All Chapters of Secrets, Seduction, & Serenity: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
250 Chapters
As I sat there, clicking through videos on YouTube, I felt a knot forming in my stomach. The thought of taking another person’s life weighed heavily on me. But I could not deny the reality of the situation Ben and I were now stuck in. We were now entangled in a web of manipulation and coercion, trapped by Fallon’s threats. Her very existence angered me, I wish I did not even know she walked this earth. I clicked on a documentary about the psychological effects of killing in combat. The narrator’s voice filled the room, detailing the profound changes soldiers experienced after taking lives in the line of duty. I could not help but draw parallels to our own predicament. Would I become numb to the consequences? Would guilt eat me up, or would I learn to justify my actions? Urgh! So many questions! These questions haunted me as I delved deeper into the videos, searching for answers that seemed to elude me. But despite the uncertainty that danced in my mind, one thing was clear: I h
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Run, Linda, Run
Deep breaths. Deep breaths. I was trying my hardest to keep calm, but this guard was making it so hard. I did not know if I would be able to keep my cool for much longer. But I was going to try. “What do you mean by that? What do you mean by you can’t let me leave?” I held my hips, waiting for a response, and although I could not see my own face, I knew that a nasty expression sat on it. “I am the head of the security team and Mr. Kingston gave me straight orders about not allowing you to leave the house unless you are someone from my team.” His voice was firm and he did not break eye contact with me. I clenched my fists by my sides before glancing at the watch once more. Time was running out, I needed to leave, and now. “Well, if I might remind you, I’m Mr. Kingston’s wife, I have as much power to fire you as he does.” I glared at him. I was so close to snapping at him. “Ma’am…” He scoffed faintly. “I am not letting you leave.” I cursed under my breath. I wanted to call Chris t
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It Starts
A few seconds of silence passed and although I wanted to speak, I was afraid to do so. So, I kept my thoughts to myself. “Are you ready for this?” The girl with the buzz cut asked, keeping her focus on the road. We were still moving rather fast than I think we should have. I don’t think anyone was chasing us. “Jojo, will you please stop talking while I work?” The girl with the laptop finally joined the conversation, her voice deeper than her friend’s. The one who I now knew as JoJo scoffed, rolling her eyes at the back of her head. She was attractive and had very pretty eyes. “My talking is not going to stop you from working, is it?” She raised an eyebrow. I’m not going to lie, she was an impressive driver. “Just shut it.” The girl went back to typing. But Jojo did not pay any heed to her friend’s warning. “So, Linda. You know you’re going to kill a CEO, but do you know how?” The girl with the laptop groaned in frustration but did not say anything. “Um…” I dragged the word bef
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A Hooker For A Night
Walking into the room, I gasped. Yes, I was married to a billionaire and was used to fancy and fine things but the room blew my mind. It was exquisite. I could not stop looking around. And from the expressions on the faces of the others, I could tell that they were incredibly impressed. “Okay, okay, we have work to do,” Maddy was the first to speak. She sat on the bed and took her backpack from her pack, taking her laptop from in it. When she had her machine on her lap, she dashed the bag on the floor not far from her and started typing really fast in seconds. She then suddenly stopped, noticing that we were all staring at her. She cleared her throat, directing her attention to her friend. “Um, Jojo! Don’t you think now is the best time to tell Linda about her role in all of this?” She raised an eyebrow, and then without waiting for a response, went back to work. “Oh yeah!” Jojo exclaimed. She walked towards me and led me to the other bed. There were four king-sized beds in the r
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Lingerie And Anxiety
Risks. Oh yeah, I almost forgot that there was a possibility that I could mess up the plan, or it could not go as planned, resulting in dying or so. I stared at the small pistol and nodded. “Sure, I understand.”Jojo smiled before winking at me. “You know, we would have armed you but we can’t. Before you enter the room of Mr. Carrington, you will be checked by the security team to ensure that you have no form of weapons.”“But how about the pin that you would give me, is it not a weapon they could detect?” I was intrigued. “It’s a special pin; very high-tech, so no, they won’t be able to detect it,” Maddie replied without lifting her attention from her laptop. She seemed to listening even though she was working on god knows what. “What she said,” The tux guy added, causing Jojo to chuckle. After an hour, I was dressed in black lingerie that showed off my body in ways that I never knew it could be shown. My breasts were lifted by it and it was when I was staring at my reflection in
