All Chapters of His rejected mate: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
74 Chapters
11. The truth.
Alpha DominicOpting for a run to distance myself from Linda, my chosen mate, I noticed someone intriguing. As I approached, my wolf grew increasingly restless. Since Freya's departure, my wolf had been on edge, but this restlessness reached a peak, reminiscent of the day she ran away.Sensing something amiss, a growl escaped me as I drew nearer. The scent of this person was a peculiar blend, intertwined with that of Alpha Scott from the Silvermoon pack. Questions arose as to who this individual might be.As she turned around my breath caught in my throat as I stared into the depth of my mate, this was my mate. At first I thought it was a second mate but I knew Freya, even with the change of her appearance she was still my Freya.My wolf erupted in a feral howl, clamoring for his mate, Freya. My own desire surged, captivated by her stunning beauty.As I shifted, I couldn't help but admire her, a vision of allure, even as she covered her luscious body during our conversation. It took e
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12. Mumma Instincts.
Upon getting home, my immediate instinct kicked in – I went on full lock-down, casting an invisible shield around my home. No one could find me or Mathew, and breaking in became impossible.But reality slapped me – Alpha Dominic, my pursuer, my mate who had rejected me had found me. The tension built up as I paced back and forth, clueless about my next move.My thoughts inevitably circled back to Alpha Dominic, and the undeniable truth hit me – Alpha Dominic was still as handsome as ever.There was this magnetic pull I couldn't ignore, yet I hadn't caved into the alluring temptations. Now, faced with the prospect of a future encounter, resisting that connection seemed like an uphill battle.How on earth would I navigate this if, or more likely when, we crossed paths again? The question lingered, leaving me grappling with the complexity of emotions and the impending uncertainty.The contemplation gripped me – was it too late to take Mathew and vanish once more into the shadows? Going b
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13. The shock.
As I grasped the doorknob and turned it, a sudden rush of surprise widened my eyes as I discovered Alpha Scott on the other side. The unexpected encounter sent a jolt through me, but amidst the shock, a resolute understanding took hold – there was a pressing need for a conversation."Alpha Scott," the simultaneous utterance of our names by both Michael and me hung in the air, a reflection of our shared surprise."Alice, Michael," Alpha Scott's acknowledgment resonated in the room, his gaze shifting seamlessly between us.Maintaining a composed demeanor, Alpha Scott gracefully scooped up Mathew into his arms, initiating a playful yet mature interaction that instantly infused the room with a different kind of happiness.The infectious joy of Mathew, always a beacon of cheerfulness, prompted a collective cheer, his little laughter echoing through the room. A smile graced my lips seeing him so carefree.Gently placing Mathew back on the ground, Alpha Scott shifted his attention towards me
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14. The Revelation.
"I have to go," I uttered, the words hanging in the air like a weighted secret as the realization hit me hard—Alpha Dominic had my son. The urgency clawed at my chest, a mix of fear and desperation pooling in my veins.As Alpha Scott and I approached, the playground seemed to blur through a haze of anxiety. Then, amidst the laughter of children and the distant hum of the pack life, I spotted a joyous image.There, in the midst of it all, was my precious Mathew, his giggles dancing through the air like musical notes with his father Dominic."Such a beautiful image, isn't it? Don't tell me you can live with ruining such a beautiful thing," Alpha Scott whispered beside me, his voice a gentle reminder of the delicate balance hanging in the air.As I stood there, torn between the beauty of the scene and the questions that lingered, I couldn't escape the realization that life had taken an unexpected turn, presenting me with a choice that held the power to redefine the very essence of why I
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15. Not Going Anywhere.
Alpha Scott's authoritative voice echoed through the pack gathering, "Alright, everyone, back to your duties! We have work to do." His commanding tone cut through the tensed atmosphere, urging the pack members to disperse and resume their tasks, attempting to restore a semblance of normalcy.Amidst the organized chaos of the pack getting back to their responsibilities, I stood off to the side, cradling baby Mathew in my arms.His infectious giggles filled the air, still oblivious to the revelations that had just unfolded. The innocence of his laughter created a small haven, momentarily shielding us from undeniable confrontation by Alpha Dominic, his own father.As Alpha Dominic approached, his typically calm and handsome features now bore the weight of tension, his eyes ablaze with an unmistakable rage.The air seemed to crackle with the intensity of his emotions, and the aura of authority that usually accompanied him was overshadowed by the turmoil within.Just as Alpha Dominic stood
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16. The unfortunate Meeting.
