All Chapters of Saved by the Ruthless Alpha: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
66 Chapters
Maid of His Presence II
Yes, he knows who I am. I'm a bloody liar, a traitor from the family of traitors! To him, my timidity and manners were all pretence.I couldn't stare into his eyes, but I felt the weight of his stare. It bore into my soul and I felt cold. My fingers felt rigid and I could hardly move them. I heard Viola's groaning too, she whimpered within me.I stood there fighting hard to fix the hooks of the second layer of his costume. The hooks ran from his neckline to the helm of the dress.He stood there, staring down at me. Knowing he was glaring at me made me more flustered. Stronger than his gaze was his manly scent, it was driving me crazy. Then it came, Pete's glare from earlier popped up in my head. Although she overdid it yesterday, she put so much effort into training me and I couldn't afford to fail. I took a deep breath, steadied myself and focused on the task before me. And there under Alpha Joash's hateful gaze, I began to fasten the hooks, one after the other.Finally, I did them
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She is an Unwavering Criminal
"What took you so long?" Pete accosted me as I rounded the last corner that led to the Alpha's office. "What the…" She gasped after taking a keen look at me. Her mouth dropped open and she couldn't say a word. I didn't say a word either, I just bowed slightly and continued on my way. I walked towards the Alpha's office with uncertainty. My heart was beating fast.The guard outside opened the door and I walked in like a disgraceful child."You're thirty minutes and fifteen seconds late!" Alpha Joash fired, looking at the wall clock.I stood transfixed by the doorway, unable to speak. The tray shook in my hands and I freaked out."If you spill that, you won't like yourself," he said harshly as he stared down at me. I swallowed the lump in my throat and began to walk towards him.Standing before him, I steeled my body and dropped the tray on his table. "Did I ask you to drop that?" He said and I picked up the tray again, trying hard not to spill the tea as my hands shook crazily."I a
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Officially Screwed
It was my first day and I was already frustrated. This won't be as easy as I had thought. Although serving the Alpha directly was an honour, it placed me directly under Alpha Joash's nose. I followed him around like a puppy and I soon realized that he picked me for this position to keep an eye on me.One more thing, he wanted me to fumble. The position was one where I was exposed to every discussion and every detail that passed through the Alpha's table. Thus, the position needed a high level of trustworthiness.I wasn't trustworthy, it was otherwise, and the wise Alpha Joash picked me for this position. Isn't it obvious? It was a trap. Since I was a traitor, he wanted me to fall into his hands.It was almost dusk. I was standing in a corner in the Alpha's office. After Beta Derrick left, I followed him around all day and now he is seated behind his desk, filling in some files. "Your Highness, it's miss…." The voice of the guard at the door sounded, but before he finished his stateme
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Death is not an Option
"My Alpha, I've got this!" Pete's voice boomed through the office. I didn't know where she came from, but from where I was lying on the floor, I saw her. She stormed into the office and sprinted forward, her eyes blazing fire. She took a bow and without waiting for Alpha Joash's response, she flipped me off the floor. I screwed up and I knew it. I had done exactly what I wasn't supposed to do and now I was afraid. The look in Pete's eyes enough to melt steel. And my heart was beating beneath my chest at the speed of a running horse. With one arm around my waist, she dragged me out of the office. She stopped at the vintage part of the porch that led to the office and flipped me down the stairs. I grunted as I rolled down in pain. When I landed on the floor, my whole body was covered in bruises. My body now feeling like a big wall of pain. I could feel wounds at the back of my neck where Pete's nails had scratched me when she dragged me. She was standing right there behind me, look
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To Live and Clear Her Name
My eyes were open but my vision was distorted and blurry, I could not achieve focus. My sense of feeling and awareness were diminishing. I was here, but a part of me felt disjointed. It felt like I was floating like I was being carried by the shadows.I held onto the tiny bit of consciousness that remained in me until I saw the dark clouds. I felt a dull pain as the cold wind blew over my skin and I realised that I was no more in the laundry room, I was somewhere in the wild.Like a trance, I felt the firm grip on my arms and my body seemed to be in motion. It seemed I was being dragged.Is this another round of punishment? I thought in my head. "Is anybody here? Pete! Please, I am sorry! I will do better," I yelled but my voice sounded like a rattling noise.Despite my sufferings, it was strangely quiet. Suddenly, the floating feeling stopped and I felt static. My frigid arms dropped to the ground like a pack of ice cubes and my body fell flat on the ground. I tried to lift myself u
