All Chapters of LOVE YOU TO THE MOON AND BACK : Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
85 Chapters
That evening, we found ourselves at the scene and witnessed everything until the police arrived," she recounted as she handed me the salt. "Much to my surprise, I spotted your stepfather there, but he managed to evade capture," she added, shedding light on the woman he had mentioned during my abduction. I chose not to discuss him. "You and Mr. Maurice certainly displayed courage by being there. What if something had gone wrong?" I teased, adding a dash of salt to the simmering stew. "It wasn't easy for me to follow him. It just happened. But engaging in something risky was undeniably thrilling," she responded, eliciting a smile from me. "He could have accompanied us to rescue you, but he believed in our abilities and went to the police station to file a report, hoping to change their minds. Unfortunately, they never showed up," she concluded with a sombre expression. "It taught me that those in power may let you down when you need assistance, while the seemingly weakest individua
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ZACH'S POV "Zach... Do you think this is a good idea?" Mr. Ike objected. "We both know I've always wanted to make a movie of my own," I told him. "I know... But with Jade? She’s practically off the market, and the story isn't what is wanted or expected on screen. People want spicy romance, and if it's action, it should be worth it, not some silly movie about postpartum." I flared up, "Did you just say silly? I am an adult and can make my own decisions." "Exactly, but you are bound to me by contract, and whatever I say about your career goes," he retorted, which I was glad would end a year later. “There’s no room for sentiments when it comes to making money. We have to give the audience what they want, and you know it. Jade is an amazing actress, no doubt, but…” That man can be so annoying, but I had to tread lightly not to push him into doing something treacherous. I had to think of a way to tame him so he could see a glimpse of my vision for the movie. I closed the do
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Writing commenced with various elements such as casting, auditions, and scouting for locations. Jolaade's unwavering support was truly remarkable. Whenever she visited the agency to bring lunch for Jade and me, the crew seemed perplexed. However, I admired her even more for her confidence and the warm smile she always wore. She paid no attention to the gossip, focusing solely on supporting me and her friend. I was certain that few could match her dedication. The crew's subtle glances reminded me of the awkwardness you feel when you're with your boyfriend and the friend who betrayed you. It was a delicate situation, but I made sure to show Jolaade appreciation with hugs before she left, despite her strained relationship with Mr. Ike. I wanted to keep my personal life private and not let others dictate it. At that moment, my priority was completing the movie with excellence. The success of the project relied heavily on Jade's commitment and hard work. For Jade, this opportunity was a
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BELLA’S POV I had a hectic week ensuring Mr Maurice was happy with my reports and the staff. After work, Jemima, Clara, and I went to a nearby restaurant to relax before heading home to kick off the weekend. As the night fell, the street came alive with the nightlife. "Finally, no more Mr Maurice tomorrow," Clara said with a sigh as she sipped her drink. "I think I might have a crush on him," Jemima admitted dreamily. "Are you serious? Even with his attitude?" Clara shot back. "It's a free world, Clara. Let her speak her mind," a voice interrupted. We looked up, and it was Mr. Maurice standing near our table. Jemima blushed and giggled like a schoolgirl, "This is so embarrassing." "Because it is..." I muttered. She looked up at him, blushing furiously as he smiled softly at her. "Don't be embarrassed, Ms. Jemima. It's a free world," he said, taking a seat with us. "I know I can be quite charming," he joked. I glanced at Jemima, who seemed to be melting. He then turned to Clar
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JOLAADE’S POV The news reached me that night that Zach had been taken to the hospital. Overwhelmed with fear, I hurried out of the house in my pyjamas. I drove aimlessly until I arrived at the hospital. Jade was waiting outside to guide me to the ward. "There's no need to worry. It was just a minor accident. He sprained his leg while trying to help a crew member during a minor accident on set," she reassured me as we hurried towards his room. "I didn't want to tell you tonight to avoid causing you anxiety, but he insisted," she said as we entered the ward. He was lying in bed with a bandage around his left ankle, accompanied by some crew members. He smiled at me, but I couldn't smile back as I was consumed with worry. He reached out his hand for me to hold, and I obliged, sitting on the bed with him. He gestured to Jade. "We'll head back to the location," she said, signalling the crew to leave. "Thank you," I whispered to her, and she smiled back. Once they had all left, I playful
