All Chapters of Alpha’s Regret; Omega’s Comeback: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
125 Chapters
Chapter 101
Alpha Baron's POVBlood mixed with spittle pooled up in my mouth and so I headed straight for the wash hand basin, spitting out the content of my mouth into the drain.With my back still on Albert, I tried to calm my wolf which was growling on the inside, trying to free itself.Creating a scene was the last thing I wanted even if that was Albert's intention.“Leave Naomi alone, I wouldn't say this to you again.” Albert broke the silence in the room.Unable to hold myself back anymore, I lunged towards him, pinning him against the wall. With hooded eyes, I growled, glaring angrily at him.“Don't you ever think of having Naomi for yourself. She is mine and that's on period.” I yelled only for the door to creak open the next minute.With my face flushed in embarrassment, I pulled away, trying not to look at the intruder's face but the intruder who turned out to be Wren announced his presence.“Albert, you should be with Naomi, don't you think.” He said.Without a word to him, Albert stor
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Chapter 102
Naomi's POVWhen father asked me to acknowledge Alpha Baron, I wanted to go against him but since he had company, I decided to obey.At first, when I discovered he was going to be occupying the table next to us, I lost it only to push the thought off my head the next second when Cassie arrived in the company of Wren.Her presence was going to deviate my attention from Alpha Baron like I intended but it never happened. I found myself staring at him every now and then.His countenance showed something was bothering him and I didn't want to believe it was me since I had long moved on and I hoped he had done the same too.Another thing that convinced me that his expression wasn't because of my rejection was that I hadn't received a text or call from him since our last conversation.“Naomi… aren't you going to tell me more about your new job.” Cassie said, snapping me out of my train of thoughts.“Her new job is boring. I wish I could make her stop but as you know, she is stubborn.” Albert
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Chapter 103
Naomi's POV With anger boiling through my veins, I folded my hands into a fist, staring at the couples who were engrossed in each other. Unable to bear the sight anymore, I pushed my hand into my hair and with heavy footsteps, began to storm in the opposite direction, trying to act like all was well when on the inside, I was being eaten up with anger. Just when I was about to take a bend, I felt a hand on my wrist. I didn't need anyone to tell me that it was Alpha Baron and so with a swift turn, I was staring back at him. Not thinking even for a second, I released my palm across his face and at once he let go of my hand, stumbling backwards as he stared back at me with his eyes almost falling from its sockets. “You should know your place, don't you think?” I yelled, gripping the hem of my gown, still staring hard at him as anger raked through me. “Naomi, what have gotten over you.” His calm tone was driving me insane that I had to place my hands by my side so I wouldn't hit
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Chapter 104
Alpha Baron's POVSmiling, I was waiting for her to react but to my disdain, she didn't say anything. It seemed like she had accepted the fact that I had moved on.What am I even thinking?She was the one who asked me to move on, so there is no way she would be feeling bad about the advice she gave.Rubbing my hands against the fabric of my shirt, I caged my lips in between my teeth, leaning over her and at the same time shielding her seat from the rays of the setting sun.“Are you mad at me?” I whispered, searching her face for any hint of a lie. If I could get a grasp of that expression, I would be all over the moon.At least, that would give me the courage to keep going after her but to my disappointment, she flashed me a smile and then went further to pat my chin.Titling my head to the side, she allowed her fingers to linger on the bandage Isabelle had used in covering my wound.“What happened earlier? It seemed you got physical with someone when you left for the bathroom.” She m
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Chapter 105
Naomi's POVPushing my hand into my hair, I let out a little grunt as I stared hard at the lush vegetation in front of me.All the while, I was thinking it would be over when Alpha Baron finally finds another love interest but the reverse was the case. I felt like a huge part of me had been taken away, leaving me empty.Pressing my lips tightly into a thin line, I tried to send back the tears that were already polling in my eyes but it was a hassle and soon they began to roll down my eyes in torrents.“You don't need him, you really do not need him.” I muttered trying to pacify myself but it was to no avail.Moments later, after I had managed to calm my raging heart, I wiped my eyes with the back of my palm and after ensuring there was no sign I had shed a tear, I turned around to leave.On getting to the corner, my eyes fell on Albert and Alpha Baron having a conversation. I have no idea what they were talking about but with the way Albert was acting, I knew it was something related
