All Chapters of THE HUSBAND TRAP: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
27 Chapters
Hello guys, how are you doing on this fine day? I want to know what you guys think of this story so far, I’m anxious since I entered it into one of the amazing competitions here on GoodNovèl. Let me know your thoughts on the characters and also the storyline. Do you like it? Do you find it boring? Is it the right pacing? Also you guys can let me know what you’d like to see happen with the twins and Aiden and also between Aiden and Katherine. I’m here to listen your requests and make this book a pleasant and happy reading experience for you. Also, a few gems would be great if you are enjoying this book and also some nice reviews so my book can be found easily on the app. Thank you for your unwavering support. Have a blessed day. ~ CASSIE
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11: We Come In Peace
Mrs. Lewis went back inside to speak to the children. She saw Miss Polly sitting beside them.“Ah, you must be Miss Polly, the children's chaperone,” Mrs. Lewis shook the lady's hand. “I'm Mrs. Lewis.”“Lovely meeting you, Mrs. Lewis,” she smiled as her eyes roamed around the room. “I hope the twins weren't any trouble.” “Nonsense, they are little angels,” Mrs. Lewis grinned. “Then you really don't know the twins, Mrs. Lewis,” Miss Polly giggled. “It is getting late, and I need to go home and get lunch started soon. Kids, are you ready?”“But the Master haven't bought any of our treats as yet,” Nola complained. Mrs. Lewis gave her the five-dollar note. “I'm sorry, sweetheart, I'm afraid the master doesn't carry much cash on him either so this is all he could find.” Mrs. Lewis made an excuse for Aiden. She was ashamed to tell them what he really said. “OK,” Nola sighed. She accepted the money. “You know what, Mrs. Lewis? It's all good. I understand,” she beamed. She opened her bag
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12: Riddle
Aiden saw the two children, who were no older than eight years old, emerging from behind the bushes. “Don't tell me you are lost,” Aiden joked. He figured these must be the cupcake selling duo. But Nathan wasn't sure about him yet. “Do we look lost?” Nathan remarked. “Well technically you are lost because this is my property, and you are obviously trespassing,” Aiden answered. “Well we are not lost. We are friends with Mrs. Lewis,” Nate confessed. “Really! Is that so?” Aiden laughed. He observed the two children. The boy looked as if he didn't want to be there and the girl looked quite shy. She was hiding behind her brother, looking like a pretty plump-cheek doll. “I'm Aiden,” he stretched his hand out to Nate. The boy looked at Aiden's palm and smiled. Finally, a man who was treating him like a man as well. “I'm Nathan and this is my twin sister, Nola,” he shook Aiden's hand. Nathan was surprised when he didn't hear his sister's voice, so he turned to look at her, and she was
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13: Not Meant To Be
The next morning, Katherine still couldn't believe that the children made almost fifteen hundred dollars. She checked it over and over in her head. She made them 240 strawberry-filled cupcakes and 240 lemon squares. That's a total of 480 cupcakes, so if they had sold them at $20 per dozen, they should have made $800, not $1480. “Tell me again how you two made so much money?” Katherine asked while she sipped on her camomile tea. “Mom, we already told you, we're business people, and we know how to make deals,” Nathan beamed. “Don't worry, Katherine. The children sold them fair and square. We met a nice man who bought the remaining cupcakes for twice their value,” Miss Polly added as she placed a plate of scrambled eggs and toast in front of Katherine. “Yeah Mom, don't worry, we didn't steal it if that's what you're thinking.” Nola grinned. “Oh honey, I would never think that of you,” Katherine sighed. She was still on edge about the impending bad review from her disgruntled cus
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14: Drop-Dead Gorgeous
It was a quiet day at the Café. Katherine barely made half of what she normally made today. She wondered what could cause such a slow business day, but then she saw a flyer on her desk. The mayor was having a conference on the other side of the town, and the whole town was there. Katherine sat in her office and decided to call Taryn. “Hey girl, how's it going?” Taryn answered. “Not bad even though things are slow today because the Mayor's in town holding a conference.” “I see. So, how are the kids?” Taryn asked. “They're fine. They are at school right now,” Kat replied. “So how's Liam? Is he coming to work on time?” “Yes, your brother is an awesome partner. Although he gets distracted by the ladies way too often,” Taryn chuckled. “Oh by the way, how was brunch the other day? Did Nate get on the baseball team?” “No,” Kat sighed. “What? But Nate is so good.” Taryn confessed. “I meant no as in, brunch never happened. The guy flaked. He phoned the restaurant and told t
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15: The Town Fair
