All Chapters of The Heiress' Return: Six Brothers at Her Beck and Call: Chapter 321 - Chapter 330
344 Chapters
Chapter 321 Aria is Talented
"Grandpa, who designed this house?" Aria asked as she approached the lily pond. The miniature landscape was designed with flair, containing some greenery and water features to it.Warren thought she found the landscape pretty. Thus, he smiled and said, "Your eldest brother hired an overseas designer. If you like the design, I can ask him for the contact." A smile curled on Aria's thin lips. "Sure. The design seems to incorporate many elements from our country. The turquoise pebbles symbolize good fortune, right?" Warren's eyes lit up. "Rainbow, you even have knowledge about this?"Aria smiled. "I read some books here and there. Grandpa, the design is lovely, but I think there's a clash of elements. For example, the direction of the flowing water could signify financial loss."Then, she pointed at the corner skylight. "Additionally, the skylight creates a missing corner in the house. This can be detrimental to health and business, and its effects will worsen over time. It needs t
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Chapter 322 Fresh Air in the Room
Despite Warren being concerned about the many problems in the house, he was pleased that Aria was so knowledgeable. After all, she even knew a thing or two about interior design. Aria was way more accomplished than his friends' grandchildren, whose knowledge was gained from textbooks. After surveying Warren's bedroom, she ordered all the plants to be removed. Only a chamomile plant was left behind to improve sleep quality. Her primary goal was to locate the source of the poison, but she ended up uncovering numerous design flaws in the room.Aria would have disregarded it if it had only been a few problems. After all, people nowadays wouldn't take this concept into consideration when designing their houses.However, it struck Aria as odd that issues were everywhere in the room. If she hadn't looked closely, she might have missed them.Aria's expression turned grim as she stood in the middle of the room. It was difficult for her to believe such a layout was a coincidence.Prestig
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Chapter 323 A Room for Warren
Although Keith was in his late 30s, he had been working for the Carver family for a long time. His father had been Warren's secretary before him, and Keith now served Warren. Warren was the only person he would willingly work for; otherwise, he would have left for another job.Many headhunters had offered him other job opportunities, but Keith decided he would only leave when Warren no longer needed him. With Aria's return, Keith solidified his decision even further."Ms. Carver bears a resemblance to you and Mrs. Carver Senior. Like you, she's very polite to us staffers." Keith rarely spoke his mind so openly.Warren sighed. "If only my health didn't cause such inconvenience to you all."Keith immediately replied, "It's not your fault! With Ms. Carver around, she'll definitely treat us with respect."Aria was unsure why she became the center of the conversation again.Warren beamed with pride. "Don't you think her kindness reflects mine from when I was younger?""That's for sur
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Chapter 324 Dead Fish
The person who spoke wore a hood that covered his features. "Yes. I followed your instructions and set the traps. They're so subtle that nobody would notice. Besides, Warren is arrogant and scoffs at fortune tellers. The Carver family will crumble within two years, tops."The old man seated on the chair began slowly, "I've told you repeatedly, our goal isn't to eradicate the entire Carver family."The old man rose to his feet. "There are many of them in the Carver family, so let's deal with them one by one. It won't take long till the old one dies. Those who don't usually come home will be hard to deal with, but I have my eyes on the youngest son. The entertainment industry is ruthless, after all."The hooded man slowly smiled. "You're right. I almost forgot about him. He's much easier to deal with than the others."The old man fiddled with his beads. "Don't make it too obvious. Go on.""Yes, sir."It took them more than a decade to set up a trap in the Carver residence's layout.
