All Chapters of Mated to the blind Alpha : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
61 Chapters
Chapter Eleven
Grayson’s POVMy wolf was in a fit of rage, he was growling and snarling at both me and my mate. Mad at me for harming her, for making her cry, angry at her because she defied us and stood her ground. No she-wolf has ever stood her ground, except for my mum and sister. I admit I was rough on her, almost killing her family members when she did not listen, but she needs to know her place. No Luna should ever risk her families’ lives, she should sacrifice herself instead, but no, my little mate decided it was best to stay with her family and defy an Alpha. Goddess, help me to be patient with her.Of course, as an Alpha, defiance was taken to segregation or possibly go rogue, but she's my mate and hearing the idiotic word was obviously a trigger. She had to go with me, a pack was stronger with a Luna and I admit, she has a backbone, something that all Luna's should possess. I knew it was wrong to harm her family, but she is a she-wolf and the law says that all she-wolves would go to the p
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Chapter Twelve
Amelia’s POVThe pain was the most evident feeling ever, anger was the next, then fear and finally tiredness. My head rested against my legs as the tears continuously flowed down my face, my hands encased my legs as I sat with my legs on the car seat. The raging hormones in the air were evident which mixed my pain, I allowed my feelings to go through the bond so Alpha Grayson was able to feel everything that I felt, so he knew the pain that he caused.Even if we have been driving for half an hour, the screams and the scene of family crying, my brother and sister being held by on the neck as the life slowly were squeezed out of them. My dad lying motionless on the floor and my mother's petrified screams echoed in my mind. To see them in pain made me would disappear in the depths of my mind, unwilling to come out as the betrayal of our mate, and the almost deaths of my family pushed her away from reality.I couldn't feel her, I couldn't sense her and it troubled me as another part of my
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Chapter Thirteen
Amelia’s POVI watched as an unfamiliar face entered the room, he had a stiff posture, his body was muscled and toned. He wore green camouflage pants and a black tee that exposed some of the curves of his muscles. He had bright blue eyes with a similar face to Alpha Grayson's, however, the only difference has he had a lighter shade of hair color and his features were less defined. It only took me a second to realize that this, in fact, was Alpha Grayson's brother, Mitchell, whom I had never seen in the flesh.He only gazed at me a little bit before walking around the room and coming at the end of my bed with a slight smirk. My expression was shock as he came unannounced into a lady's room without permission. I moved up the bed until I was a couple of inches of the backboard and stared at him with curious, yet passive eyes. We had a little bit of a stare off as his blue eyes basically gorged into my mind and soon enough broke our staring contest and inspected my swollen neck and should
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Chapter Fourteen
Amelia’s POVAlpha Grayson asked the maids to bring me dinner, but after that short-ended argument, I had no desire to eat the food which one of the maids dropped in. I couldn't bring myself to eat the food, for all I know Alpha Grayson might have poisoned or put something in the food. If I was to eat, I would eat my own cooked meals so I don't have to eat the food here. When Alpha Grayson left, I took it upon myself to explore more properly was in this room, after looking through a number of cupboards and drawers I found all my belongings placed in neat and organized piles in the place where they were put. Everything in the room was clean and I could tell there was no dust left on even the highest shelf meaning the maids must've cleaned the room before I got here, where ever 'here' is.I was up to my third book when the door opened once again and a familiar scent blew into the room, and I was thankful it was not Alpha Grayson's but was his brother Mitchell. He moved quickly, long str
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Chapter Fifteen
Amelia’s POVMy heart was beating so frantically that I was pretty sure that Alpha Grayson could hear it as he took another step closer, making me take another step back. I was scared, to say the least, he was the beast that could not be controlled, however, he held his stature wonderfully as I watched him breathe heavily out and exhaling quickly. It was obvious he did not like my defiance and I was a fool to think I could leave this room without being caught.My mind was racing as I tried to figure out how he knew I was going to leave. Was it the bond? Or was it because he was coming to my room before I was about to leave. My thoughts were running and creating new ones, and I couldn't keep my focus on the man in front of me. I could see a small smirk play across his lips as he watched me, his eyes showing little emotion as he could smell my nervousness and fear and again, he takes another bold step."Running away, aren't we?" he rasped out as he placed his hands in his pockets. I sho