Katherine and the twins arrived at the fair around 3:00 in the afternoon. The place was beautifully decorated and had different rides and attractions. Vendors and patrons crowded the venue, and sounds of laughter and excitement filled the air. "I can't wait to go on the rollercoaster," Nola clapped with glee. She and Nate had never been on one before, and they were eager to try it out today. Nola's eyes lit up, and her smile broadened as she saw the ride dipped and rolled in the air. She couldn't wait to experience the happiness that the ride must bring. “I'm excited to try that slingshot ride over there,” Nathan stated as he pointed in the direction of the ride, where people were screaming with their hands either in the air or over their faces. Katherine couldn't tell if they were screams of joy or screams of pain. She gulped when she saw the ride shoot out like a slingshot and the people were thrown about like rag dolls. “That ride looks pretty scary, don't you think, Nate?” Kath
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16: I’m Sorrys
Aiden's smile was smacked off his face by Katherine's threats. “Wait a minute, I'm not here for that, I'm simply here to enjoy the fair,” he confessed as he gestured around his surrounding. “Oh, I thought you were here to antagonize me,” Katherine gulped while she ran her sweaty palms down the side of her pants. “And how would I know you would even be at the fair? It's not like I'm stalking you or have intel about your every move,” Aiden added. Katherine felt like an idiot now. “You're right, Mr. Windsor. I feel so silly now," she giggled awkwardly. “Look, Mrs. O'Hare, I am over our last encounter. I was having a bad day, and I'm normally a gentleman. You just caught me on an off day, that's all,” Aiden admitted. “Really?” Katherine asked. She found that difficult to believe. “Yes really, and I also want to apologize for the way I overreacted. I am sorry, Mrs. O'Hare, for my outburst; for insulting you; threatening you and I apologize if I made you uncomfortable that
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17: Palm Reading
Things were going swimmingly for Aiden that evening. He and Katherine were sitting on a bench under some palm trees enjoying popcorn and snow cones. He felt like he was on top of the world with every word he and Katherine exchanged. "Can I ask you something?" Aiden inquired after taking a drink from his snow cone. "Sure," Katherine replied, as she indulged in the salty, buttery snack. "Why did you choose baking as a career choice?" Katherine paused at the unexpected question. She took a breath before answering. "Well, it wasn't my first choice," she began. "You see, my parents wanted me to become a lawyer, but after a summer road trip in my final year in high school, I realized that wasn't what I wanted." She looked at Aiden, who now seemed more intrigued. "I met someone who taught me that doing what I loved, rather than doing what was expected, is the key to happiness." She smiled as she remembered all the things she learned from Nile. "That person sounds very smar
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18: Little Red Dress
TWO MONTHS LATER It was the end of the Christmas term, and the twins were doing extremely well in school. There was a Christmas concert being held, and the students were being rewarded for their exceptional academic excellencies. A small ceremony was expected after the Christmas performances, plus there would also be a guest speaker who would also be responsible for handing over the awards to the children who were being awarded. Katherine didn't know that the guest speaker was none other than the city's own Aiden Windsor. Katherine was extremely proud of her kids. Nathan was being awarded the first place awards in Science and Geography, while Nola was getting first place prizes for Mathematics, English and Social Studies. Nathan was second in Mathematics, English and Social Studies and Nola was second in Science and Geography. Their mother couldn't be more proud, her children were outstanding and everyday she prayed God would continue to bless them and keep them safe. Kat was s
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19: Guest Speaker
Katherine’s hands trembled as she painted her lips with the red lipstick Taryn loaned her. All the makeup that was applied to her face was actually courtesy of her best friend. The only thing Kat owned that could be considered makeup was her cherry blossom lip balm. “More,” Taryn commanded. “Don’t you want him to cower at your luscious lips?”“No, I’m not a harlot.” “Gimme that,” Taryn grabbed the lipstick. “Here, just pucker up,” Taryn held Kat’s jaw and applied more red. A knock sounded at the door. “Thank God,” Kat sighed, feeling thankful for the interruption. "Katherine, are you decent?” It was Katherine's mother. “Come on in, mom,” Kat said. Her mom entered with a smile on her face. “Wow! Honey, you look amazing.” “Thanks mom,” Kat smiled. “I haven’t seen you dolled up like this since —” her mom trailed off. “Anyway, the kids are ready to go.”“Thanks for getting them ready mom, I just need a few more minutes to get my hair styled,” Kat replied. “They are very impati
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