All Chapters of The Heiress' Return: Six Brothers at Her Beck and Call: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
348 Chapters
Chapter 121 Boyfriend Out of Nowhere
It was obvious that Harry wasn't entirely happy with that. The reporter was dumbfounded. Everyone else seemed to find this situation awkward as well, particularly the Short family, who were also present. They'd always been the face of Southbury, and Christian had always been the focus of attention during grand occasions where outside guests were present. On the other hand, Harry told the Short family they were not as important as they thought. However, he was the second-in-command of Grand Construction Corporation, a company even the municipal authorities had to treat with respect, so the Short family could only hold their resentment in. …Sarah laughed as she watched this unfold on TV. "This man must be a powerful businessman. The head of the Short family wouldn't still be smiling otherwise."After Aria ended the call, she said in surprise, "Do you know the Short family personally, Ms. Johnson?""I don't know them that well. I'm closer to your grandma." Sarah harrumphed. "E
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Chapter 122 Who Made Landon End the Meeting
Aria said calmly, "He went on a business trip."Unexpectedly, Sarah came to the rescue. "I can prove that she isn't lying to you about this, Georgina. I saw him get in his car, which is super expensive, by the way. The car itself is worth six million dollars!"Aria didn't connect the dots between six million dollars and Landon's Maybach. She was currently sending a message to her overly handsome patient.The contents were simple. "I'm borrowing you for a while."Sickly Beauty: "What do you mean?"Aria: "I'll explain later."Sickly Beauty: "Sure."Only after gaining permission from the subject himself did Aria stop feeling guilty. Georgina was worried. "I didn't know he's from such a wealthy family. After getting together with him, would you be…"Aria said promptly, "He listens to me."Georgina was happy. "That's great, then!"Aria was about to sigh in relief when Georgina said, "Why do I feel like something's wrong here? The two of you have known each other only briefly, ri
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Chapter 123 We're in A Relationship
Aria smiled. "Grandma was asking what you wanted for dinner. She'll make them for you for when you come back."Landon noticed how Aria was acting differently from usual. "Grandma?"Aria's gaze didn't waver as she said, "She's beside me right now."Georgina felt embarrassed after she was mentioned. She muttered, touching her nose, "I was worried that you were lying to me." Aria smiled. "Do you believe me now?"Georgina nodded, her eyes filled with happiness. There was word on the streets about how Landon was the smartest member of the York family. That was true, seeing as how Landon smiled after hearing Georgina's words. "What did she lie to you about, Grandma?"He didn't call Georgina Ms. Harris, but instead went with what Aria called her. That took Georgina by surprise. "I was overthinking things. Aria told me the two of you are in a relationship, but I didn't believe it.""In a relationship…" Landon's gaze fell on Aria's beautiful face as he enunciated the words slowly. I
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Chapter 124 Aria Became Popular
Landon seemed to have picked up on what was on Solo's mind. While fiddling with his rosary bracelet, he said, "Have those gowns made and delivered to Clearwater Alley.""Oh! You're buying them for Dr. Genius!" Solo thought it was fine, as nothing was special with that. After all, Landon and Aria were good friends, with a deep and enduring bond between them. However, Landon added, "Leave a note saying this is from her boyfriend.""What?" Solo almost sank to his knees on the floor. Landon said coolly and casually, "How are you supposed to spy for Grandpa when you cannot even handle such news?"Solo thought about how he would gladly give the job to whoever wanted it, as he really could not figure out Landon. …Harry was currently on a commercial street in Southbury. A group of people followed after him, talking about their projects and investments in a bid to reel this wealthy man from Janovin into investing his money. Marshall was among them, but he did not get to be seated
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Chapter 125 Aria is More Capable than You Think
Sophia added, "She's really popular. Do you want to take a look—"Karen interrupted her, saying, "Ms. Bush, I know you're close to Georgina, but I don't want to hear anything about them."She left promptly after that as if the mere mention of Aria disgusted her.Jane nudged Sophia, saying, "Why did you bring this up to her?"Sophia curled her lip. "I wanted to remind her not to set herself up for failure, but she refused to accept my kindness."The young woman Georgina had taken under her wing was competent, to the extent of getting on the Super Hot Trending List after live streaming for the first time. However, Karen hadn't considered that at all. She was as dumb as rocks, indeed. …It was evident that Karen would get in the car in a bad mood. "That damn girl's embarrassing me again. She could do anything, but she just had to start live-streaming. She is basically begging for money online. How humiliating!"Marshall's face was dark as he shut the car door. Noticing his disp
