All Chapters of Shadows of Deception : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
79 Chapters
For some odd reason, I wanted to stand up. I had this sudden stupid urge to do it. Holding unto his shoulders, I carefully pushed my shoulders up.. He seemed to drive a little bit slower to steady me on the bike.This feeling was euphoric. I held my both hands out to the side as I let the cold morning breeze lick my face and I laughed. The wind gently tousled my hair nearly back as I closed my eyes and soaked in the ambiance of the empty highway. Never in my entire life have I felt like this before. It felt real. The moment felt raw. I knew I'd miss this feeling when the moment is over. I never wanted it to end. It didn't seem as dangerous when you're in the moment doing something like this. Who cares anyway, Life is short."You should probably sit down. I need to go faster." He stated.That didn't exactly ruin the moment. For the matter, i actually felt quite satisfied. Wrapping my arms back around him, I leaned on his back and smiled to myself.There was no one to tell me what to
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Testing the thin line.
Okay. Well maybe it wasn't such a genius plan but it was just a thought. For now, all I had to do was get the folder, get away from everyone here, and then think of something.As all the men's attention were back on one another and they discussed their 'matters', I neared the tables with the drinks again and I placed the empty glasses on it. Quickly. I slipped the paper that was in the folder under the tray and took it up.Turning around casually, no one's attention seemed to be on me, that is until Sinister suddenly locked eyes with mine. Dear God. I hope he hadn't seen it. I was almost fully convinced that he had but he nonchalantly drifted them back to the others in the room. He didn't. Thank God.Trying my best not to be suspicious, i exited the room and hurriedly rushed back into his room. I carelessly placed the tray on the small table and scanned my eyes over the paper I took up. To my horror, my face was confirmed by what was on the paper. Nothing was even legal and everythin
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“I win.”
Clean man?Haha." Clean," I scoffed."Squeaky." He winked at me.No. Don't laugh. Do not laugh Grey.I bit my lips to prevent myself from doing so."I shouldn't have done what I did." He frowned."Stop it!" I scowled, "Stop being so freaky charming. I'm not falling for your crap.""That wasn't my intention Angel, I just…" He seemed lost for words-almost sincerely regretful-so sincere that I felt my heart breaking. His eyes seemed to be a little too hurt. There was more to this man that honestly met the eye."Whatever." I sighed and turned away, tossing the pillow to the side.At that sudden moment, he scooped me into his arms."S-Sinister! What are you doing?" I panicked as he carried me through his hall to the room where he worked out."You need some help.""I?" I scoffed, "I need some help? You need some help buddy! You lack help! You're the help-lacker here! Not me! Put me down!"Within a second, he dropped me on the thin soft mat on the ground."Hurts, doesn't it?" He chuckled w
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Was there a burger somewhere?
Sinister blinked at me and just when I was expecting a shocked expression from him, he smiled."Go ahead Angel, shoot me."Damn him!"What?"He chuckled, "That is, if you know how to.""Oh shut up!" I snapped, annoyed."I can do that once you pull that trigger.""Did I not punch you hard enough Sinister?"Before he could have said another word, the sudden sound of someone clearing their throat brought us to attention."If you two are done here ?" Mikhail's cold voice iced through the air.Pushing himself up, Sinister snatched the gun away from me and stuck it back in his pants. Rubbing his chin casually, he walked up to Mikhail while I sat myself up on the ground. They spoke in a soft tone of voice laced with few Russian words within their sentences.That shit must be important.Mikhail, with a nod, seemed to agree to something Sinister had requested and left the room. He looked back at me sitting on the floor and raised his both eyebrows. In response, I wriggled mine and winked at h
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Who is Rosalie?
Gently knocking on the door, I entered."Sinister?" I spoke softly and he raised his eyes to me.Dear God, his eyes were a toxic shade of blue. A deep, dark, consuming soul gazed towards me and melted me in every possible way."Becky," he breathed yet his voice held a soft rawness as he stood and walked towards me, "What are you doing here?""I was looking for you.""Aren't they all?" He chuckled.It was weird but something about that chuckle seemed to lose that 'Sinister' effect. It was t wicked. I might sound crazier than I already am it but it almost seemed a tired and drawn out."Salvatore, are you alright?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows band for the first time, I was feeling a bit concerned.My question seemed to Suprise him but he brushed the reaction off quickly. "I'm more than alright Darling."Darling?"I thought it was 'Angel' ?" I playfully teased with a soft smile.With a subtle smile, he stared at me, "Why did you come here?""I wanted to talk to you- about my brother.
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The Audacity!
