All Chapters of The Heartless Billionaire and His Innocent Nanny : Chapter 31 - Chapter 39
39 Chapters
Chapter Thirty One- When It Rains, It Pours
Brooks' POV I quit. I'd imagined letting her go at least a hundred times from unrelenting lust and pure spite alone. But hearing the end come from her lips took the ability to breathe completely away from me. Although it had only been approximately three months, I couldn't imagine her no longer a part of our routine. The mere idea of her no longer sitting at our breakfast table with burnt bacon and undercooked pancakes resituated my heart deep into my gut to such a depth that it weighed there with nausea. Thinking of her no longer being the first or last face Landon and I saw before the end of our day and beginning the next cinched my chest in on itself as if being pulled by invisible stri
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Chapter Thirty Two- White Flag
Virginia's POV I expected an argument, not this. Not the feeling of his lips gently guiding mine apart until he could slip his tongue into a slow coaxing of my own.  The first kiss had been enough to surprise me but this one was overwhelming. All because it was quietly demanding in a way his hands took stock in my hips until pushing me against the glass, his knee rose to the apex between my legs, and his mouth was a slow assurance from my mouth to my jaw, and gradual to my neck.  The smirk against my skin made me moan enough to motivate him further, and before I could remember why I was mad or the fact I was leaving, he was lifting me against the glass until I was reliant on his strength. I gasped to the surprise lift and he grinned up at me.  "I'll ne
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Chapter Thirty Three- More Than
Brooks' POV "You told me it wasn't over..." She pouted as I kissed away at the plump bottom lip. "I can't control myself around you-" I began, her face shifting from nervousness to a subtle confidence that blossomed her beauty into something like a goddess. "Then don't." Goddamn, this woman.  I looked over her shoulder and to the four poster bed before imagining what would transpire. A quick shedding of clothes. Heavy petting. French kisses until breathless. Pulling her thighs apart and then those lower lips until I had her soaking my tongue one more time. Maybe two. When wet, I'd shove my angry cock inside of her with merc
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Chapter Thirty Four- Edible
Virginia's POVLaying all of the ingredients on the kitchen island, I tried to make sense of the recipe. As it seemed like an excess for what I theorized would be a quick preparation, I used Google to learn it was a pasta dish guaranteed to have a bit of a kick to it. I was excited to be beside him to help achieve the final result while one detail made me nibble at my already uneven nails for his reaction. The picture I'd sent him earlier in the day was from bravery that faded the second our conversation ended. After slipping on a new pair of panties, I carried on with my chores as Landon was due home later tonight. Now, I was waiting for the front door to come open with him discovering I disobeyed him. I was curious what he would do to punish me-if he was into that sort of thing.When he came through the door
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Chapter Thirty Five- Risk and Reward
Brooks' POV "Go away, dad!" Landon sniffled from his side of the door. I still pushed through, finding a pillow at my face, before he threw his body back down on the bed as he continued to cry. "Do you want to talk about it?" "No!" He shouted beneath the muffling of his comforter. I sat at the foot of the bed and tried to apply comfort by my hand on his back and he moved away from me, almost sandwiching himself between the mattress and the wall. "I didn't know you had a crush on Virginia, Landon." "I love her!" I didn't blame him. She had a way of infecting your heart, the darker and more abandoned and the more she seemed to find a home there. Slowly fixing the fissures until all that was left was the warmth applied to f
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Chapter Thirty Six- Oral Fixation
Virginia’s POV Reciprocation. It was all I could think about since last night. My only knowledge of it came from the handful of erotic romance novels I had the scarce time to read. The details were always more for entertainment than a method of teaching, which left me searching "tips and tricks" on my phone on and off throughout the day. But each time there had been the same comments that all circled back to communication. So that was where I started. But with the way he was looking at me, I wish I wouldn't have said anything. "Brooks?" I finally managed as he seemed frozen in time by my comment. I intended for it to
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Chapter Thirty Seven- Swallow
Brooks' POV Although I tried to keep my exterior as calm as possible, every inch of my skin was vibrating for what was about to happen. Watching her fingers begin to peel apart my belt from its buckle, I could already feel precum leak from my head to imagine her taking me down past those innocent lips nobody knew pleasure from before. As she pulled the leather slowly towards her until it slid through the final loop, I had to will my hips to remain as still as possible to keep from frightening her with my gnawing desperation. "Virginia?" I rasped, my confidence slipping at the circumstances no longer being only a fantasy. She answered by looking up at me with wondrous eyes I was about to make water if she'd let me and I almost had to force her back to her feet just to keep a train of thought. "This is a first for
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Chapter Thirty Eight- Heather
Virginia's POVThere's something I've noticed about my burgeoning sexuality. The more I experience, the more I want. Not in a consuming way like a genuine addiction, but in the way that I trust my partner enough to explore every avenue that fascinates us both. It shows in the silent moments between us with those loaded smiles and quiet conversations behind our eyes. It is complete trust and admiration between two people with formerly broken perceptions of desire and misguided affection. I think we were fixing each other more and more with every little touch and every little moment. "Good morning..." He almost purred against my neck as Landon was turned around watching television as I packed his lunch for the day. Whatever food item I was on has become forgotten to the lips suddenly on my skin as it took everything I had not to moan to the warmth. "Do you think it's too early to convince you to sleep in my bed?" I chuckled and he playfully bit me. "I'm
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Chapter Thirty Nine- Mothers and Daughters
Brooks' POV   I could see the weak resemblance now. Only when looking between them could you see the true similarities. The shape of the eyes, the bend of the cupid's bow, and the way either of them could lift a brow before they would disagree with you. But right now for sharing blood, Virginia almost seemed stunned to see the woman. I couldn't blame her but it didn't beg the question why she was here and how in the hell she was my client.   "I just want five goddamn minutes!" She barked and after this latest outburst, Virginia lowered the steps and stood across her mom. She studied her and I realized it must have been because she was sober. There was evidence of use from the sallow skin and sunken eyes but it was clear she hadn't used anything hard for quite some time.   "D
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