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Her Confession
It was 6 am and I was already standing in Alpha Joash's dressing room. Pete was there fixing his regalia already. I just scampered around, wringing my palms in succession, I did not know what to do.I had said my greetings earlier and neither of them responded."I can… do it," I said politely, requesting that Pete hand it over to me. She glared down at me and I tilted back."My tea by 7 am," Alpha Joash commanded Pete and walked out of the room like I wasn't there."You're really something else… I never knew you would finish up at the laundry," Pete said delightfully. "The bitches there are awful. They must have dropped all the clothes on you… I saw them leaving the laundry early in the wee hours of the night, yesterday.""She saw them leave? Then, was she part of those that dragged me away? No way! It's not possible, right? Or did she see them too?" I was lost in thought and did not notice that she was already standing in front of me."You look pale and your bruises… Damn! I should n
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"You are just a bloody traitor who no one needs. If today's assassination fails, you will be killed on the spot," A voice bellowed into my ears immediately when my eyes flung open.I only heard the voice, the whole place was dark and I couldn't see my hand. I flung myself off the floor and felt a sudden burst of energy. It sizzled through my body and almost turned me around.What the heck! I skidded around and my wolf eyes peered into the darkness, searching for an escape way. But there was none, the whole place was sealed up. Where is this place and what did they do to me? The urge to shift burned inside of me, it became so strong that I couldn't control it. I was losing my human mind. Viola pranced around in my head, she seemed to be getting the heat too. She was getting out of control."Hey! Rein it in, Wolfie, it will soon be over. Don't overdo it. Your body is just reacting to the drugs," a voice boomed from behind me and I jumped in the direction.A loud howl tore out of my mou
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Stabbed II
An excruciating pain rocked my body as my attacker plunged my dagger down my chest. "Your Highness!" Whoever was under the comforter called and flung the comforter off. I realized that I had been tricked. The man who pretended to be asleep was not Alpha Joash but Beta Derrick.Alpha Joash walked out from the room behind me, cool, calm and collected. His demeanour was casual, he licked his lips slowly, his hands balled up with a murderous glint in his eyes… I knew my end had finally come.He squatted and flipped the hood away from my face. Our gaze met and I looked wildly into his eyes, there was no hiding. It's over I said in my head, quaking. His cold gaze fell as he recognised me. I saw the enormous shock in his eyes."Aha… Vera! Who … Who the heck put you up to this?" He groaned, a little bit shaken. "Just finish me up, pleaseeee… the pain… is … excru…ciating," I lamented. At that point, the effect of the drug in my system had disappeared. Pain rocked my body like never before. A
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A god
JoashI had more foes than friends and a large number of them wanted me dead. Knowing this, I had trained my body over the years. I was a god and couldn't be found wanting. I had ingested different kinds of poisons and I was immune to many of them. But the poison laced with the dart that cut me had an unusual effect in my body. My brother must have gotten this especially to take me down.I felt the poison swim in my blood and I knew I couldn't hold it for long, I had limited time. I had to get back to my chambers and ingest all that I had stashed for moments like this. But how? I was feeling weaker and Derrick was gone. Sweat trickled down my body and for once, I detested my decision to send Derrick away.My legs began to wobble and I began to crumble. I went down and I was almost hitting the ground when I heard a call. "Your Highness…." The voice sounded jumbled and unclear and I thought I was hearing things. At the last moment when I was almost hitting the ground, a solid but soft
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He chose to Save Me
VeraIt had been a while since I had come around but I pretended to still be unconscious. My attempt to assassinate the almighty Alpha Joash failed and wasn't ready to face the consequences of my actions.Yes, there were consequences. Alpha Joash's wrath and the wrath of the masked men who sent me on this mission. I had blown all the chances of my survival and here I am.What the heck came over me? Who the heck were those people and what did they do to me? They made me think I could take Alpha Joash down when I hadn't even wielded a dagger before. They messed up with my head, but who would understand my plight? First, I was a traitor and now it has got to this. No one will take pity on me.Well, I wasn't completely innocent. Right, I was lured into it, but I also desired it. At some point, I entertained the thought of killing Alpha Joash and getting on the run… he had made my life miserable ever since I met him, and I wanted him gone! But on the contrary, he saved me. What is he playi
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