All Chapters of Fuck me hard, Daddy: Chapter 31 - Chapter 33
33 Chapters
Long awaited sex
 Camille's POV Pain mixed with pleasure filled my head, driving me nuts. My hands gripped the bedsheet as he fitted the clamp properly around my pussy lips, stretching me, exposing me.   Tears stung my eyes and I struggled to think straight. “Daddy,” I gasped. “It's too much.”  “You can take it, pet,” He murmured, caressing my exposed clit lightly. I moaned at the warm liquid pleasure that filled my veins with his touch.    “Please,” I begged. I just wanted his cock. I thought he was going to fuck me, not punish me some more.   “Please what,” He whispered, his hand growing more insistent as they stroked my exposed clit. He leaned down, taking a nipple into his mouth.   My hands flew up to his hair, holding him in place.  &nbs
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Shattered control
 Gavriel's POV “Fuck!” I cursed, gritting my teeth as my pet’s tight walls clamped around my cock. Clamped was a fucking understatement. They squeezed so hard, threatening to milk my cock dry.   “You’re tight. Too fucking tight!”  Her heat and juices flooded my shaft and for a second, it was almost too much. The minx had orgasmed with just a thrust. She must have been so close to the edge.   As her walls squeezed against my shaft, I withdrew and thrusted right back in, fucking her through her orgasm.   Her eyes opened slightly and that pert mouth formed an ‘O’ before she fell limply against the bed, whimpering.   Those walls twitched harder, making it so fucking hard to get my cock in. And hell that felt so damned good. I pulled my cock out, watching her
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Baiting him
 Camille's POV “I need the files on the fashion shows in Italy.” Gavriel's voice buzzed through the intercom.   I glared at the device before standing up with a sigh. Walking into his office, I glared at him, folding my arms. “I dropped the file on your desk this morning.”  “Well I can't find it,” he grunted, his eyes fixed on his laptop screen.   He would not look at me. Just like he hadn't all through the morning. And he seemed rather hell bent on acting like he hadn't had his cock in my pussy yesterday.  “Did you check?” I scoffed , feeling irritated with him. Yesterday was amazing. Until it wasn't. He ruined it all with his silly attachment to my father.   Okay perhaps it wasn't silly. And I would admit, his loyalty to my dad was amazing and commendable.&n
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