"I don't believe this.""The guy's 28, he had to get married sooner or later.""B-but he's in the mafia!""Just because we're in doesn't make us no less human." Nadia stated harshly, yet she didn't look at me."I hadn't meant it like that, Nadia."Ignoring me, she looked towards Nik and scowled, "Meet me in the room, now!"With that, she walked away and Nikolai followed.I stood there in utter shock, everything suddenly felt like a dream. Walking back to the room, trying to channel my multiple emotions into one was the hardest thing to do. I slumped down on the sofa and replayed everything that happened between Sinister and me.I was unsure of what I was feeling. I wanted to murder him. He led me on. He kissed me! He kissed me even though he had a fiancée. Sinister played me and used me as if I was some sort of object. That's all he knew to do! He always toyed with my emotions! He manipulated me the first time we met and now… now I felt as if I was suffocating from some sort of…. Toxi
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Family conflicts…
“Oh, I see.” I replied, “I still don’t know, Maria. I don’t belong with these people.”“I specifically asked about you, he said he wishes no one to starve in this house. You’re a guest, and you’ll be treated like one. I think it’s best if you go, I might even be in trouble if you don’t attend.” “Then I’ll go for your sake.” I sighed.She smiled thankfully, “You’re a very sweet woman, Miss Grey, I truly hope God blesses and gives you what you deserve. Everyone’s been seated downstairs, you should probably go as well.”I nodded and she walked away. At first, I was a bit hesitant to go there, but I sucked it up. I mean, it was just a normal dinner, what could go wrong?I stood at the door of the dining room where I saw Sinister’s grandfather seated at the head of the table speaking to Alberto at the side. Mikhail was taking his seat while giving instructions to a worker while Nadia sat at the other head. Nikolai walked in from the other entrance, taking a seat on the other side of Nadia
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“I killed her!”
Her shock was evident, and Maria’s eyes widened to the size of Texas.“Oh, dear,” I frowned and looked at my dirty hand, “Looks like I missed a spot.”With that, I wiped my hands on her clothing.I stood my ground as she clenched her teeth towards me. I swore she would have said something, but surprisingly, she didn’t. She walked away, muttering something angrily.Something about that told me that she wasn’t going to let it slide, but for now, I’ll celebrate my victory. I helped Maria clean up, as the poor girl was struggling to do so by herself since the other worker had left. When I was finished, I decided to take some dishes up to the stockroom on the top floor for her.On my way up there, in that hallway that I had to admit was dead creepy, I heard sudden shouts. It came from a room from afar. The last door at the end, which was slightly opened, it seemed like two persons were arguing inside there. Cautiously, I walked up to the door and peeked in, only to note the two shocking ind
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Murder nightmare.
“That’s why she tried to kill me,” Nadia suddenly interjected, “I found out, and she tried to get rid of me.”I looked at Nadia as she said that yet something felt off. She was lying. The way she said it, it wasn’t as she would. I just knew somehow that it wasn’t true. I felt it. Then again, why would she lie?“Vladimir must have influenced her.”“And to be fair,” Nikolai interjected, “We all know that Rosalie wasn’t a smart girl.”Silence engulfed the room for a few moments.“Sir?” Maria’s sweet voice suddenly brought me to my attention.“Maria, take Miss Grey back to the room.” Sinister stated firmly.“Yes sir,” she smiled and took me by my slightly trembling arms out of the room.This wasn’t happening. I didn’t like feeling like this.“Miss, please have something to drink.” Maria offered as I sat on the edge of the bed in silence.“I’m fine.” Lies.“Miss Grey, please don’t do this to yourself.”I didn’t answer. I couldn’t. How could I stop this agony? How do I ease this guilt? Wil
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A gun to my head.
My fear chewed me viciously, I had to get out. Without a second thought, I pushed myself off the bed and walked out of the room and out of the hall into Sinister’s room. He was asleep, shirtless on the bed, with an arm behind his head. The covers tousled gracefully low on his waist as he shifted slightly.Dear God.Was he naked?Taking a deep soft breath, I swallowed. I wasn’t going to scare myself to death back in that room. I didn’t want to be alone. Likewise, I hated the solitude. With a nervous flush, I walked around the bed and slipped myself in. I tried not to wake him up. He looked so peaceful while he was asleep, so harmless and less intimidating.I must be going mad, but I swore I saw a hint of a smile tug at the edge of his lips. No, I must be thinking too much. I was insane.Trying my best to shut my eyes, I snuggled into the sheets to keep myself warm. This man must have been a vampire or something because he slept with the AC at the lowest degree.“You’re here.” His soft
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