All Chapters of MY EX-HUSBAND’S REMORSE: Chapter 71 - Chapter 75
75 Chapters
Chapter 71
YSABELLE Faint waves of laughter, clattering on the ceramic, and warm fingers wrapped around my cold hand made me come back to the real world. I slowly opened my eyes, and the light coming from the window made me wince and groan. “Mommy?” That was Ashley’s voice.As I fully open my eyes, I first see my daughter's ocean-blue eyes welled up in tears. Next to her is Ashton, wearing the same emotions through his eyes. They seemed delighted, but at the same time, scared that I had just woken up.Ashton and Ashley immediately went up to me, wrapping their arms around me as if they were gone for a year. My heart felt warm as I finally had them in my arms.I groaned as I tried to sit up on the bed. I was in an enormous unfamiliar room, but I could smell the scent of antiseptic everywhere. It feels like I'm in the hospital but in a luxurious room.That's when I noticed my father at the bottom of the bed, standing still while gazing at me. Why do they seem worried? What happened– Oh! My head
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Chapter 72
YSABELLE As soon as we arrived at the hospital, Ashley excitedly reached for the vase on the center table.“Mommy, I will put this here!” She leaped on the couch while carrying a bouquet of roses that we bought at the shop in front of the condo unit.“Sure, baby. Be careful.”“Yes, I will!”“Tone down, Ashley.”Ashton's scolding made me remember Ronan. A smile painted on my lips when Ashley stuck out her tongue to Ashton.With a deep sigh, I placed the groceries on the table. I plan to cook Ronan’s favorite food for lunch. I prepared everything I needed and started rummaging in the kitchen while thinking of Ronan.I did my best to remain focused on what I was doing, but my tears betrayed my mind.Yes, Ronan was still in the hospital, remaining conscious.It's been a week since that encounter happened. And until now, neither Paul nor Connor has been found.The police did everything to investigate their motive, especially Paul. They are both wanted, and their faces are everywhere, so
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Chapter 73
YSABELLE As soon as I entered the room, I sprinted just to see Ronan when I heard he was awake. His alluring smile was the first thing I saw when my eyes landed on his. He was not sitting on the bed, with Ashton and Ashley eating fruits in front of him.“Ronan…” I called as my eyes became watery.“Hey… gorgeous.” He faintly said.My heart leaped as he called me, running to him with tears escaping from my eyes. My arms were tightly wrapped around him as I heard his faint and soft chuckle.Thank God, he's awake!“Did I worry you?” I nodded as I buried my face on his neck, careful not to touch the wound on his chest.“I'm sorry for sleeping for so long.” I shook my head because he should not say sorry for getting a rest. “Why are you not saying anything?”“I miss your voice,” I whispered. “Then, talk to me.” He whined.I immediately distanced myself away from him. The frown was now all over my face.“Why did you come there? You should have been looking for Jacob. Look what happened
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Chapter 74
YSABELLE As I'm preparing my personal belongings inside my bag, ready to leave the hospital, Ronan won't stop pestering me about wanting to go with me.With an irritating sigh, I glared at him. “No, I will go because you're injured.”“I can manage, Belle.” He attempted to get off the bed but blocked his way using my leg across the bed frame.“Ronan, please listen to me.” I hissed in frustration.He wants to come with me to see Jacob, but I already asked his attending doctor if he can move. Obviously, he was forbidden to move around because his wound might trigger again to open up.And now, he's being stubborn.“I need to see Jacob.”I held his face, pulling him closer to me until our lips collided. I kissed him passionately, enough to divert his attention as he slowly ran his hands at my back, drawing me into him.I pulled away and leaned my forehead into his. “I will bring him to you,” I said, giving him another peck on his lips. “I promise.”I stared at him, waiting for his respon
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Chapter 75
YSABELLE Caressing Jacob's hair as he was sleeping on my lap, I felt relief that Ronan’s mind would be at peace. He's only worried about Jacob's safety, not about Candice lying to him for years. Not blood-related could be a family, too. After he devoured the food I bought, he fell asleep beside me. He looked so innocent while sleeping. I now felt sorry for what happened to his mother. To be honest, a kid needs a mother, whatever it takes. I felt him move a bit as his eyes slowly opened. “Are you awake?” His eyes meet mine. He nodded and went back to stare at the blank space. I then noticed a necklace that had a half-moon pendant, which seemed familiar to me. “What’s that?” He immediately hid the necklace, afraid that I might steal it. “That looks so cool,” I commented. “Who gave it to you? I will buy some for Ashton and Ashley.” “A man gave it to me.” A smile crept into my lips as I realized that whenever I mentioned the twins, he became like a puppy. “That man earlier
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