All Chapters of Secrets, Seduction, & Serenity: Chapter 201 - Chapter 210
250 Chapters
Spilling The Tea
Linda’s POVAs I made my way upstairs to my room, the weight of William’s demands hung over me like a dark cloud. Despite the comforting familiarity of home, I could not shake off the feeling of unease that his words had instilled in me. Entering my room, I closed the door behind me and sank onto the edge of the bed. Ben had made me promise him that I would tell him everything by morning, but now, he wanted me to have my rest. I was so tired that I could feel the exhaustion of the day settle into my bones. My mind raced with thoughts of what I should do next. I had planned to tell my brother about the true identity of William and to explain everything else that surrounded me getting taken to his house. But I did not think I should explain about the demands, or maybe I should. I did not know. I was a very indecisive person and all of this was already hurting my head. I reached for the glass of water on my bedside, taking a few sips before putting it back. Then I sighed and crawled
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Letting Ben Know
Linda’s POVI was still on the bed, feeling the heaviness sitting on my chest as I explained. But I was not done yet, I still had to tell my brother about the demands, and about we had to rush to the hospital, which was just a false alarm. “Yes, it is a lot to unpack. William has been playing dead and said that the only reason he even came out of hiding was because of me. He thinks…he thinks that I can help him.”“Help him do what?” “He wants to take back his lifework from the Kingstons, he wants his program back.” “Impossible,” Ben chuckled the word out as he adjusted his weight on the bed. “When those people find toys, they are like stubborn toddlers, they would never want to let it go.” I nodded, knowing that this was very true. “But he has another way of taking it away from them though. You know that he was the one who started the program, the research was done by him, and when those monsters struck, they thought that it was all done, but the truth is that it’s not.” “They ne
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Pain Is A B*tch
Linda’s POVFallon hesitated, her concern evident in her voice. “If that’s what you’re saying, then okay, I trust you. I will call off the investigation, but let me be honest, this does not sit right with me. I can’t just ignore potential threats to your safety, especially after how much you helped me.” “I understand, I do, but please, for now. Just trust me on this I have my reasons,” I pleaded, hoping that she would respect my decision.“Okay, fine,” She relented reluctantly. “But promise me you will call me if anything feels off or if you need help. I won’t hesitate to come to your aid, you know that.” “Of course, pinky promise,” I assured her, trying to make the situation a bit lighter but she did not laugh or even chuckle. “Thank you, Fallon. I will keep you updated if anything changes.” After we hung up, I took a moment to gather my thoughts. Despite Fallon’s concerns, I knew i had made the right decision for now. There was no way that I would want Chris’s father to go to pri
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The Hospital Scene
Linda’s POVThe journey to the hospital felt like an eternity, each bump in the road sending shockwaves of pain through my body. I clung to consciousness with all my might, desperate to ensure the safety of both myself and my unborn child. As we arrived at the hospital, I was swiftly wheeled into the emergency room, where a team of doctors and nurses sprang into action. Their voices blended together in a flurry of activity as they worked to stabilize me and assess the situation. Through the haze of pain and fear, I could feel the weight of uncertainty pressing down on me. What was causing these sudden, intense pains? And what did it mean for the health of my baby? As the medical team conducted tests and examinations, I tried to focus on breathing through the pain, clinging to the hope that everything would be alright. But deep down, a nagging sense of dread gnawed at my insides, threatening to consume me with fear. Hours passed in a blur of medical procedures and anxious waiting,
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Linda’s POVI was back home, lying on the sofa that was in the living room. I had been discharged from the hospital and I was now trying to relax myself as was highly recommended. A TV show was on and it had my full attention. My parents were not home and it was just a few minutes past noon. I had eaten already and had done some light stretches. Ben also made me take a bunch of medication that the hospital had given me. But basically, no one was home, but me and a few workers. Although I had been trying to focus on the show that I was watching, my mind would keep being pushed to the fact that I knew that Chris’s father was alive. I kind of felt like I had the obligation to tell him, he was my husband and should know. But what if he did not know that he was not a true Kingston yet? What if he had no idea that his real father was out here somewhere, his existence being threatened by the very people who he grew up with? I swallowed, adjusting myself on the couch. But again, what if h
