All Chapters of His Games, Her Rules: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
65 Chapters
“Hey, honey bunch. I don’t think I will be able to come home tonight. Be safe and don’t miss me too much. Kisses.” I sit on the bench outside St. José as I listen to Monique’s voicemail that she’d left on my phone when I was working.I roll my eyes at the voice note she’d left and smile. Monique had told me she’d met a guy at the gym a few weeks ago. She thought the guy was hot, she showed me his picture and I felt like he was okay. Maybe a Casanova, I didn’t tell her that actually. He was too good-looking for his own sake. I think he’d ask her out last week and she gladly accepted.It’s not in my shoes to tell her Mr. Hot and Gorgeous is not the one, she’s going to have to find out sooner. I assured myself that. Monique believes in love, in fact, she’d always wanted to find the right guy, the perfect one for her. But the men she’s been dating are the opposite of what she wants for herself.There was a time I told her to take a break from relationships and their drama, she’d told me s
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As if he can feel a pair of eyes staring at him, Dominique turns to look at me, eyes locking with mine for a long moment in an intense gaze. He furrows his eyebrows, a smirk slowly creeping up to his lips as he shifts his gaze to Doctor Sanders who’s watching me patiently. Doctor Sanders slowly turns around to stare at what’s got my attention which only makes Dominique stare at Doctor Sanders with squinted eyes. I know that look, I just don’t want to believe it.Why on earth would he be concerned with who I’m out with?“You two know each other?” Doctor Sanders turns to look at me as he asks.“Not really.”“You were a little… you know, surprised to see him. And distracted.”“Oh. It’s nothing.” I assure the doctor, locking eyes with Dominique again for a second as I look away.Why is he here? Why the fuck is he here?He’s with a woman. I can’t tell what she looks like because she’s backing me, but from her backview, she sure looks like a woman with class. Why would I expect less from Do
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DOMINIQUE“Aren’t we gonna address the elephant in the room?” Camilla asks, turning around in her seat with her judgmental look.“And if I may ask, what elephant is that?”“Dom, you know what I’m talking about.”Oh, I know what she’s talking about, I’m just not willing to talk about it with her.I turn to look at her, eyebrows furrowing as I run my gaze over my sister. Camilla takes after our mother, brown eyes, olive skin, chestnut brown hair, and she’s petite just like our mother.“You two seemed like you were having a heated argument.”“Are you gonna drop it or should I be forced to ignore you?”“God, you’re an asshole,” Camilla says, shaking her head as she crosses her arms against her chest.“Why exactly are you in New York anyway? Shouldn’t you be back in LA preparing for your wedding?” I ask.It was a shocker when Camilla visited New York a few months ago with a diamond ring on her finger and a man by her side. We all thought Camilla was never going to get married, at least any
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“One Diet Coke for you…” Monique places the coke in front of me. “A milkshake for you, Tiwa.” Monique plants a cup of milkshake on the table in front of Tiwa.“Thank you,” Tiwa says, her attention focused on the Jenga tower that we’ve built. “And… an extra large box of pizza for all of us.” Monique drops the pizza on the table as she sits down.“Easy or you’re gonna make all our hard work topple to the ground,” I say, slowly slipping out a Jenga block and grinning.“How the fuck are you 26?” Monique asks me, opening the box of pizza.“Go fuck yourself,” I say with a big smile on my face as I watch Tiwa pull out a block and everything comes tumbling down.“Oh shit!” I chuckle, both palms covering my mouth.“Oh, my God.” Tiwa giggles.“And I just fucking won. Come on now, pay up, hon.” I smile, palms open for my winning prize.“You guys bet on this?” Monique asks, a slice of pizza in her hand as she takes a bite.Tiwa groans and pulls out a hundred-dollar bill from her bag and she slam
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“Robbie? We’re waiting for deets.” Monique says, snapping her fingers in my face. I slap her fingers away, playfully glaring at her.“There are no fun deets. Nothing happened, really. I just had dinner with Richard.”“Richard? Who is Richard?” Tiwa asks, with Monique staring at me with a small smirk playing on her lips.“Doctor Sanders.”“Ooh.” They both say together, both girls wiggling their eyebrows and Monique going as far as biting her bottom lip.“Y’all are pervs.”“Oh, come on. He’s hot.” Tiwa points put.“Especially with that accent,” Monique says, air-quoting the word accent.I roll my eyes. “It was a friendly dinner. We talked mostly about work. Then Dominique Gray showed up and fucked shit up with his masculinity and dominance. Fucking asshole.” I mumble the last part.“Dominique showed up?” Tiwa asks.“Fucked shit up, how?” Monique asks.“You know? Inquiring if we were dating and then it felt like he was threatening me that he would report us if we were actually dating.”“
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“Voila, what do you think?” Monique appears in my room as she does a 360 and poses for me, a smirk gracing her lips.I swivel around in my dresser chair as I look at her, glancing at the outfit and her look.“Are you gonna say something anytime soon?”“Don’t you think it’s a little slutty?”“Great. That’s what I was going for.” She says as she smiles and walks toward my dresser mirror, standing beside me as she cleans the smear of lipstick on the corner of her lips and smacks her lips together.“I thought we were going for hot-and-sexy today,” I say, running my fingers through my wavy hair as I stare at my reflection in the mirror.“Ugh. I thought this looked good.”“You look good, really. With the whole denim shorts and crop top and boots. I’m wearing a dress.”“Yeah, you should fit that tight ass in a dress. You’re not gonna get some in some jeans anyway.”“There’s nothing wrong with wearing jeans.”“I know. But men stare at women in dresses more than they stare at women in jeans.”
