All Chapters of Pampered by Billionaires after Being Betrayed: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
204 Chapters
131 Quarrel
"Nathan?" Olivia cleared her throat, sounding puzzled. "What's wrong with him?"Allen Parker's voice was low, but it still came through the receiver, "He's been on the front pages of various media almost every day recently. Nathan announced that Logan Morgan has officially joined the Reed Group, and at the same time, he's preparing for the wedding with Logan Morgan's daughter. These are two explosive pieces of news, enough to make Nathan a hot topic."Olivia chuckled, "Logan Morgan's daughter? Who is she, Sophia? Is she even worthy?""Our opinions don't matter to them. Many people now think they are a perfect match.""S.hit!" Olivia cursed angrily, "She has no shame.""Logan Morgan has publicly acknowledged her as his daughter, and she now identifies herself as a member of the Morgan family," Allen Parker, still in his robe, browsed through the news on his iPad. Suddenly, his brows furrowed, as if he saw something unexpected.Olivia immediately put the phone on speaker, "Emily, I'm no
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132 Public Opinion Direction
"Emily, I envy you so much. Mr. Satan is always so gentle and considerate towards you."Emily sighed and hinted at her, "Actually, perhaps you also have someone silently protecting you by your side. You should cherish the people around you.""Are you talking about yourself?" Olivia's voice still sounded very dejected. "Emily, you're so good to me. Allen Parker is just a bad guy!"Forget it, her hint failed.Ring ring—Olivia's phone vibrated again. She glanced at the caller ID and suddenly exclaimed, "Emily, I can't talk wit you. My dad is calling! I didn't go home last night, he's probably going to scold me. If he calls you, just tell him I was at your house last night, okay? Don't expose me, I have to hang up.""Okay..."Before Emily could speak, the call was disconnected.Emily looked at the screen of her phone and could only sigh deeply.Meanwhile, Allen Parker also let out a sigh.Satan's voice came from the phone, "Why are you sighing? Did you have an unpleasant time with Olivia
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133 Be Prepared
Emily, as the protagonist of this discussion, was oblivious to everything happening on the internet. Her phone and computer couldn't connect to the network. Feeling so bored, she decided to focus her energy on cooking.She hadn't cooked for Mr. Satan for many days. Today, she had plenty of time, so she planned to make a delicious meal for him.While she was still engrossed in preparing the steak, she felt a strong pair of arms wrap around her waist from behind.This embrace was all too familiar to her.Between her breaths, she could smell the pleasant minty fragrance emanating from him, but also... a faint smell of smoke?"You're smoking?" Emily placed the cake in the oven and waited quietly for its delicious blossoming."Yeah," Mr. Satan murmured softly, "I thought you'd be mad.""Because you're smoking?" Emily pointed at his chest with her finger. Her tone carried a hint of disapproval. "You better not smoke; it's not good for the baby. But I'm more curious about something else. Did
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134 Madame
They hugged for a moment, and Satan couldn't hold back anymore.He was a normal man. Now their bodies were close together. Her breath sprayed on his neck, each breath seemed to tease his tense nerves.Emily also noticed and quickly pushed him away, "Do you want to go to the balcony to cool off a bit?"Satan bit her jelly-like lips impatiently, "Are you sure?""I'm not sure, but..." Emily gestured towards the "tent" in his crotch, "You can't stay like this all night, can you?"Of course, he knew he couldn't continue like this.He was about to lose control soon.He kissed her once and let her go, "I'm going to take a cold shower."Emily watched him walk into the bathroom and stood there holding the blanket, lost in thought for a moment.She had been married for four years, but only now could she truly understand what it felt like to be loved.Love wasn't expressed through words. Even if a man had never said "I love you," you would never doubt it. Because you were sure in your heart that
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135 Polite Conversation
The atmosphere in the Reed family villa was oppressively tense.Everyone could see that Nathan had been in a foul mood ever since they returned from the concert.He had made an agreement with Sophia to go look for Emily, only to see her hurrying off in another direction, seemingly eager to find someone. Nathan immediately went after her but was stopped by some media reporters who asked him a bunch of questions.As the CEO of the Reed Group, he had to maintain a good image in front of the media. He had just announced his wedding plans with Sophia and couldn’t afford to be seen with Emily, as it would damage his reputation.He had no choice but to stop, keep smiling, and deal with the reporters' questions, talking about how much he and Sophia were in love and how pleased her stepfather was with him.While his face wore a smile, his heart was burning with anger.These reporters were deliberately sent by Sophia!They were really annoying.By the time he finally got rid of the media, the c