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Chapter 325 Private Conversation
"What happened?" Aria raised an eyebrow at Sam as she set down her black bag. Sam pointed at Landon, trying to shift the blame onto him.Landon glanced at the aquarium and smiled meaningfully. "I don't think we can go to the aquarium tomorrow with Sam's special ability."Aria also noticed the dead fish and knew she couldn't hide Sam's condition any longer. Thus, she popped a piece of candy in her mouth and smiled. "Let's go downstairs and talk."Georgina was just peeling an apple for her. "Why can't you talk here?""It's about the Carver family, which Landon is more familiar with. Plus, it's confidential," Aria explained. Upon hearing that, Georgina didn't object further. Landon approached Aria and casually said, "Okay. We can also discuss meeting my parents while we're down there."Sam's eyes widened in horror, and Aria stopped chewing her candy.Georgina was the only one who smiled. "That's quite thoughtful of you, Landon. There's no rush, though. You guys haven't been da
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Chapter 326 A Perfect Match
Landon slid the plate of steak he had cut to Aria. "Mindy really wants to get married to me, but I rejected her."Aria was quite taken aback."I wanted to tell you early to avoid any misunderstanding," he explained wearily. "As my supposed girlfriend, you seem unfazed by all the gossip."Aria took a bite of the steak he had cut up for her. "I do care. It's just that I haven't caught wind of it yet. Stay away from her, though.""Okay," Landon replied, amused. He wondered if Aria was jealous of Mindy.The answer, however, was far from it. "She has an unusual scent that might be harmful to your health," Aria said."That's it?" Landon asked with a low voice.As the saxophonist was just nearby, Aria couldn't hear Landon clearly. "What did you say?""Nothing important. Did you suspect Mindy of having bad intentions towards the Carvers? What have you discovered now?" Landon's smile was pleasant.Aria couldn't help but think that he was way too smart for his own good. He always saw th
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Chapter 327 Staying in His Presidential Suite
"What an honor." Landon's smile widened upon hearing Aria's compliment. For some reason, the gold-rimmed glasses he wore made him look even more playful. The York family's bodyguards had never seen Landon like this before, and they were quite surprised.They were impressed that Aria dared to tease Landon. After all, the socialities couldn't even get close to him at parties, let alone tease him.However, Aria didn't seem to fear him at all. Her carefree attitude made it seem like she had Landon wrapped around her finger, though the bodyguards wouldn't dare to say it out loud.By how Aria teased and complimented him so naturally, it seemed that she often did something similar."That's settled then. You're mine now." After Aria made up her mind, she didn't like sharing what was hers.Landon twirled her long hair. "Yes, I'm yours.""Find out everything you can about the young woman the Carvers are sponsoring," Aria requested, yawning. Exhaustion was evident in her voice. "I can't p
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Chapter 328 Living Together
Landon frowned but answered the call anyway. The person on the other end of the line seemed to be worried he would get angry. He explained frantically, "Boss, we're still working on getting a higher profit margin from our side. It's around 10% now, and I know you're not satisfied with it. As for Barry…"The phone call had attracted Aria's attention. When she looked over, she widened her eyes. Landon gently turned her head. "Don't move. I don't want to burn you with the dryer.""Go on and take the call. I can finish drying my hair." Aria felt it was inappropriate for him to blow-dry her hair while in a meeting.Landon chuckled. "I'm blow-drying my fiancée's hair right now. Can you hold off the report for a minute?"On the other end of the line, Edward Sarris was speechless. Collecting himself, he stuttered, "Go ahead, Boss! I'm sorry for disturbing you."Edward wondered why he had chosen to call five minutes before the official meeting. This awkward moment could have been avoid
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Chapter 329 Aria Dreamt Again
Landon's body tensed as he stared at her with dark, inscrutable eyes. Their noses almost touched when he leaned closer. His touch made his Adam's apple bob slightly.Janovin was usually windy after fall began. Yet, the room was eerily quiet as the wind howled outside.Aria furrowed her eyebrows slightly, perhaps disliking the coolness of his rosary beads. When Landon looked at her, his side profile seemed to give off a sense of danger.His handsome face appeared different, unreadable.Landon leaned down and caressed her face. Then, he muttered, "You have no idea the things I could do to you."He wasn't even sure what he was capable of. Yet, Aria seemed blissfully unaware.His gaze flickered between her eyes and lips. His hand beside her tightened, betraying the struggle for control within him. The strain reddened his eyes.Landon coughed and inadvertently dispersed dust from his rosary beads, revealing a faint glow as his gaze deepened further.Finally, he lifted her from the b
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Chapter 330 He Kissed Her
Aria couldn't care less about the marriage, and Landon seemed equally disinterested. So, Aria told his grandfather to call it off. When people later compared her to Mindy, Landon replied, "The Carver family values blood relations, and the person I was engaged to is Ms. Carver. It's not that I don't want her or anything. She's the one who didn't like me. Stop spreading nonsense."By then, Landon was already suffering from severe coughing fits, yet he stood up for Aria in a circle where everyone seemed to despise her. This happened after Warren had passed away.Everything after that was a blur for Aria. When she finally intended to visit and check on him, news came of his car accident. Aria couldn't understand why he had suddenly ended up in such a situation.Aria abruptly woke up, instinctively shielding her eyes from the sunlight. For a moment, she couldn't discern whether she was dreaming or awake. It was only when she turned her head and touched Landon's pajamas that she breathe
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