All Chapters of DESTINED TO BE OWNED: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
74 Chapters
Meredith’s POV The pounding of my heart against my ribcage is the only sound in the room. Beads of sweat trickle down my face as my eyes remain locked with Roman’s furious ones. He walked in not long ago, and Caelen instantly told him about the phone he found on me. Roman hasn’t said anything since. He just stared at me with a burning fury, but there was something else in his eyes. I almost did not recognize it due to all the rage shielding it, but I saw it. The disappointment. I wanted to tell him that all this is just some misunderstanding and that I am not whatever mole they are talking about. But what valid reason could I possibly have for sneaking a phone around? How can I tell them that I am the runaway omega princess who is secretly hiding in their home to avoid the eyes of the council and my furious father--in-law? If they find out how much trouble I could bring them, then they will kick me out for sure. But a part of me knew that was not the only thing I was scar
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Meredith’s POVThe pain on my backside causes a groan to leave my lips. My hand subconsciously goes down to the throbbing skin, and I attempt to offer myself some form of relief by massaging it, but it only makes it worse. A hiss leaves my lips the second my skin makes contact with it, and I quickly pull my hand away.What happened…?All I can remember is getting ready for the ball, going in with Madam Estrid, and then... my eyes wide as the memories of last night come flooding in. I shoot out of the bed and hastily look around. My blood runs cold when my eyes lock with a pair of icy blue ones.Saul.I wanted to smile with relief and run into his arms, but the way he looked at me paralyzed me to the spot. He is sitting on the chair facing the bed with his elbows on his knees and his eyes solely trained on me. His hair falls above his eyes, shielding his expression. When I squinted my eyes, I could have sworn the corners of his eyes were a bit red. What the hell? Had he been crying
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Roman’s POVMy brothers and I sit in silence, neither of us desiring to speak. And I could not blame them. I did not want to speak either. I still find it hard to process everything that is going on. There is no way that Meredith is actually the mole. It just isn’t possible.I know I could have said the same thing about Amarie being a traitor all along. I suppose it is what I get for having even the tiniest bit of faith in a woman.Saul breaks the silence by releasing a long, agitated sigh. He ruffles his hair in frustration, and one can easily tell that his mind is troubled. “This doesn’t seem right, you guys. I mean, Meredith is just too weak to be a mole.”Caelen snorts. “That is exactly what women like her want you to think. They would portray themselves as weak, fragile creatures, so they would be the last person you would ever suspect.”Saul shakes his head, refusing to believe Caelen’s words. “It still just doesn’t make sense,“Caelen slams his palm on the table with a force
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Meredith’s POV It has been three days. It has been three days since I was thrown into this cage like some animal by my very own mate. Why would Selene do this to me? What great sin could I have possibly committed to have been cursed with a mate such as Roman? How could he be so heartless to leave me in here? This wasn’t like what I read in those books in the library about friends. Mates aren’t supposed to stand the mere thought of their partner in pain, talk less of watching them shed tears. He was a monster. Every day, I have more reasons to despise Roman. And to think that I was starting to think that things could get better between us, that maybe just maybe there is some good within him. I guess I was wrong. But this didn’t just apply to Roman; it applied to all three of them. Even though I could tell Saul was pained by the whole situation, I expected him to put up a bit more of a fight. And Caelen? I doubt he ever really had a hint of affection for me. Even if he did, h
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Meredith’s POVThe silence during the ride is really uncomfortable. Saul wouldn’t even look in my direction, and we've been driving for over ten minutes. We are being escorted by a convoy, but I still felt terribly alone despite being surrounded by so much security. The driver didn’t make a single sound; I couldn’t even hear his breathing. The same goes for Saul. He just sat by my side, typing away on his phone.I can’t take this anymore. This is all just too suffocating.“Saul...” I start, but he raises his hand to silence me. “No, not a word. I want silence,” he says coldly, and I frown. I do not know what gives me the confidence to place my hand on his and move even closer to him. But who am I kidding? This is Saul, who we are talking about here. He would never hurt me.I hope.He stops typing on his phone but still doesn’t look at me. So, I take it that I have gotten his attention. “This is all just a big misunderstanding; I am not the mole, and I know you know that. Just pleas
