All Chapters of The Omega's Fate : Chapter 11 - Chapter 13
13 Chapters
norella povMy eyelids fluttered open, and I was greeted by a world out of focus, a jumble of colors and shapes. I felt lost, trying to piece together where I was. Jason's presence was the only thing that made sense in the blur.I narrowed my eyes, attempting to bring the room into clarity. Doctors in white coats were bustling around, their voices just a distant buzz. The sharp, clean smell in the air was a dead giveaway—I was in a hospital.Jason was deep in conversation with a doctor who had a bald head and a white beard. Their words were just a low hum in the background. I tried to listen, but it was like trying to understand a foreign language.Suddenly, a familiar voice inside my head broke through the noise. It was Mia, my inner wolf, speaking to me after a long silence. "Welcome back, Norella," she said, and it felt like a wall inside me had crumbled.I was flooded with emotions as I realized Mia was back. The fear and doubt that had been haunting me started to fade away. With
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more of the past
norella povThe room was a mess of confused looks. Eyes kept flicking back and forth from me to the doctor, who was just freed from my hold. King Jason broke the silence, "What's going on, Norella?" How could I spill it all? That voices were buzzing in my head and I had no clue where they were coming from? Admitting that would just prove Alpha Lowell right—that I'm off my rocker."He tried to give her medicine, but she got upset and grabbed his wrist, not letting go and wanting to hurt him," Doctor Gabriel said sounding like he didn't like me. Before he could talk more, Jason said firmly, "enough." Then he looked at me like he wanted me to explain."I don't know," I managed to say to Jason, trying to keep it together."Just take a break, get some rest," he said, patting my back like it was no big deal.The doctor was down on the floor, his eyes wide with fear. I was torn. If I let him go, who's to say he wouldn't come at me again? The tension had died down, and Jason was about to leav
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silent storm
Jason povThe tension in the room could cut through steel. Alpha Lowell's audacity was like a slap in the face, and Jarl was itching for a fight. "Let me at him," he growled, his voice dripping with venom. "I'd have his head on a platter if you weren't so soft."Pacing back and forth, I could feel the heat radiating off my skin, a physical manifestation of the rage boiling within. "Zip it, Jarl," I snapped, the words slicing through the thick air. "We can't let him get near Norella again. Not after last time."Jarl's anger simmered down to a calm, but his words still held weight. "I'll never let that happen," I vowed, the promise hanging heavy in the room.A sudden knock jolted us, and I barked, "Who the hell—?" But it was just Damon, slipping through the door with that knowing look in his eyes. "Sorry, man," I muttered, my anger deflating like a punctured balloon.Damon just nodded, patting my back in that annoying way he has. "Don't go after Lowell alone. It's too risky," he caution
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