmoil and for the first time since she left, it was as if a bucket of iced water was poured on me. I needed to wake up from a dream I've forced myself to believe. Aria wasn't coming back. She had a new life now. She was progressing. I needed to progress too. Word is, the Lycan King Maddock of Verner was expecting a pup after waiting long years. It is said that the moons have finally blessed him. If A
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ARIAIt was weird, looking at myself in the blurry mirror. Time and time again, I always felt something was amiss everytime my eyes landed on myself but I couldn't pin point anything. Its been at least three moons and some days but I couldn't stop thinking about myself. I felt an empty space in my heart everytime but I still couldn't find out what was missing. But most importantly, I was comfortable. I had successfully learnt a lot of skills, fencing, kombat and sword fighting and most days, I felt contented when I wasn't thinking of what went wrong in my life at a point.Today was just like any other day. I was to have tea with Morris who was heavily pregnant with a Lycan pup. After a warm bath, I was dressed into an orange morning gown and my hair was kept straight. Morris was already seated on her comfortable sofa, wearing a light pink open gown when I arrived. She had numerous pillows behind her back and her feet were stretched on a side table. "Fancy seeing you here." I greeted
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ADRIANI hated her. Everything about her. From her scent down to her physical appearance. Moons, I even hated her voice. She wasn't Aria. She was no way close to being as beautiful as Aria is. I was at the main entrance of the palace when the carriage arrived. The need for a carriage? I saw none. She was gracefully helped out of the carriage by one of my guards, the action irritated me so. This female wasn't a noble, why the hell was she acting like one? I forced a smile up my tight face and decided I was overreacting. It was best to welcome her with a clear head, not to be biased but each second that I watched her fueled to my anger at Zach. This is his sister he claimed is very beautiful? Her face was too oval, her nose was too wide, her skin was too tanned, her eyebrows were too carved and her lips were just too bold for my liking. How was I supposed to place a kiss on her lips during mating? I groaned and looked away. I chose to stare at my shining new brown boots. I decided to
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ADRIANFour ladies and counting, all rejected by me. Their parents weren't too happy, how could they be? Everyone had hope that I would choose their daughter because apparently, every daughter was perfect in their eyes but not for me. One way or the other I found something incredibly wrong or off about them. For example, Natalie, the second lady that graced this castle with her presence was just too quiet and plain. Valerie, the third was over excited and so fidgety. The last one who came yesterday, Monica was perfectly okay for me, the problem I had was with her name. I believed it was just too old fashioned. Monica? No. Not in my wildest nightmare.The Beta's were seriously offended by my actions but I could care less. If I was to tie the knot with a female, it had to be at my complete convenience. Nothing more. Right now, I was seated in the study with a petite female that was brought to me. What was her name again, Rachel. Rachael was shy, based on my observations and she was a l
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ADRIAN"Where is she? Where is Veronica?" I bellowed again, my saliva spatting at Thomas's face. He squinted his eyes and stepped back immediately. I walked out and collared the guard, thrusting my lit torch to Thomas. I dragged the guard out and pushed him against the cemented floor, his armor clanking against the floor. The rest of the guards fell to their knees in submission, to pacify my anger."Where is Veronica?! I bellowed again, my hands coming up to my face in frustration. This couldn't be happening. Not now. Not today. "Where is she?" The guards straightened themselves on their knees before bowing their head to the floor. I didn't want their lousy respect, I wanted answers. I wanted to deeply know how they failed to guard the only prisoner I had in the palaces dungeons. My anger was directed at Thomas most especially. I put him in charge of Veronica. I could remember clearly, that night. I chose to trust him with discharging thIs affair and he failed miserably? What was hi
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ADRIAN"You will never find her. Not when it's time for her, to come for your soul." I saw red. Blood shot in my eyes. The man had a sneer on his face as he spoke. His words pierced into my heart, igniiting my anger. I found myself walking towards him before I realised it, my sword ready to wield in my hand."She will come back for your head and rule this kingdom." The man spat at my face. He coughed out a phlegm and spat towards my feet. His eyes held a certain recognition. He knew he would die but he still spoke carelessly. He was willingly giving away his life for Veronica. "We are more, more in number than your loyal subjects. More than you can ever think of. You're done for, Adrian!" With an accelerated heartbeat, I wielded the sword and slashed his fat throat. He still had that smile even as the life got out of him. He didn't try to grip his throat. His hands stayed by his side as the blood to flowed. Only large choking choking sounds could be heard from him. Large spots of
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ADRIAN Zachary had a huge frown on his face as he walked by the guards side towards the main palace entrance just before dusk. This wasn't my orders. They were supposed to confine him and drag him here. Not allow him to walk comfortably. And where was the rest of his family members? They had to be punished too. A traitor admist a family soiled the rest, even if they prove to be innocent. I turned away from the window, fresh anger radiating through me. I haven't been at ease since I found out this development in my kingdom and I had to get to the bottom of it immediately. Even as I stood far from the study window, I could still see what was happening below. The guards held his arm as they escorted him into the palace. He either already knew what I was summoning him for, the guards I sent probably had a traitor admist them or it's possible they are all traitors. I walked away from the window amd made my way to the Throne room, Thomas and some few guards behind me. I wasn't at e
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