All Chapters of Got Pregnant for the Billionaire: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
217 Chapters
131. Snobbish Character
Denny walked with his consciousness directed to the lady in suit red suit jacket at the bar counter even though he was about five tables away from his target. He was not looking directly at Caroline Winslet, but he kept asking Weston if he could see the target clearly, if the target had seen them already or if Denny's presence had her attention already. "Don't make your move too obvious," Denny reminded Weston."She is sitting with her chair facing this direction and one of her elbows leaning on the countertop while another hand is holding a wine glass," Weston feigned to call for assistance from the staff, so he looked up in the direction of the bar counter and raised his arm.Denny followed Weston's sight and tapped the bodyguard's shoulder; then, he started to walk to where the drinks could be ordered. The spot where his actual target of coming here was. Denny noticed Caroline was intently gazing at him, but he ignored her. He pretended he did not notice her at first, but when the
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132. A Psycho
"Huh? Really?" Denny gave the woman a side glance with his elbows leaning on the countertop. "I don't know...""Yes, we did," Caroline insisted with enthusiasm."I'm not sure about that, and I don't remember," Denny replied coldly. He was starting to get pissed with her enthusiasm. He was inwardly itching to ask her direct questions he was getting so worked out satisfying with answers."My name is Caroline Winslet," Caroline introduced herself, unaware that Denny had already seen her file sent by the private investigator. "You're Danny Vero, right?" she asked with confidence. Her question was not even asking for confirmation as she already sounded more than a hundred percent sure; she was just stating a clear message that she knew his name. "I am Denny Vero; apparently, I am sure I know my name, but..." Denny frowned and shook his head as he shrugged his shoulders. "Your name doesn't ring a bell," he added with indifference. "I don't know how you know me."His words did not seem to o
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133. Venomous Hatred
Just then, Caroline's phone got a call. Denny was not going to check for whoever the caller maybe, but it took him by surprise when his eyes unintentionally flew to the screen of her phone and saw the name, Denisse Vero."Do you mind if I speak to my sister?" Denny asked. He managed his voice to sound casual, although he was inwardly furious. He had so many questions in his mind, and seeing that name, his sister's name, calling to a person who is annoyingly creeping him out to the grave, angered Denny to rock bottom.It was difficult to tell what Caroline's responses were meant. She was not mindful nor worried; could it be confidence or boldness that had magnified as soon as Denisse's call came?"Oh, no! Of course, not. Here..." Caroline handed over the phone to the man next to her, asking for it. She was feeling proud that Denny's sister called. It could create an impact that she is someone Denny could trust since she is friends with his sister. She did not know what sibling relation
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134. Shameless
"Give the goddamned phone to Caroline; I want to speak to her," Denisse demanded with so much derision in her tone. She was still confused about what was going on. She was clueless about what the person on the other line was talking about. All she could clearly sense was the fury in his words. But before she could get her demands granted, the man's voice faded away. Denny was getting worked up, but he was amazed at how he managed to press a side button to cut the call without crashing the unit. He took a few deep breaths before he drank his shot of vodka with controlled rage.Caroline froze. She was scared to see the anguish present on Denny Vero's face right in front of her. He was too close. She could not deny the intense fury his words conveyed. It was the first time she saw Danny in such an emotional state. She had only seen him being cold-hearted, being aloof, and distant during their college days. Even when she met him during his days of traveling, although he was not so distan
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135. Stupidity
Only recently, Caroline was almost convicted as she tried to feed a couple with unsafe pills of steroids as she claimed they could have babies if they did as Caroline instructed. The woman among her victims lost the ability to bear a child as the doctors had to remove her uterus from the side effects of the pills Caroline prescribed them. At the same time, the man increased his sexual appetite above average, which had resulted in sexual addiction. The couple sued Caroline, who was overconfident of the product she introduced to her clients. She did everything under the legality of their company, in her registered name and office that they had no way to deny the plaintiff's claims. And her dad, Arthur Winslet, aged more than a decade overnight with so much stress dealing with the huge mess Caroline created.Along with everyone in their family, Arthur was not going to assist her in her crazy mistakes ever again. She has done a lot over the years, and her old man must have reached the end
