All Chapters of His kingdom His Rules : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
41 Chapters
A threat
Their tongues followed the same pace as they continued kissing so deeply and intensely, Allison couldn't help but moan out in pleasure, she could feel Romario's hands roaming around her exposed neck. “Master, I.. can't” Allison whined as she pushed Romario off her body, so as to breathe a little. Romario wanted to get angry but when he saw the flushed expression on his slave. Allison blushed heavily as she pushed her face out of her face, “I beg to take my leave now” she said as she bowed, turning to leave.Romario grasped her waist and pulled her back, his husky voice warning, "I don't want to see that guard around you again, Allison." She felt a shiver run down her spine as she replied, "Yes, master," and quickly retreated. Romario chuckled, sitting on his bed, his fingers tracing his lips as he blushed, remembering the recent kiss. He shook his head, dismissing the thought; this was unusual behavior. Was he starting to like his slave? The idea made him uneasy.Leonardo entered the
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Romario's POVMy eyes widened in confusion as Namiro's statement hung in the air. "She wants to leave with me?" I thought to myself, trying to process the sudden urgency. We were engaged, I knew that much, but what was driving this sudden rush? Namiro seemed to ignore my confusion, brushing past me as she headed upstairs, leaving me feeling bewildered and concerned. Leonardo, her loyal companion, was whispering something in her ear, no doubt fueling the fire. I shot a glance at my mom, who was sipping her coffee with a knowing smirk on her face. "That Jose's daughter sure knows how to safeguard her man," she taunted, but a stern glare from me silenced her immediately.My pet, sensing my unease, bowed and scurried off to attend to her duties. I followed Namiro upstairs, my mind racing with questions. What was going on? Why the sudden change of heart? As I approached the room next to mine, I could hear hushed whispers between Namiro and Leonardo. It seemed that's where she intended to m
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Manor of deceits
Allison POVI tried to protest, but my words were drowned out by the masters and servants dragging me away. I struggled and kicked, but they were too strong. They threw me into a dark, damp cell, the iron door clanging shut behind me. I heard the sound of keys locking me in, and I was left alone in the darkness.As I caught my breath, I tried to make sense of what had happened. Why had Master Leonardo accused me of trying to kill Namiro? And why had Namiro thrown herself down the stairs? It didn't make any sense. I was just a slave, trying to survive in this cruel household. I shed so much tears as I lay on the cold floor thinking of my miserable life, I just wished for someone to help me.Romario's POVI was in my office, working on Tristian's release with an attorney I could bribe to go against the government. Desperate times called for desperate measures, after all. The attorney said he could only get Tristian out on parole, so Tristian needed to lay low.Just then, Venita burst i
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sudden emotions
Everybody stared at Leonardo in sympathy; Terrone Ndrangheta wasn't the kind of man to be joked with. Terrone could only glare at his son, pushing his hands away before walking out, to everyone's surprise. "That's certainly surprising," Venita grumbled, strolling back into her room; the entertainment was over.Leonardo helped Namiro up, her leg injured from the fall. Namiro hung her head in shame as she passed Romario, who didn't utter a word; he'd need to talk to her later. Romario picked up Allison, who was shivering on the ground, and whispered encouraging words as she cried profusely. He took her to the slave quarters, where several servants stared at him in shock, but he ignored them and walked towards Emily, who was standing on the sidewalk. "Take me to her room now," Romario demanded, and Emily nodded, leading the way. When they arrived, Romario gently placed Allison on the bed. He turned to Emily immediately, "Get her some food and let her rest," Romario ordered, before leavin
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The escape
Allison POV It's been weeks since I was released from the dungeon, and I'm still in shock. Master Terrone's sudden mercy has me on edge - something feels off. Mistress Namiro has been avoiding me, but her piercing stares still make me uneasy. I don't know what her problem is, but that woman is unpredictable."Stop daydreaming and clean!" Master Leonardo barks, storming upstairs. His taunts are nothing new, but I've grown used to them. I continue cleaning the dining table, ignoring Venita's venomous glares. She can't touch me, thanks to Master Romario's protection, and that gives me a sense of security."Allison, get here now!" the head maid yells, her annoyance palpable. I sigh and hurry over, her malice-filled gaze following me. I understand her resentment - Master Romario gave me a week off, and the other servants are jealous. "I need you to help Carlos and the guards move the fittings," she says, her tone dripping with disdain. My eyes widen in confusion - I'm no guard, and I know