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Chapter Sixteen
Grayson’s POVI fucking messed up once againI rushed out of the room, seeing my mate in pain that I caused, I fled like a coward.She obviously hated me with every part of my being and I knew it would take ages to mend the broken bond, but my sight was at stake and I would do everything to make her fall in love with me. I found my way into the kitchen where my brother Mitchell sat, his face plastered in a bored expression and stared at me."You fucked up once again big brother," he commented, I knew he was smirking as I heard him twirl the drink in his hand. I sighed, frustrated and sat on the chair next to him, putting my head in my hands and rubbed my face. "Yes, I know" I replied, sighing once again trying to calm my wolf, who was on edge. He hated how we left my mate and totally scared the shit out of her. It was both our faults and we blamed each other for this situation."Well, what did she or you try to do?" He questioned, taking a small sip of the drink and inhaled, smelling
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Chapter Seventeen
Amelia’s POV Buzzing noises filled my ears as I strained them to hear some sort of reality in this dark abyss. My body felt numb and weightless, however, I felt like I was too heavy and was sinking towards the ocean floor. It was my second time fainting and I knew it was the work of the mark that was etched onto my shoulder as it always has been. I could not hear any words, just the buzzing of nothingness.I wanted to wake up desperately, my fingers were just itching to move, however, I could not control my own body as if I had lost all control too long ago. My legs, just like the rest of my body did not want to move, no matter how much I screamed inside my brain it would not make a small action. My wolf was nowhere to be seen; I was trapped in my mind yet no traces of Crescent lurked in the shadows. I knew she was hiding, or she had left and I was just like a human, vulnerable to everything.With my wolf gone, the probability of waking up from this abyss would be unknown and my heal
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Chapter Eighteen
Amelia’s POVMy breaths were ragged and short as I trudged through this large plot of land between several packs and where the rogues hide. A small wolf-less girl like me would never survive this type of terrain, however, I knew the lands like a few wolves, with all the reading and fascination of the wolf world I would know how to survive this area.This was a forest area, meaning there would be rabbits, critters, ponds or streams and possibly edible berries.I managed to trek through the area with ease, pointing out some areas that I've read about and taking note of how close I was to my pack. I was a good twenty-five mile away meaning I would have around nine hours to get to the area I wanted to be, but by the time I'd get there it would be night time, and when the moon comes up the wolves come to play.The distance between Alpha Grayson and I would be around 5 miles, meaning I've walked/run for a good 2 hours. The masking spray would be almost gone by now and I would have to shield
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Chapter Nineteen
Grayson’s POVShe's gone.Two hours after we checked on her from the doctors, we got a call from one of the nurses that she's disappeared from the area and now we've all gone into a frenzy, no trace of her left as the only scent of hers, we could pick up was in her room and then no other scents could be smelled.I had checked the bathroom to find a masking spray empty on the counter top and I knew she had escaped from me. After beating some warriors to the brink of death in frustration, I sent out countless of search parties to scour the area over a ten-mile radius worth. She couldn't be that far away, it's only been four hours anyway.I was wrong, eight hours later no sight of her. No smell, no blood, nothing. The night would soon come and the rogues would come out to play, unsafe for a wolf-less girl like Amelia, it was too dangerous. My search parties came back with no find and my wolf was angry, his thirst for his mate was on the brink of controlling me and taking my body to find
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Chapter Twenty
Amelia’s POVAlpha Jerome had left me for the whole evening, he was attending a pack meeting and had left one of his warriors to babysit me, it was clear he didn't truly trust me, but it made it less lonely in this homey place. I was grateful he gave me Daniel, the one that escorted me to Alpha Jerome's house, it meant I would see a familiar face.I sat in the room, love the look of a vintage, yet clean look. It was small compared to the room I had been accustomed to before, with a double bed with white and beige sheets, a cupboard which was old and the paint was starting to fade and a mirror which hung across from the bed. It was a nice look and it felt like a home I could live in.Daniel was sitting on a small stool in the corner of the room closest to the door, his eyes looking bored as he eyed me."Can we get my hair dyed?" I asked, wanting a new look for myself as I am in a new territory. Daniel's gaze looked at my curious eyes and I watched as one eyebrow pointed up questionably
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