All Chapters of Billionaire husband's pursuit for his wife: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
46 Chapters
Indeed a Victory
The next day, Nina started working in 'The Fragrance '. Ella was so happy to have her there. As the new head of the technical department, it took her some time to learn the basics amidst her trials to come up with a new fragrance. Nina knows what she is doing and she is open to suggestions even from her subordinates. Her down to earth nature earned her a good name in the company. And on top of her own charismatic personality and beauty, the new scents the company launched into the market based on Nina's formulas became a huge hit in the market. 'The Fragrance' company monopolized the Fragrance market almost under just a week's time. What more, the company is receiving so many orders, that they had to increase the production to their full potential. They held another meeting to purchase new machinary to increase their production. They finalized an area where they will be opening a new production unit. Nina was informed about everything, but she gently requested Ella to keep her away f
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In a very reputed pub in the town, Theo is seen sitting inside a private cabin accompanied by his two best friends. Jeremiah Shaw and Liam Hemsworth. Jeremiah owns his own law firm while Liam is a celebrity sports person. All three of them are well known figures in Neopolis. "Cheers" Jeremiah is the cheerful person of the group. Liam is the charming one. He can make any woman fall for his charms. Jeremiah looks easy to get along with, while Liam has an edge. But Theo is aloof and unapproachable. Not everyone can stand in front of him and speak without stammering. He has that kind of intimidating edge. Theo finished his drink at one go, which has taken both Jeremiah and Liam by surprise. "Whoow, what the hell man? Take it easy will you?" Jeremiah teased.Liam looked at Theo curiously. "Is it your wife? Did she cause any issues again?" Liam asked. After Theo got married, his wife is causing too many issues to make Theo lose his cool more times than they care to count. Theo pour
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Take her home
Nina is wasted. She could hardly stand on her own. "If you ever dared to even look at my wife the wrong way, you are going to regret it" Theo fumed and pushed the man away. Nina is swaying on her feet unsteadily. Theo walked towards her and lifted her in his arms with a displeased frown. "You, let me go" Nina demanded and pointed her finger which is intended to poke at Theo, but she poked everywhere around him but not him. "You are wasted. How much did you drink?" he muttered with a frown. Nina giggled at his question. "I drank this many" she showed how much by moving both her palms as far as she could. Theo gritted his teeth. "I can see that. May I know why?" he asked sarcastically. Nina giggled again. "We are celebrating her victory" Ella supplied helpfully. Theo's frown deepened. 'Are they talking about me? Is she considering a victory not to contact me for a whole week?' he suspected. "What kind of Victory miss?" Jeremiah asked curiously. Ella looked
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Hidden agenda
The next morning, Nina woke up with a banging hangover. "Ahh.. why did I drink so much?" she mumbled without opening her eyes. She massaged her head slowly. "Here, drink this. It will feel better" Theo's voice drifted into her ears. Nina's eyes flickered open and landed on Theo's imposing figure. She looked at her surroundings and realised that she is in Pearl garden, the Morrison's family home. "What am I doing here?" she doesn't remember how she ended up there. Belated she noticed that she is wearing his clothes. If she would have woken up to the same situation before a few months ago, then she would have been ecstatic. But now, she is feeling as if her old wounds are reopening again. She looked at him coldly. She remembered bits and pieces of what happened the previous night. She masked her emotions and looked at him coldly. "Thank you for helping me last night, Mr. Morrison, I will get out of your hair now" she spoke with detachment. Theo still is not used to
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"What do you mean by hiring a cab?" Theo asked with displeasure when Nina refused to come with him and instead decided to hire a cab. She agreed to come with him in front of his mother. After coming outside, she doesn't want to come with him. He understood that she was still upset by his behaviour when she got into an accident. He knows that he made a mistake. He thought she would revert back to her old self sooner. But as the days tick by, she is only going away from him. "It means that I don't want to travel in one car with you. I prefer taking a cab. If you have time today, we can go and finalize our divorce agreement in the Civil affairs bureau. It's useless to drag a dead relationship. We can hide this from mom untill she recovers. No one except my family and mom knows that I am your wife. So it wouldn't be an issue" she spoke coldly. Just then, her cab came and she left him standing infront of his House, reeling with complex emotions. It was true that he initiated the divor