Alpha Dominic's povIn the midst of the open field, Mathew's eyes lit up as he spotted her. With pure excitement, he shouted, "Mumma!" and darted towards her.A contagious smile spread across his face as she swept him into her arms, momentarily lightening the weight of our complex situation.While she held Mathew close, our eyes met. In that charged silence, her gaze revealed a sudden and shocking realization.Freya was a mom—the mother of Mathew, the boy I had been inexplicably drawn to. Suddenly, it all made sense—the protective instinct from my wolf, the strong connection with Mathew. He was my son. I had a son. The realization that I had conceived a boy without knowing left me in shock, immobilized by the profound revelation.The field, once serene, now bore the weight of unspoken truths. Mathew's laughter, a brief respite, emphasized the significance of the moment. My tough alpha exterior faltered as the reality of newfound fatherhood sank in, revealing a vulnerability seldom see
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17. True Motive.
Lying on the ground, Luna Linda looked up at me, her eyes reflecting a blend of shock and disbelief. The revelation hit her profoundly, just as I intended. The name Freya Stoneheart lingered in the air, a symbol of the newfound power I wielded, a power I refused to let anyone underestimate.Once tossed aside and rejected by Alpha Dominic for Luna Linda, I now reveled in the satisfaction of the tides turning. Both of them confronted the consequences of their choices.Luna Linda, once the favored one and Alpha Dominic's chosen mate, now faced the reality that the very title had once belonged rightfully to me. The emotions of vindication and triumph surged within me as I stood there, watching the impact of my revelation unfold on her face.Standing there, observing Luna Linda's struggle to rise, my eyes met Alpha Dominic's. A flicker of pride flashed in his gaze for me.As the weight of the revelation pressed down on Luna Linda, I savored the moment. The taste of revenge was bittersweet
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18. At my home.
"Unbelievable," I could hear Linda scoff underneath her breath, her wariness laced with a hint of disdain, as if something profound was amiss in the very fabricated story of Alpha Dominic's words."What does my mother dying have to do with me?" I folded my hands."I know you still have a heart," Alpha Dominic uttered, his words carrying a plea beneath the weight of the revelation, as if he was unraveling a long-buried secret. "Your mother's wish is to see you before she breathes her last."The air seemed to hold its breath as the profoundness of the moment sank in. The mention of a mother's dying wish, a flicker of humanity amidst the turmoil, tugged at something deep within me. Was I as terrible as my mother? Was her last wish to apologize to me for every horrible thing she did to me?"After all my mother has done to me, I'm supposed to go and see the woman who caused me pain?" I retorted, the bitterness of the past echoing in my words. The idea of facing the source of my wounds, eve
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19. A soon to be child?
Luna Linda's Pov"Ughhhh." I thrashed everything in our room.That fucking bitch Freya. She thought she could embarrass me like that and get away with it? She thought she could come into my life and steals whatever was mine and I sat back and let it happen? She had another thing coming.Before she got her disgusting hands on my mate Dominic again, I'll make sure she gets what's coming to her.How fucking dare Dominic sit there and watch as that bitch put her filthy hands on me. I'm the Luna! I will never sit back and watch my mate be taken from me.I rejected my mate just for the sake of Dominic and now he wants to take back that bitch just because the moon goddess told him that he needed to correct his wrong by finding his true mate. Damn that Moon goddess, I'm his true mate!The weight of Alpha Dominic's mother's expectations hung thick in the air. She pleaded with me to have sex with Dominic, to become the comfort for the unrest going through our pack.But for an enduring four year
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20. In the same Bed.
I stepped into our home, the sight of Mathew playing with Alpha Dominic unfolded before me like a poignant scene in a story I had never intended to write. It was bittersweet, a glimpse into the family we could have been if Alpha Dominic hadn't turned me away four years ago.The warmth in the room contrasted sharply with the chill in my heart as I watched my son and his father share a moment of laughter and joy.Alpha Dominic's affectionate gestures towards Mathew sparked a complex mix of emotions within me. A fleeting admiration stirred at the handsome figure before us, a man who once held the promise of a shared future.Yet, introducing Mathew to his father felt like unraveling a delicate web of secrets and missed opportunities. The ache of past rejections lingered, but there was an unexpected tenderness in Alpha Dominic's interactions with Mathew that I couldn't ignore.I couldn't help but marvel at the genuine care Alpha Dominic showed towards Mathew. In that moment, despite the li
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