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Chapter 126 Cutting Him Off
Marshall was annoyed by Georgina's stubbornness. "Mom! It's been 20 years since you'd caused the death of a patient, and they finally stopped paying attention to that, but you just had to draw everyone's attention to you again! You're bringing misfortune to our family!""How dare you!" Georgina raised her walking stick, about to bring it down on Marshall. However, Marshall gave her a bank card, saying, "You're already old, Mom, so stop being so stubborn. I know you don't like hearing what Karen says, but she's my wife. You should understand where I'm coming from, right?"Georgina bit out, clenching her fists, "I'd rather I didn't have a son like you.""Mom, please refrain from expressing sentiments you don't genuinely feel." Marshall supported her as she stood. "Did the York family return the Whisperwind Herb to you? Mom, listen to me. My company's not doing well right now, so can you give it to me again?"Georgina's chest was rising and falling from her deep breaths. "And I wond
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Chapter 127 Someone Aversive to Sam
Sam believed that the fish were too weak and that their deaths were not his fault at all. Georgina was perplexed too. "Why does something always happen to the living beings in the market whenever you go there?"Sam looked up with the pork burger between his teeth. Georgina changed his outfit for him. "Whatever. It's just a few buckets of fish."Aria raised a brow, looking at the crabs coughing up white foam. "It's probably not just a few buckets of fish, Grandma."Georgina felt a headache coming on. She pinched Sam's arm. "Look at you! You should hide now lest Ms. Weaver catches sight of you."As if that'd work—Edith showed up a mere few minutes later, asking, "Where's Sam?"Edith looked especially intimidating with her plump figure standing akimbo. Sam wanted to make an appearance, but Aria pushed him down calmly. Sam gestured, "What if she bullies Grandma?"Aria looked at him. "They're good friends, so they're just gonna banter for a while. This gives Grandma something to
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Chapter 128 Too Accurate
The comments flashed by too fast. Aria was still teaching Georgina how to put on her mic when she asked, "What are they saying? Should I put on my glasses and read the comments?"Aria laughed. "They're commenting in support of you." She looked at the screen. "Thanks for the gift, TryingtoAvoidFailing. You shouldn't be careless even after you've recovered from your sickness."Thank you to all the friends who followed our livestream, too. Today will be the same as last time—we'll offer free online consultations to three people."SoPretty: "Have you really taken your grandma here as well?"ABigAccount: "So she's another streamer putting on an act. How boring!"PassionateBrother: "The streamer is likely contemplating, 'Well, the script's set. Let's figure out how to deliver it convincingly.'"PikaCat: "Those who think that the streamer is putting on an act can watch the recording from yesterday. A medical professor was here yesterday, thank you."ABigAccount: "And that's hard? P
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Chapter 129 What It Means to Be Rich
Once again, the stream surged to the top of the trending list. Initially third on the local charts, it had now ascended to a prominent position on the national ranking.The moderator praised himself for his sharp eyes again. He reviewed the contract Aria had signed and registered Heartbound Hall in this competition. Every year-end, Shark held a competition to determine the top ten most popular streamers on the platform. Those among the top ten would then be awarded a sum of prize money.The streamer in tenth place would be awarded 100,000 dollars, and the sum would increase by a hundred thousand dollars by every rank. Additionally, the streamers would also have the opportunity to attend a year-end party in Janovin.The moderator noticed that Aria didn't care much about all that, so he thought he'd register on her behalf. He believed she had a good chance of entering the top ten. While she couldn't compete with the big-shot streamers and their massive fanbases, her popularity was
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Chapter 130 Mr. York's Gifts Kept Coming
Aria paused in surprise. York?"Holy shit, a Holy Emperor!""This streamer is amazing! This is only her second time streaming, but a Holy Emperor has already visited her stream and given her a Meteor Shower! I'm jealous!"That wasn't the end of it, though. Another system notification appeared. "Holy Emperor VIP: York gave Heartbound Hall two Meteor Showers. 100 Galaxies will be randomly gifted to viewers in the stream!"LikeYouLots: "Holy mother! 100 Galaxies!"Night11: "A Meteor Shower costs 5,000 dollars, so three Meteor Showers amount to 15,000 in total, right?"GettingAJob: "Shh, stop talking. Mr. York is still giving her gifts!"WannaDate: "Hey, Helen's fans, do you feel like clowns now?"A Meteor Shower didn't only bring profits to the streamer. A stream that had received a Meteor Shower as a gift would also be publicly announced on the platform. This meant that anyone who entered the platform would see this stream. Aside from that, the Galaxies that would randomly
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