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Prospective boy friend
Nina was rushing towards the meeting room to join the meeting. She is late. Ella insisted on coming on time. But Nina got held up in the traffic. Ella is planning to expand 'The Fragrance' and open their own retail outlets instead of supplying to other retailers. They had this proposal on hold for a while now. But this was held back because they couldn't find any prospective investors. Just that morning Ella called Nina and informed her that they found a new investor. But the new investor insisted on meeting Nina before signing the contract. Nina was in such a rush that she didn't see where she was going. Hastily she rounded a corner and bumped into someone. "Ouch" she hissed when something hot spilled on her dress and scaled her stomach. She looked at the person whom she bumped into and noticed that the coffee he was carrying spilled on his hand which is now turning red. "Shit, I am so sorry" she apologized sincerely. She pulled some wet wipes from her bag and started to cle
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A caption
"My company gets fifty percent of the profits. As we are investing the money and you are supplying the products, profits will be shared fifty-fifty. Our company is ready to invest two hundred million to establish special retail outlets especially for the perfumes developed by your company. We heard that you are planning to release a new series which would be helpful to fight severe depression, sleeplessness, and ailments like that. So, what do you say?" Mr. Fisher shared his company's proposal.Ella looked at Nina first for her opinion. Nina gave a subtle nod. Except for when he spoke with her, he was very professional and didn't make her feel uncomfortable. Moreover, his proposal will take 'the Fragrance' to the next level and help them to stand neck to neck with several MNC's.Ella grinned and she started to discuss the administration side of the proposal. Nina listened to every point intently. "As we are going global, we decided to change the name of the company a little" Ella pro
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Block their supplies
In the 'MD perfumes ' "Mr. Dankworth, I heard that 'The Fragrance' is about to expand. They found an investor as well. They are opening more than a hundred retail stores in different countries and are planning to sell their products on their own. This way they will get more exposure and profits. If this continues, our group will never be able to gain recognition again" one of the shareholders of the MD group informed Francis. There were only three shareholders who mostly favour Francis and want to go to any lengths to get what they want. They wanted profits and they didn't like the sudden rise of the Vincent group. Francis is not pleased as well. Theo casually informed him to search for other Performers to hire into their company. He didn't give much explanation as to why he suddenly changed his mind or if he met the new perfumer whom Ella Vincent hired. Francis is a business man, and more experienced than Theo. So he didn't like to say what to do."They already have so many p
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Mrs. Morrison
Just then, a hush fell over the party. All the eyes were drawn towards the entrance, from where two dazzling women were walking inside with confidence. Nina caught everyone's attention. She is extremely beautiful and holds herself with grace and confidence. Her attitude is right and her demeanor demands respect and attention. She might not be the richest person in that banquet, but she is still rich. She is now a millionaire with her shares and her net income. And she alone earned everything. That itself is giving her confidence to walk inside with her head held high. 'Who is she?' 'She is so hot''Oh my, why haven't I seen her before?' 'Finally someone who can outshine Chelsea Dankworth ' 'She is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen' 'I want her' Everyone is watching Nina and Ella. Almost everyone recognised Ella, but Nina is a beautiful mystery.Chelsea heard the silent murmurs of the crowd. She didn't like the attention Nina was receiving. She doesn't know that Nina
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That raised Barbara's ire. She raised her hand to slap Nina. But Nina caught Barabar's wrist mid-air. Barbara and Silas are stunned to see this side of Nina. The Nina they know and the Nina standing in front of them is completely different. The old Nina wouldn't have dared to stop Barbara or even raised her voice against her stepmother or step brother. But this Nina is behaving as if she is possessed. "I wouldn't do that if I were you, Barbara" Nina said evenly, without looking as if she is losing her composure unlike the others.Silas couldn't take the way Nina is disregarding and disrespecting them in front of everyone. "Nina, don't forget that she is your mother. Is this the way you respect your elders? No wonder Mr. Morrison is divorcing you. Who would want to spend their life with a woman like you?" Silas insulted Nina. He is angry that he is losing face in front of his fiancee and her family. Amber is stunned. She heard that Nina can be easily manipulated and is a door ma
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