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Zach was back at work, leaving me alone as usual, engrossed in the pages of my book. I used the world of my book as an escape from the reality of being unemployed. It was a time to reflect on what I should be doing after being told to find myself. Perhaps, I am in a phase of healing, though I am uncertain about my next steps. I found solace in a cup of coffee whenever the urge to drink alcohol arose, a transition that has not been easy. Nonetheless, I am making an effort. I am working hard to embrace self-love and move past my past. I tried not to push away the few remaining people in my support system. The pages of the books I was reading were not enough. I am not the type of woman who can remain idle for too long, so I thought, "Why not visit the gym every day?" The following day, I headed to the nearby gym bright and early. Most of the people there were familiar with me and the rumours surrounding me, which was evident from their expressions. About 80% of them welcomed and liked m
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We strolled down the street together, taking in the sights. Out of the blue, he reached for my hand, catching me off guard. As we passed by my usual store, I felt drawn to the array of alcoholic beverages on display, my throat craving a sip. "Zach, do you know why my doctor warned me about alcohol?" I inquired. "No, I have no clue," he replied. "I struggle with alcohol... I'm addicted... and right now, I just wish I could drown my sorrows in a bottle until they disappear," I confessed. He halted, gently turning my face to meet his gaze. "Are you in pain?" he asked. I let out a sigh and resumed walking, with him following closely. "Do you know why I take that pill? I suffer from tremors and anxiety when I'm scared or anxious," he revealed. "Stop beating around the bush, Jolaade. Just tell me," he urged. "Would you mind if we stopped over there?" I gestured towards a nearby restaurant, suggesting we grab a bite to eat and chat. He agreed, and we secured a private table at the re
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"He did that?" "Yes. I was quite taken aback myself," I responded to the lady seated across from me. The office was pleasant and cosy; gazing at the woman's countenance assured me that I could confide in her. She had been an attentive listener all along. She was recommended to me by one of the incredible individuals I met at the gym, and my sessions with her have been excellent thus far. "First and foremost, I must commend you for your courage in opening up to him. It truly requires a lot of bravery to confess to him despite being aware of the potential outcomes," she remarked. "Thank you," I murmured, wiping away the remnants of tears on my face with the tissue in my hand. "So, how have you been feeling since then?" I exhaled, raising my head slightly with my gaze fixed on the wall behind her. "I felt relieved; relieved that I was no longer concealing things from him; it felt like a weight of the secret had been lifted, and I felt a sense of ease; but somehow, it didn't alleviat
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"There were numerous beds, blankets, and a cosy atmosphere, and I found myself wondering why he wouldn't make a move on me. I had an amazing night - the delicious food, the movies we watched, and spending the whole day with him until this morning was so enjoyable. But apart from a kiss on my forehead, there wasn't anything more." I vented my feelings while trying to keep my composure in my seat. "And you wanted more..." the therapist asked. "Yes, I did." "Then why didn't you take the initiative?" "Because... because I was scared he avoided it because of my past. Maybe he doesn't find me attractive anymore," I assumed. "When a man treats you so well, it shows his true feelings for you. Have you thought that he might not have made a move because he knows you're hurting and thinks it wouldn't be considerate of him?" the therapist suggested. I sighed, realizing she might be right. I've noticed the way he looks at me, his eyes filled with more passion for me than ever before, and I
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"Would you like me to prepare your bath?" I paused in the middle of sipping my tea and turned to face him. I swallowed, "What exactly do you mean by 'prepare my bath'?" I inquired. "Don't worry, I am fully capable of doing it myself," I insisted. "Are you certain?" he persisted. "Yes, I am," I responded, attempting to avoid overreacting. Placing the cup on the tray, I started to rise from the bed. "Where are you off to?" he inquired. "I need to head to the gym, so I must get ready," I explained. "Should I accompany you?" he asked. "No, you can stay here and wait for my return. It should only take around two to three hours," I reassured. "Two to three hours?" he exclaimed. "Are you sure about this? What if you injure yourself?" he countered. "I am not a child, Zach. I am perfectly capable of looking after myself," I insisted. Just as the words left my lips, I accidentally bumped my leg against one of the clothing boxes near the closet. I winced, and before I knew
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