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A Plan Filled With Risks
Linda’s POV“How is the shipment of Retinol going to help us? If anything, it’s going to help you,” I told him the truth. “And as I told you, I’m not granting any of your demands. You know how those people are, why should I poke them after what I have been through?” William sighed. “The shipment of Retinol is going to help me, yes. But in the long run, after I have gotten my program up and running and I’m out of hiding, it would help us all; all of us who have been scorched by the flames of those monsters.” I chuckled dryly. “Look, William. Too much is on the line, I can’t get myself involved.” A few seconds of silence passed and then he spoke, “Then you leave me with no choice, do you?” “What do you mean by that?” I was siting on the couch, I adjusted my weight on it and waited for his response. “Are you going to hurt me?” I dared to ask. Yeah, because I wanted to know. If he was going to be a danger to me or my unborn child, then I would have no choice but to get Fallon involved
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My New Mission
Linda’s POVTransferring the money to the account of William was the easy part, it took me only a few minutes, not even more than five. He had the five million dollars and the next thing that I had to do was to get to the facility. I expected Chris to call concerning the sum of money that I had just transferred from the account but then I remembered that I had blocked him. And even if he was not, I would have not answered. When he had transferred a million dollars from the account, I did not question his decision, even though I had plans to do that when everything had cooled down and I returned to China. “Did you receive it?” I asked Willaim, holding the burner phone to my ear. “I just sent it, you should receive an alert, I don’t know.” “Yeah, yeah, I have it. Thank you so much, Linda. You have no idea what this means to me.” “What it means to us,” I corrected him. “Now all I have to do is to get to the facility.” “Hold up, did you not just come from the hospital?” He asked me,
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Risky Activities
Linda’s POVI was driving and the traffic was light. I actually was someone who loved driving, there was something about it that I just could not explain. I was following the direction from the burner phone, I typed it into the GPS of the car and it did not take me too long to reach where I was headed. I parked not far from the building and turned off the engine. Sitting there in silence, I offered up a silent prayer, that everything would go as planned before stepping out of the car with my Birkin bag and a confident attitude. After closing the door, I proceeded to walk towards the building. There was a guard standing at the door but he did not give me a second glance as I walked past him and into the lobby. I did not know where I was heading but I did know that I needed to talk with someone in charge. I walked up to the front desk, clearing my throat for the lady behind the desk to notice me. She seemed so engrossed in what she was doing on her computer. “Oh, I’m sorry,” She sa
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Green Light
Linda’s POVI walked into the office that I was led into by the curly-haired guard. My heart was racing and I was filled with my nerves, but I knew that I had to get this done, and I had already come way too far. Walking into the office, I could not help but glance around. The place was beautiful, especially the view that the floor-to-ceiling windows offered. The furniture looked like they were made to be in here, and the ceiling was so high. “Linda?” The woman behind the desk stood to her feet, walking from behind it and heading towards me even before I could sit. “I was informed that you were heading here by the receptionist.” She extended her hand for a handshake. I pushed aside my nerves, or at least decided to ignore them as I took her hand, shaking it firmly. “Nice to meet you,” I replied.“I don’t think we have met before.” She smiled, it was a beautiful and child-like one. “I’m Vicky Monet.” She broke the handshake. “So, what brings you here today?” She went back to her des
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A Stalker?
Linda’s POVI was in the elevator, smiling that I had done what I needed to do, and my mission had been successful. The feeling of accomplishment was addicting and it already had me wanting to chase the next thing to do. But right now, all I would need to do would be to wait. When the elevator finally came to a stop, it made the sharp sound that most of them always made, the doors opened smoothly and I stepped out. As I walked out of the lobby, I flashed a smile at the lady behind the desk and she smiled back, even going as far as waving. I kind of felt like a celebrity. As soon as I stepped out of the building, the warmth of the day hit me. I started to walk towards my car but I noticed something strange, it was as if someone was watching me. I can’t tell you how I knew, but I just did. I could not brush the feeling off so what I did was glance around instead of opening the door of my car. And just like that, I caught the person. It was a guy in sunglasses, there was something d
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