All Chapters of The Badass Mafia Boss Queen : Chapter 41 - Chapter 48
48 Chapters
Dinner Ready
UGO ​When I woke up in the morning, I was wrapped around someone's body as usual. But I felt less guilty because he said I shouldn't get a teddy. So I didn't expect him to complain. But when I wanted to lift my head, he held me down and opened his eyes. "Let's stop fighting Ugo, I don't like it when we do." He told me and I felt like he poured me some sort of chilled water. "Okay." I replied, clearing my throat. "I need to get a dress for tonight's dinner." I told him and he looked at me like I was some kind of alien. Then his lips twitched. "My credit card is still with you. Do with it as you wish." He whispered, I felt excitement coarse through his skin. "Fine." ​It was safe to say that the day started out well enough for the both of us. We had breakfast with Maxine and Castello. I found the latter​ too funny to be taken seriously, initially until I saw him switch from funny to deadbeat serious when it was time to discuss real business. It felt like I was watching someone w
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No Commitments
Hollis's gaze found me right then, his eyes doing a slow once-over of me before he got to his feet. He pulled out a seat for me right before I approached him. "You look heavenly, Ugo." He struggled to breath out and I smiled briefly. ​We placed our orders. I settled for a well seasoned steak while he went on to take lamb chops. We ate in silence. The friction of yesterday had died down. Yet there was a little tension between us. When I was done eating, I emptied my glass of champagne and Hollis refilled it for me. ​The crazy Ugo surfaced. Looking at him, I gulped down the second glass. He arched his brow and gave me a warning stare before refiling the glass. I smiled and emptied the glass again. "Damnit Ugo, you will get drunk if you don't stop." "That's my business. It has nothing to do with you." "That's it, you are not going to drink another drop of wine." "Stop making decisions for me. I am an adult. I decide what I want to do, when I want to do it. You don't decide for me.
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I Belong To My Husband
We had just finished with dinner and we were headed outside to our car. I stood close to the curb waiting for Hollis to reverse the car and some man came to my side. "Hey." He giggled. "Are you stranded? Do you need help or something?" "Hi," I flashed a smile. "Oh no I'm fine. Just waiting for my husband." I politely replied and even pointed to the car. ​But unfortunately, his gaze didn't follow my hand. He was looking at something else. My fucking breast and was getting overly excited. I was disgusted. "I'm Kennedy." He stretched out his hands. "I'm married." I replied ignoring his outstretched hands. ​In a flash, he pulled my arm, urging me to face him and I slapped him. I might have taken a few glasses of champagne, but I was still sober enough to know how to use my hands and legs if the need arises. ​Kennedy froze for a second and tried yanking my arm. I dodged his hand and gave him two more slaps on each cheek. Infuriated, he lunged towards me and I ducked his body cur
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Wait Till I'm Gone
HOLLIS I have never been attracted to anyone like I was with Ugo Chike. But she isn't just anyone, she is my now wife who has ​the whole of me on chokehold. I must have wished so much for someone like her that God or whoever the supernatural being up there is, decided to bless me with Ugo. But did he make it easy for me, hell no! Yet I'm grateful. In his defense, he might say he'd given me what I asked for. Which is true. So, it's now up to me to do my part. I'd chosen a restaurant within my community to have dinner with my wife. This was because I wanted the people in my community to start getting used to the fact that it was now the two of us. Aside from that, I wanted to show off. I married a gorgeous, smart and stylish woman, so why won't I show her off? Imagine my surprise when I was reversing the car and I spotted someone with the audacity to approach my wife. ​I cursed under my breath, rethinking my decision to send Nero back home. I should have told him to stay back to
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Blue Balls
I looked at my phone screen and cursed the day I met Elsa Pedro. Her father had visited the club and asked if I still wanted to be with his daughter and I almost threw up. I've never wanted to be with his daughter at all. So, I was shocked that he thought I did. ​I stated it all out plainly that I had never wanted to be with his daughter and it turned out that the poor man was given a different narrative by his lovely daughter and my father. But I cleared out any misconception he must have had. When he tried pestering, I dismissed him with a few conclusive words. I had a lot on my mind and her daughter would never be one of them. There was my marriage, then Frick and the expansion of my empire. Rubbing my forehead gently, I finally settled my eyes on the shopping bags in my living room. It looked like we were about to open up a department store in my apartment. And judging by the names on the bags, I had no doubt Ugo spent real fortune acquiring everything. I almost didn’t want t
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The Morning After
UGO​ I may have sounded like some jealous, wounded Bitch yesterday, but I seriously don't give a fuck. It was best to stomp my foot on certain things I don't like now, rather than later. Anything I don't stop now would linger on and it might be hard to put a stop to it later. ​My thoughts drifted to the shock on Hollis's face last night. He seemed confused, sexually frustrated and hot as hell. I was hot for him too, my pulse was literally throbbing all through the night. With a man like Hollis sleeping beside me, bare chested why wouldn't it. I guess that was why Elsa refused to let him be. I was married to a gorgeous man who derived joy in showing me off. That was what yesterday was all about, showing his wife off. And I loved the idea of it. It made me feel like I own him as much as he owns me. We were married, and our marriage isn't even a secret. Elsa knows, a lot of people know. So, why won't she just let Hollis be. Or did he tell her? Did he tell her that we were only temp
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Car Wreck
"What do you mean?" He leaned on the dining table."You hurt my father. Your approach to things was terrible. There would have been better ways to sort these things out. But the way you went about it...""I didn't do anything." Hollis insisted."You didn't set my father up?" I asked, biting off the bitter sound of that. What did he mean by he didn't do anything, hearing him say that made me feel insulted. "You mean to say you didn't....""What should I have done then? I wanted to see him, to speak to him..... He didn't come for the wedding and it made you sad." He let out in frustration."He's not going to listen nor give you an audience just like that. Maybe you should let me go with you some other time. We're a couple now, aren't we?" I watched him shift a bit, a proof that he wasn't too comfortable with my proposal, yet he wouldn't rule it out. "What do you plan for fun today?"I shrugged. "I'll reach out to some old friends today. Speak to my colleagues at work, my annual leave w
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Crashing An expensive Car
Hollis opened the door and stood in the pouring rain. I scooted over to the driver’s side, catching a glimpse of Rocco's reflection as I adjusted the rearview mirror. He was terrified, so was I. Even though Hollis coached me through, the car kept jerking forward, and stalling. And everytime it comes to a jolting stop, Rocco's head would slam into the seat in front of him. After a lengthy while, I was able to make the car move more than a few inches at a time, and before long, we were coasting along the muddied road. The car did corner curves effortlessly. It was almost a refreshing experience for me. Even though I noticed Rocco's knuckles going white with the tight grip he had on the door handle. But Hollis on the other hand, looked on proudly, enjoying the ride. But soon, it all went very wrong. I came to a deceivingly deep puddle and got to a curve faster than I should. I turned the wheel, but nothing happened. I braked hard, the car swerved. Hollis looked ahead, a hand on the d
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