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No one laves
Romario's POVToday, I headed to the High Court of Justice in southern Italy for Tristian's hearing. I didn't have time for breakfast, so I grabbed a coffee at Costco on the way, needing the caffeine to stay calm during the proceedings. Ken accompanied me, just in case things went awry and Tristian started talking recklessly. We arrived at the court, and the judge was already seated with the prosecutors. We slipped in unnoticed, taking seats at the back to observe.The prosecutor addressed Tristian, "You're accused of human trafficking, and now your attorney claims to have evidence of your innocence. That's suspicious." Tristian's nervousness was palpable. Our attorney defended, "My client initially pleaded guilty to protect his family from the real traffickers, who threatened them. He's willing to reveal their names." The judge nodded thoughtfully. The hearing continued, with more debates and what I considered to be lies. I couldn't help but feel disdain for the court system, where b
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Allison POVFor over two weeks, my failed escape plan was the talk of the manor, with most servants astonished that I was still alive. The masters punished me with tedious tasks for those two weeks, and Carlos avoided me since the incident where Master Romario slammed his head against the wall. After a month, the topic was finally forgotten. The head maid, who had also been given tedious tasks, stopped bothering me. Master Romario became somewhat nicer to me, using a softer tone, which made me feel special, but still, he was Master Romario - unpredictable and prone to sudden outbursts and slaps.One day, while I was lost in thought, Anastasia asked, "Why are you always daydreaming?" Rosita and Emily burst out laughing at my discomfort. Anastasia had joined our little group or whatever this was, and I rolled my eyes at their teasing. "Don’t you have work today?" I asked Anastasia, who replied, "I got the 'get lost' memo" with a playful wave goodbye as she headed to her duties.I was as
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Birthday surprise
I woke up with a sense of despair, dreading the day ahead. It was my birthday, the anniversary of my enslavement. Tears welled up in my eyes as I recalled my parents selling me into slavery. I remembered the cold floor of the slave ship that brought me to Italy like it was yesterday. I wiped away my tears and stood up, glancing around my room. Emily was nowhere to be found, probably busy in the kitchen. With no early morning chores and Master Romario still away, I decided to search for her.As I walked to the kitchen, I forced fake smiles in response to the warm greetings from the other servants. Most of them were unaware it was my birthday, and I didn't plan on sharing that with them. Upon reaching the kitchen and slave dining area, I couldn't find Emily or any of the others. Resigned to spending the morning alone, I recalled the painful memories of my past birthdays. My mom would beat me and force me to silence, blaming me for our family's misfortunes. I sighed, opening my room door
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Closure and Stockholm syndrome
Allison and her mother locked eyes, Allison's nervousness contrasting with her mother's shock and disdain. Her mother rubbed her nose, composing herself before speaking harshly, "What the hell are you doing here?" Allison took a step back, attempting to explain, "I wanted to see..." but her mother cut her off with a scream."You're a slave now, Allison!" her mother exclaimed, her annoyance palpable. Before Allison could respond, her father emerged to investigate the commotion. "Allison?" he asked, shocked, and Allison nodded with a small smile. "Come in," he invited, while her mother glared at him before rolling her eyes and muttering under her breath.Allison entered the house, telling Ken to wait outside, knowing should first talk to her family alone before inviting him in. As she stepped into the parlor, she felt a sense of familiarity and comfort wash over her. The house was just as she remembered it. Her father, who had apparently just returned from work at the bank, sat down to
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I am in love
Romario POVI'd been in Mexico for weeks, finalizing deals and attending meetings. But the call from my pet caught me off guard. Today's her birthday, and her request was surprisingly bold. I needed Ken to accompany her, as she might try to escape again - a thought that amused me.But my amusement was short-lived, as I realized I was still in a meeting with the Mafia panel. Jose's stern gaze brought me back to attention. "Is anything about what I just said funny, Mr. Romario?" he asked gruffly. I quickly composed myself. "No, sir."Jose continued discussing Officer Naveen Kumar, who had successfully taken down drug lords and was closing in on us. But I wasn't worried. It was unusual for Jose to lead this meeting, as my father typically handled such matters. Since the Venita incident, however, my father had been avoiding Jose, who seemed increasingly hostile towards us.As the meeting concluded, Jose signaled for me to follow him. We walked to his car, where he instructed me to pass a
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