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Chapter 106
Naomi's POVFor the next few minutes that followed, I was exchanging words with my wolf who was determined to drive me crazy with her mockery.If only I could separate myself from her, I would be relieved but there was no way I could do that except to block the link binding us.Doing this wouldn't be an issue for me but whenever I decided to take this measure against her, getting her to speak with me when I finally cool off was a chore and considering what was happening right now, I wasn't in the mood for that and so I allowed her to keep on mocking me.With my hands resting on my thigh, I shut my eyes tightly, trying to forget about everything but I just couldn't.Moments later, I was pacing to and fro.Fortunately for me, my wolf had decided to stop mocking me and so I was in total solitude, thinking of nothing in particular.The only thing ringing through my head at that moment was the union between Alpha Baron and Isabelle.It wasn't as if I wanted him to myself even if I was stil
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Chapter 107
Naomi's POVIt was already a few days after the Alpha's ball, still yet, I couldn't get my mind off the event that had happened.If asked to give a comprehensive talk of every single activity that had taken place during the ball, I had no idea. It was as if I wasn't there when in the real sense I was present.Locked up in my room that night, I cried my eyes out until I couldn't shed a single tear anymore.It hurted that Alpha Baron now had someone to cleave onto, whereas I had none. The thought was driving me insane with each passing second despite all my attempts to forget about him.At this point, I began to imagine if this was how Alpha Baron felt when I kept rejecting him for ninety seven times in a row.The thought was even what made the intensity of my tears increase, keeping me at the edge of my seat as I stared at the wall all through the night.Because of my disheveled state, I had been unable to step out of my room, not to talk of visiting the daycare. I had missed the kids
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Chapter 108
Naomi's POVKnowing fully well that Albert wasn't going to let go of me even if I tried all the tactics I could come up with, I allowed him to grasp me even more tightly.“At this point, you should stop. Speak out and if there is anything that can be done to help you, I will. I promise to go any length to make it happen.”“There's nothing wrong. You should learn how to mind your business.”Exhaling, I pushed my head backwards, “How many times have I warned you to stay away from matters that pertains to me. Just in case you have no idea, it's sickening and at this point, all I want is to bash your face.”“As if.” He scoffed and then let go of my arms, making me wince slightly as a sharp pain shot up to my brain nerves.Smacking my lips, I turned around in readiness to leave. I was still hungry but with Albert's presence here, making a meal was going to be the most difficult task I was ever going to attempt.“Aren't you hungry? You haven't had anything for three days now. Alpha Jethro h
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Chapter 109
Reader's POVThat night, trying to escape from Albert's teasing, Naomi found her way to the bar.This was going to be the first time she was going to be there and so she was a little bit frightened but at least, she wasn't with Albert who was driving her crazy.Immediately her order arrived, she filled her glass with the alcohol she had ordered.Taking a sip from the glass made her shut her eyes tightly as the burning liquid made its way down her throat.Biting her lower lips, she took another sip from the glass only for her to set it on the table, her face scrunched up as the bitter taste lingered in her mouth.“I shouldn't be here in the first place, I bet it's the moon goddess trying to punish me.” She mused. One thing she was grateful for was the dim light that was in the bar and so it would be difficult for someone to spot her easily.Now resting against the table with her hands clasped in front of her, she began to nod to the rhythm of the music, seeping from the speaker.Smacki
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Chapter 110
Reader's POVFor the next few minutes, Albert just sat there, his eyes glued on the bottle in front of him.If he had known she was going to spew the words he wanted to hear during the day in her drunken state, he wouldn't have bothered trailing after her, damning the consequence.At the moment, the only thing that was ringing in his head was how he would be able to separate her from Alpha Baron.Just as Alpha Baron wanted her for himself for the powers that she possessed, Albert wanted her too. Not only because of her powers but because he would be able to access the throne he had been fantasizing about through her.“Naomi, you really need to forget about Alpha Baron. You're not acting like the authoritative figure that you're.” He yelled amidst the loud noise in the bar, thanks to the music blaring from the speaker and the loud voices of drunken men and women who were there to get wasted.Leaning towards her, he grabbed her hand and then gave it a soft squeeze. “Believe me when I sa
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