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Meredith’s POVI stretch my limbs on the bed before descending it quietly. I do not know how long I have been inthis asylum, nor did I care. All I knew was that I had to get out. I have lost track of how many nights I have stayed up, hoping and waiting for one of the kings to come get me.But they never do.Are they doing this because they caught a phone call from me? This is the worst type of torture anyone could ever give me, to be honest. Something tells me this must have been Caelen’s idea. Roman would have resorted to sexual assault, while Saul would have preferred to taunt and terrorize me himself. Caelen is usually the cooler-headed and more calculated one. A slow, mentally draining torture where he knew neither he nor his brothers would get soft and let her go would most definitely be his idea.Whenever I would wake up, I would find a tray of food on the nightstand, no doubt brought by the bitchy gamma wolf. At first, I thought I could keep up the attitude and not eat. But
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Roman’s POVHer expression when she sees me is comical. I have to say that I had a hard time trying not to laugh at her face. Her eyes are nearly as wide as saucers, and I can tell that I was most definitely the last person she had expected to see.But that comical feeling she gave me disappears when my eyes travel down her body. She has lost a ton of weight and is almost as tiny as a twig. Her thighs have become skinnier, her cheekbones are a bit more defined, and she has grown quite pale.What the fuck? Isn’t she eating?Maybe this is all just in my imagination; I have never seen her in jeans and a sweater as big as this before. She is usually naked, so I am not used to her body covered in such clothes. I need a better look.“Get naked,” is the first thing I tell her, and I see something in her eyes snap. Her fists clenched, and I could have sworn I heard a growl. She bars her teeth at me, and her eyes grow livid. What is she upset about now? It is not like this is the first time I
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Meredith’s POVI stare at the spot where Roman once stood with shock.I had a hard time processing what happened. He was actually sweet to me for the first time in a while. Even though he is certain I betrayed him, he still didn’t want anyone to hurt me. It kills me to admit it, but maybe under all that brutality and wickedness, there is a soft spot in him.Maybe.“Well, he sure has a stick up his ass, doesn’t he?” My eyes widen at the words of the new maid. I spin on my heel to find a mischievous smile on her face. I had to say that I was a bit shocked. All of the maids that served the kings were usually very loyal to them. Or should I say scared of them? Either way, they wouldn’t dare say anything bad about any of their precious kings.All except this one, of course.A nervous smile lifts my lips, and I chuckle lightly. “Yeah, he most certainly does,” I reply lightly, and the girl walks up to me and offers me a handshake. I stare at her outstretched hand with caution.“My name is
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Meredith’s POVIt has been over three weeks since I have been in this manor. Each day has gone by in pretty much the same fashion. I wake up and do some morning exercises with Cassy. Read one of the books she had gotten from her home, talk a bit about each other’s childhood, eat dinner, then retire up to my room.I don’t go to sleep immediately, though. I keep trying to figure out exactly how these powers of mine work. There are times I try using my telekinesis on certain objects. I tested it on everything. weight, distance, and speed.At first, I started it off by lifting smaller objects like pens, forks, and books. Then I went for things bigger, like the chair, the nightstand, and even the bed. I tried to find out how far I needed to go to actually be able to use these powers.On the first day, I couldn’t lift anything more than two feet away from me. and now I can do it with anything at least fifteen feet away from me. It is amazing how my powers grow greatly by the day. Now I k
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Meredith’s POV He hasn’t changed a bit. He still looked pretty much the same with that mischievous grin that always played on his lips. He has two boxes wrapped with red ribbons in his hands. But I didn’t pay much attention to them; my main focus was on the fact that Saul was actually here. Without thinking, I wrap my arms around him and bury my face in his chest. His chuckle fills my ears, and he hugs me back. “Yeah, I missed you too.” I pull away and look up at him, and I swear I was on the verge of tears. I knew I missed him, but seeing him now made me feel so much. “You are actually here,” I say, still having a hard time processing if this is real. I was starting to lose hope that he would ever actually come here, especially after our last encounter. His grin reaches all the way to his ears, and his beautiful blue eyes sparkle in a way that makes my cheeks heat. “Of course, did you really think it would be that easy to get rid of me?” he asks, and I chuckle lightly.
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