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Plan In Play
With a racing heart and nervous mind, I walked headed in the opposite direction of the team, making sure that my face was not showing. I did not want it to seem like I was just coming from the room next to them. If I wanted to make this work, I had to do it the right way. I was already in the lion’s pit and there was no turning back, so doing the job to the best of my ability was all I could really do. When I reached the elevator, I pressed the button for the ground floor. The automated doors immediately opened. I stepped in but just before it could close, I placed my arm on the doors and it opened again. I walked out, running my hand through my hair and releasing a heavy breath. It was showtime. My strides were confident and my walk was immaculate, but my heart was saying otherwise. It was far from calm and collected. When I reached the guards, I walked past them and went straight for the door. That was when I was stopped. “Hey, hey, hey. What are you doing, miss?” One of them a
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The Grim reaper
I wanted to disappear. I wanted to turn around and just run out of the room. But I knew that I only had one chance at getting this right and that the lives of my loved ones would certainly be at risk if I did not go through with this plan. Feeling sick to my stomach because I felt in every way that I was cheating on Chris, I took a step away from the CEO. He seemed to see it as a game and grabbed me by my arm hard, pulling me close to him. As soon as I felt his boner, I instinctively pushed him away. And I did so a bit aggressively. He was not far from the bed so he fell to the bed, a confused look crossing his face. “What are you doing? Why did you push me?” He sounded cocky. “Might I remind you, I am the one in charge, not you. I’m the one that is paying a hefty amount here.” I had to get myself together. I nodded and apologized, “I’m sorry, my love. I…I just like it kind of rough, you know?” I winked at him as I walked close to him in a very seductive way. I had to get and sta
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My heart was pounding and for a second, I did not know what to say. But then the words just flew out of my mouth on their own. “I’m done, your boss is asleep and I need to leave so I can get ready for tonight.” “Oh, you would be back?” He asked, not breaking eye contact with me. “Yes, I would be.” I proceeded to walk past him. But did not just walk away because I knew that I was still having a conversation with him. “That’s interesting,” He chuckled the words out. “Mr. Carrignton never sleeps with the same girl twice.” He looked at his colleagues and they all laughed. “Unless…” The other one said, wiggling his eyebrows. “You know…” He licked his lips. All of them started to laugh once more and I just wanted to get the heck out of there. I did not want to be there in any way. I forced a chuckle. “Alright, boys. I best be on my way.” I sighed internally. “Okay, keep doing what you do,” The head guy said, and they all laughed once more as I walked away. The farther I walked, the b
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My blood ran cold at Jojo’s question, her words hanging heavy in the air like a dark cloud. I felt a knot form in the pit of my stomach, a sickening wave of nausea washing over me at the mere thought. “I…” I did not know what to say. It was not like I had much of a choice. It was either I do that or Fallon would have had my parents harmed, or worse, killed. “You will get used to it,” She replied, giggling as she adjusted herself in the car seat, proceeding to stare out the window, a look of contentment on her face. Get used to it? I did not want to get used to it! I was now a murderer. I had now been sucked into a life that could have only been a nightmare or movie. Thinking of it all now, maybe all of this would have never happened if I had just sat my butt in the mansion, not trying to find something to do in America. But again, my brother still would have found out about the fact that Mitch had been cheating on him. And that was that. “I don’t want to get used to it,” I mumbl
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Chris looked at me, concern etched on his face. “Linda, you can tell us. We’re here to help you,” He said gently, his hand reaching out to grasp mine. I glanced at him, feeling a mix of gratitude and fear. If I told them the truth, everything would change. But if I lied, I would have to live with the guilt and the constant fear of being discovered. I think the latter would have to do. Because there was no way that I was going to confess in front of the police. Imagine what Fallon would do to me. “I…I left because I needed some time alone,” I finally managed to say, my voice barely above a whisper. “I didn’t want to worry anyone.” “Seriously?” Chris obviously was not buying it. “You were running and jumped into a car! Or van, I don’t know.” “Yeah, that does not make too much sense,” Jen added, folding her arms on her chest. “But if that is what you’re going with, then sure thing.” She flashed me a smile. My husband forced a smile and nodded before saying, “Thank you, Officer Jen.
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