All Chapters of Owned By The Billionaire Professor : Chapter 1 - Chapter 6
6 Chapters
Kira's POV"I am officially an orphan," I grit into my phone as I stormed into my apartment. "Today I disown my parents and will live a tulmumtous life."Stella scoffed on the other end. "Yeah right," "Can you believe them?!" I asked, kicking off my shoes in anger. "They betrothed me without my consent?! Who the hell does that, Stella?! It's the freakin 21st century, who on earth gets betrothed these days?"Stella chuckled, obvious enjoying my breakdown. "Girl, I always knew shit was wrong with your parents, I just didn't know it was this bad." Groaning, I flopped on the sofa in the living room, holding the phone pressed to my ear. Grabbing a handful of my golden blonde hair, I hissed through my teeth. "I still can't believe this! You can't believe this too right? Tell me you can't!" "Oh I believe it." My best friend snickered. "Your parents are bat shit crazy. Always knew that anyways. I suppose it's a good thing you're starting to see it."You're not helping Stella.She cackled
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Kira's POVFuck I was doomed. I reread the message, closed my eyes and wished I could disappear from the surface of the earth. Xavier Barnes was an expert software engineer, who's blog on data analysis I had read for an assignment. I had saved his mail for Professor's Ford class a few days ago. Swallowing, I tapped on the reply button. Kira Andrews: Hello, I'm Kira. Please ignore the message, it was a mistake. Can we pretend this never happened? I would appreciate it. There. Any decent person would understand it was a mistake and- My phone pinged interrupting my thoughts and there it was. A reply from Xavier Barnes. Jackass, I snapped mentally then took a deep breath. " I apologize once again. Please overlook it."Stella sent a message gushing over the list ans telling me to go for it. But I couldn't focus on her words. What if the Xavier Barnes guy tells Professor Ford about the list? What if this resulted in one those messy internet scandals?! I would be shamed! Ther
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Kira's POVI checked through my phone for the one thousandth time before getting out of the car. It was an Audi, Dad had gotten me last year because I had aced an award in Data analytics. He had been so proud, I thought he was going to sleep with the award plague by his side every night. "No reply," i mumbled to myself. I hadn't gotten a word in reply from Xavier and with each step I took towards the house, I felt like a stupid person. What was I thinking sending pictures of me in my underwear to a man I didn't even know?! What of he thought I was disgusting? I had spent the day stalking his social media. Turns out he was a big deal. Hot CEO of a tech company with over 15 branches. He was one of America's most eligible bachelors. No wonder he thought I was a stalker. He probably got nudes sent to him every day. I stopped at the entrance, frowning when a box glared right up at me. A delivery? A gift? Probably an apology gift from my Dad. Mom would never apologize for trying
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Xavier's POVI was a damned bastard. I had heard those words for more than half my life yet never believed them. Until now. Not until now. My phone vibrated with a message and quickly I tapped on it like a fucking starved man. Because I was. Oh I had been for a long fucking time. Kira. "Oh fuck," I leaned against the counter, viewing the picture she had sent me. She'd cropped her face, yet her blonde hair managed to spill over her breasts. That tanned skin, fuck! She had that golden glow on her skin that made her look like honey. Honey that would melt and run down my tongue. Her breasts, oh hell, they were lovely. Perky round globes covered in a white lace bra They looked so damned feathery against her skin, cupping the beauties, making my mouth water. "I take it you like it then" She sounded so fucking hopeful on the phone, it killed me. "Like it?" I mumured. "You have the best set of tits I have seen in a long while, Kira." "Oh," she sounded breathless. Ah
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Kira's POV"Here's how this will work, baby girl," Xavier said, his voice low and raspy. It was past six in the morning. I had woken to his calls and I had never been so thrilled in my life. I could still remember last night. It played vividly in my head. His instructions, that voice, that deep low voice that made it so hard to say no to him. That made me want to do as he says. It was terrifying. After my orgasm, when he had ended the call, I'd fallen asleep thinking I had to tell him not to call me anymore. The hold he had on me was... Unsettling. I had been told what to do all my life, by my parents. I didn't want to put up with a man who told me what to do as well. Well here I was now, curled up on my bed, covered in just bed covers and panties with my phone pressed to my ear listening to his hypnotic voice. "You do as I say," He hummed. "And I'll do everything on your list." "Everything?" I asked. That would mean he wanted to meet physically. I wasnt sure I wa
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Kira's POV"We're here," Dad announced as he drove towards a huge black gate. "Wipe that frown off your face, Kira. And quit folding your arms like a petulant child," Mom chastened, glaring at me. "Why are you doing this to me?" I grumbled and heard my dad sigh. "Do not be dramatic. I am mad that we are late for the appointment with Barnes. Don't get me angrier." "You engaged me to a stranger without my consent and you expect me not to be dramatic? If I were Stella, there's no way I'd be in this car right now." "Exactly. That foolish girl has corrupted you!" Dad snapped. The gates pulled open and my stomach turned queasy as our car slipped into the compound. My mouth dropped as I gaped at the huge mansion before us. "Just how many people live here?" Mom shook her head in disapproval. "You have to act with dignity. You cannot be so uncouth when you meet with Mr Barnes, do you understand Kira?" I grumbled that I was going to do whatever the hell I wanted. My brows k
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