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136 Competition
“What are you doing?”The bedroom was very dark. Nathan turned on the light as he entered and saw the floor covered in torn paper.Sophia froze for a moment, then gave a bitter smile. "My parents don’t know about the news yet, do they?"She didn’t answer his question. Nathan didn’t care about her emotions either.If she wanted to tear up paper, let her.“They shouldn’t know yet,” Nathan said, walking over and sitting down at a distance from Sophia, stepping on the shredded tissue paper.It was obvious he didn’t want to sit too close to her.Sophia gritted her teeth, trying hard to control her temper.On the day of the concert, she had put on her best makeup, spent money to invite many reporters, and even convinced Nathan to accompany her to the concert. Her goal was to have their loving relationship widely reported, letting everyone know she was about to become Mrs. Reed. But all her plans were ruined by Emily again!Everything had been going according to her plan until, suddenly, eve
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137 Masterful Conversation
Leaving the bedroom, Nathan walked into the study and immediately close the door behind him.He turned on his computer, logged into his email, and saw a message from a private investigator.The email contained a few photos, though not very clear, he could still vaguely see a masked man driving a car with Emily sitting in the passenger seat.He dialed a number.The call was quickly answered. "Mr. Reed.""Hmm," Nathan grunted. "Any new leads?""Yes, a bit," the private investigator, who had taken Nathan’s money, initially thought this would be a simple task, but it turned out to be quite difficult. The masked man was very cautious, doing almost everything in secret, making it hard to get any photos.However, last night he finally found a break.He had bribed a newly employed waiter at the Hilton Hotel who provided the room number of the masked man and Emily."Room 2307?""Yes," the private investigator said. "I’ve found out that it’s a presidential suite that has been rented out long-te
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138 Remembering Your Face
Nathan finally understood Grace's intentions.Grace first persuaded him to have a wedding, making him acknowledge the legitimacy of Sophia’s unborn child. Finally, she pushed him to divorce Emily and then legally marry Sophia.Nathan shook his head. "Why don’t you come work at my company? Your conversational skills are exceptional. You could work in my PR department."Grace pretended not to understand his sarcasm, but she knew what Nathan meant. He still didn’t want to divorce Emily.Having a wedding was just to create public pressure. But only after registering their marriage would Sophia have a claim to the Reed family’s assets.Nathan was not foolish; he wouldn't complete the final step of divorcing Emily. Grace had no immediate solution to this.But that was fine. Her greatest strength was patience.She had endured for over a decade by Logan Morgan’s side, and this time things would be no different. She would find her opportunity.Men shouldn’t be forced; otherwise, they would bec
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139 He Arrived!
This time, she touched his face more carefully.Mr. Satan had excellent bone structure. His brow bone was high, his nose straight, and his jawline sharp. Without the scar on the right side of his face, his looks would rival any male celebrity’s.Her hand gently caressed the scar. Her touch was like a feather, her fingertips warm and tender.“Are you afraid?” In the darkness, Mr. Satan's voice held a trace of tension. His Adam’s apple bobbed slightly as he asked.Emily shook her head. “I’m not afraid. The scar isn’t your fault; the blame lies with the person who hurt you.”Mr. Satan stroked her soft hair and sighed contentedly. “Emily, thank you. Let’s sleep.”“Are you tired?”“No, I’m worried you might be.”Emily obediently lay in his arms and closed her eyes.In truth, she wasn’t tired. She had spent the entire day at home. This room had no internet or TV signal. Aside from cooking and sleeping, she had done nothing, so she wasn’t sleepy at all.But she knew Mr. Satan had scars not o
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140 A New Visitor
Emily refused again, "No need, he will tell me himself."Nathan suddenly let out a mocking laugh, "Emily, do you really trust him that much?""He's my man, the father of my child," Emily said. "You need to face reality. You're only obsessed with me. You don't really like me...""I do like you! Emily, I do like you!" Nathan suddenly rushed over, grabbing her shoulders, agitated. "Why don't you believe me? What do I have to do to make you believe?"Emily struggled, "You don’t need to do anything. We're really, really over.""Impossible," Nathan said coldly. "As long as we’re not divorced, you’re still my wife, and you will come back to me eventually."Ring-ring—Emily's phone rang.Her phone was casually tossed on the living room sofa by Nathan.Emily looked at him. "Can I answer the phone first?"Nathan stared at her for a long moment, finally releasing her.Emily quickly hid the small knife up her sleeve and slipped out to answer the phone. "Hello?""Hello, is this Emily?"It was a st
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21 Protection Status