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DOMINIQUE“Who knew refurbishing and reopening Club Rogue for the public would be this successful on our first night,” My younger brother, Leo, says as he stands next to me, arms on the glass panel as we stare at the down level.“There’s nothing like putting men, women, and alcohol in one room. People like shit like that.” I say, slipping a Cuban cigar in between my lips.Leo brings out a lighter from his suit jacket and lights the end of the cigar for me.“Thanks,” I say to him, eyes not leaving the people beneath us.Club Rogue is my brother’s second establishment. When he came to me five years ago with the idea of opening a club, a sex club actually, and asked me to invest in his idea with assurance I was going to get one-third of his income, I didn’t like the idea. I like to spend my money on things that matter, not things like nightclubs and kink clubs.My brother and my closest friend think it is weird. They believe since I like to spend most of my weekends in places like Club R
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DOMINIQUERobyn is no longer on the dance floor but in the bar area, sitting on one of the bar stools. As I approach her, I notice she’s calling the attention of the bartender who’s busy serving drinks to other customers.I stand on the left side of her, bringing out a few notes from my wallet as I hand it to the guy occupying the seat on her left.“Fuck off now, would you?” I say to the man. He gives me a nod and an apologetic smile as he picks up the notes and scurries away.I occupy the now empty seat, with my focus on the one woman who’s found her way into my mind and refuses to leave.“Who’s the beautiful lady in red?” I ask.Robyn turned to look at me like she knew it was me the minute I sat down. She flashes me a smirk, one that I haven’t seen on her since we met as she turns around in her seat so that she’s facing me.How drunk is she?“Look who it is. If it isn’t the infamous Mr. Gray.” She says in a whisper, letting her eyes travel down my body. For a second something flashe
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I slowly peel my eyes open, squinting and groaning as I place my hand on my forehead. God, my head hurts so bad, it feels like a party is going on in my head.How much did I drink last night?I peel my eyes wide open, coming face to face with the darkness in my room. But there’s something strange about this room, this doesn’t look like my room even though the room is a little dark. Even the sheets don't feel like mine. I run my fingers over the sheets and it’s silk. I don’t have silk sheets.“What’s going on? Where am I?” I groan, slowly sitting up.God, my mouth tastes like acid and my voice is a little hoarse.Fuck.The door at the corner of the room opens and someone walks in. I squint my eyes, trying to make out the person as this person pushes something apart, a ray of sunshine pours into the room.I shut my eyes at once, the sunlight burning my eyes.“Fuck.” I groan.“So sorry about that, ma’am.” A voice says and it’s a woman with a Spanish accent.I slowly open my eyes again as
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As I get dressed, I think about how I’m supposed to face the man I loathe after waking up in his bed half-naked and hungover because I may have had too much to drink and he brought me here.Goddamit, Robyn, how could you lose control of yourself like that? Why the fuck did I even let this happen?I run my fingers through my hair to comb out the tangles. I open the first drawer in the nightstand and fortunately, there’s a big toothcomb inside, along with other things that I’d rather not touch. I run the comb through my hair, combing out the strands. My hair is a little damp and luckily I always carry one or two rubber bands in my bag. I grab my bag from the foot of the bed and I take one rubber band, wrapping it around my hair in a low ponytail. I slip my feet inside my shoes and risk a glance at my reflection in the full-length mirror.Well, I don’t look that bad.I open the door that Helen came in with and I step into a hallway, with a few doors on either side of the hallway.Well,
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