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136. Played
Unknown to the two evil women, Don Don Carlo and Vincent Lynch were listening to Denny Vero speaking to someone over the phone and Caroline inside the bar slash gambling house. Vincent gave Don Carlo the pen used by Caroline to jot down her contact number for Vincent to call or send her a message later, which had her fingerprints on it. "Good!" Don Carlo praised Vincent. "This could be helpful." "I really hope we bring this person down," Vincent uttered agitatedly. "I have heard a lot of people like me that are lent money by her, asking to do something awful in return." "Is this place legal?" Don Carlo asked."There are no legal gambling houses aside from casino; even casino has to operate under federal laws. This one here is absolutely illegal," Vincent replied. "I think I might just have someone who can help us," Don Carlo stated as Denny was getting inside the van. "What's going on?" Asked Denny. He did not hear the conversation between the two, aside from what he heard Don Ca
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137. Turning the tables around
Caroline was about to tell Denise her suspicions. She was about to say that Denny Vero and the guy she sent to stab Denny's girl seemed to be teaming up together. No matter how she tries to speculate the flow of the situation, that was the only possible chance Denny would know this place and find her. He wouldn't have the confidence and boldness to confront Caroline about what happened at the city hospital in the morning today if he did not have any substantial evidence in his hand to solidify his accusations. Besides, this place is not easy to find, unless her guy, she doesn't even remember the name of the person she was blackmailing to do the task, told Denny about their arrangements. Caroline told Denise that whatever was happening, whatever happened earlier, meeting Denny in this place, not being able to contact the man she sent, the man who owed her money, has something to do with everything she suspected was going on as she gave more profound thought about it. "My man must hav
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138. Desperate
The man waved his hand as he darted his tongue like a snake getting closer to Caroline's face. Soon, his colleagues walked closer and crowded them, the team leader, Caroline, and Denisse. Some were catcalling, making a shrill whistle as their "boss" seemed to have started and given a go signal that they were soon to have a good time, while some were roaring in excitement. "Are you willing to do anything?" the man asked Caroline."As long as you keep your words," Caroline puckered her lips seductively as she answered.The man laughed, then he turned Caroline to face everyone standing behind her, then he grabbed Caroline by the waist, bent his head lower to level with her ears, and whispered."You will have to please them all." Caroline turned her head to face the man and whispered back."As long as they can satisfy me..." Caroline licked the jaw of the man with the tip of her tongue. "I don't think I can see any problem with that," she spoke with flirtatiousness and confidence.Denis
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139. Foxy Lady
The man kissed Denisse torridly before he stood from the barstool he was sitting on. He started to walk out of the gambling house, but when they were about to pass by the table where Caroline was deliriously enjoying herself being gangbanged by about seven men, while almost a dozen more were just satisfied watching, or maybe waiting for their turn, he stopped to inform his men not to go overboard. They were allowed to have fun, but no violence included. Then he told them he was leaving with the other woman. He firmly reminded his men to let the woman, Caroline, go after they had had their fun.The male captives were still in the cars parked outside. They had men watching over the gamblers, and they were taking turns. The men who had fun with the woman inside would come out to take the place of those who wanted to enjoy the bonus their boss gave them. The man with Denisse led her to his SUV parked close to the van where Denny and Don Carlo, along with the other of their team, was. "T
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140. Life is full of surprises
"What about your sister?" Asked the Don to Denny."Please send someone to follow them, take photos with clear shots that we can use against her later. I will strongly request my parents for her to be sent far away for some time to think about her actions thoroughly," Denny replied indifferently. He looked and sounded nonchalant, but he was inwardly thankful he did not have to see her go through what Caroline was doing. Denisse was still his sister; her shame was somehow his, one way or another. The two women showed differences in personalities and behavior. And it clearly showed Caroline's psychopathic mentality.Don Carlo was worried about the lady Vero."Are you sure?" the Don asked again. He was anxious about Denny's sister."Denisse is old enough to know what she's doing. She didn't want to go to the precinct, so she had to find a way to make a bargain. She had to deal with her situation, but I guess this is a good chance so I can have a good reason for her to be sent to missiona
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