All Chapters of HIS SECRET WIFE: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
61 Chapters
STORMA devil. A sly wicked devil. My eyes narrowed at Amar who drove us home. Our eyes met at the review mirror and he quickly looked away. I could see that smirk on his face, he found this funny. The cars were all filled with groceries, be sure my wife bought everything the store could offer. And the world would have to drown in hell before I ate anything Brandy cooked. I was sure her only experience in the kitchen was washing dishes. There was no way she was cooking anything I would eat. My head snapped to find her head having fallen on my shoulder. In her hand she clenched the fast food paper bags. I shook my head, not even sure how I felt. I should have been fuming. She made me late then pulled me from negotiating a very important deal for the Gambino cartel. That woman. She could just walk in the mist of deadly men and drag me out. I doubt she knew who I stood with, I doubt she even cared. I threw my arm around her shoulders to steady her. She turned, snuggling into my s
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BRANDYDid I do anything productive during the weekend? Nope. Did I get rest? Nope. It was one movie after another all day and night long. I could do with more rest but I was ready to kick ass Monday morning.. I even put effort on wearing more makeup and did something other than a ponytail with my hair. Well, when it came to clothes I gave up after an hour of coordinating. It was a good thing Storm had his own driver because he could not stand me taking a whole hour finding an outfit for the day. A new week and nothing had changed. Somehow I got more stern faces and the disbelief inched on every face I came across. What did I do? I closed my office door, it clean and fresh. It was a bit sunny so I opened the windows, letting the sounds of the city greet me. A knock sent me jumping, eyes wide as I turned to the unexpected sound.“Come in.” The click of the heels and wow, legs, such gorgeous legs so early in the morning. I felt like a creep, shaking the thought from my head.
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Three days and I still couldn’t get the conversation out of my head. He didn’t need to call, why did he? It was not as if we were really a couple. My heart couldn’t handle such things. My head was way fast, already creating a whole fantasy world and fooling my heart. I hadn’t heard from Storm since he called to let me know he was leaving and I hadn’t been to the house with all the work I had. Somehow I could day dream and work at the same time. I had too much to prove and too much to lose if I failed at this. Something big was waiting for me and I wouldn’t disappoint. An email alert drew my attention from the meeting I was in. I clicked on it while Ben blabbed away on the tiny display. “Mhh..” I nervously clicked on it, eyebrows furrowed. Somehow I couldn’t believe it, so I maximized it on the screen. Dear Miss Madroi,Twenty- three colleagues have reported their inability to do their work. This has been brought by the uneasiness in their work environment brought by behavior
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“ Can I sit at the front?” “ No Ma’am, for safety purposes I would insist you sit at the back.” Damon said, still holding the door for me. I hopped in, the door closed with me getting comfortable. Four long days of intense work, three nights of typing and reading away. I should have been dead beat but I felt a smile crawl on my face. I had done a lot, seeing a way through finally. I watched Damon stir the steering wheel. It slid through his hands and it was like magic. “ Damon?” I called, scooting over to peek my head in between the seats. My smile broke into a grin as his forehead wrinkled, waiting for my question until he gave up and turned. 
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BRANDYMy hand kept patting. I rolled over, pulling a pillow to my face and drifted back to sleep. Friday. My day to sleep. I woke up at ten, alone in bed. Somehow I was well rested. A smile lay on my face. I slid out of bed, not failing to notice that I had been clinging to Storm’s pillow. If he saw me, I would never hear the end of it. I made the bed, tidied the room then got into the shower. My body froze, the water pouring on me. Something was lying heavy on my neck. My hand rose
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We ate lunch first then went shopping.Damon was such good company and his jokes surely gave me abs.  With my new card to my own money, I was a danger to my bank account. Paper bags draped from both our hands and we made several trips to the car when our hands couldn’t carry more. There was just so much to buy. I had to let Storm teach me his stingy ways. I didn’t know if Storm would be back for dinner but I went on and bought dinner for us. I hoped it was good because what better way to thank someone than to buy them food. It was six when we left the mall and I felt as if I needed no gym when going to the mall because so much cardio took place. 
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“Good morning.” I walked past Damon and slid into my seat, turning to smile at him. My body froze with him pulling my seat belt suddenly to clip it. His chest brushed against mine and even the air froze. My hands folded as I stared shocked. “ Good morning.” He said back with the brightest smile I had ever seen on him. His face was just past mine and he froze for a split second right before my face before fully pulling away. My head snapped as he slammed the door and walked around the car. I was out of it for a few seconds. “ Do you still remember what you learned yesterday?” 
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STORM A planned strike of workers in our South African hotel chain. The words kept moving in circles in my head, like a broken record. A sigh escaped, slamming the report file and switching to the digital file yet same results. Why did it take my wife so long to get dressed? Why was it always an issue? Watching her dress was heartbreaking. And why did I care? A hand ran through my hair. Since when did I care about women fashion? But what could be so hard about wearing clothes. She seemed to always be shopping yet each time she had to dress up, it took hours and in the end, leggings and a large t-shirt. It shouldn’t have bothered me the way it did but there I sat on a Sunday morning with more work than I needed and problems beyond imagination but all my brain could stay on was my wife’s fashion sense. What was so hard? Soon the search bar on my screen stared back at me. Fat woman fashion. I clicked the search icon and waited. The images soon spread on my screen. My off
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BRANDY’S P.O.V. Storm: I am on my way, I hope you are dressed. A chuckle escaped, throwing the phone on the chair. I hoped I would be dressed too but it was a work in progress. I gave up wanting to be the best dressed or fashionable at all. I just wanted to look decent, to look good and feel good for once. If only it was that easy. Jeans were a no, they showed my stomach. Skirts and dresses made me look old. People would probably think I was his mother. Leggings were a no go for a fashion show. I threw one clothing after another until I huffed. The time was five and I had been in the closet for two hours. A glass of wine sat next to me, half full. If only the girls could have been there with me, I had confidence in their abilities.The door opened and my heart drummed even harder. I wanted to hide because I knew hell would break loose when Storm walked in to me still in a robe. The closet doors opened and I couldn’t help but turn to him with the sweetest smile I could gathe
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There was this excitement even as I grumbled my way out of sleep. There was something I was still to do which was coordinate my outfits. Storm had taken me out to dinner after the fashion show and I couldn’t resist getting in bed right next to him when we got home.I had lain waiting for his arms around me but they never came. Yet at some point in the night I was sure they wrapped around me. My head snapped from movement heard. I picked up my head quickly, seeing Storm in shorts, a tight t-shirt and sneakers. “ Morning.” He turned to me, seeming frustrated. He walked to his side table, searching. “ Where to? Ca
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