All Chapters of My Ex-Husband is Out of Control: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
115 Chapters
Sophia’s POVThe elevator ride to our hotel room was suffocatingly silent. I could hear every tick of the numbers as we ascended. When we finally reached our floor, I breathed a small sigh of relief.We walked to our room with no one speaking, the soft carpet muting our steps. Elijah unlocked the door and gestured for me to enter first. I stepped inside, feeling the dampness of my clothes clings to my skin even more uncomfortably in the cool air of the room.I can’t believe I’m going to have to sleep in the same room with him!“Give me a second,” Elijah said, breaking the silence as he rummaged through the closet. I watched him pull out a hair dryer.“Here,” he said, holding it out to me. “Let's get you dried off a bit.”“Thanks,” I replied, taking the hair dryer from him. My fingers brushed against his for a brief moment, and I pulled back as if I'd touched a hot stove. I plugged in the dryer and began to work on my dripping clothes.For a moment, I felt as if we were husband and wif
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Sophia’s POVI stared at the bathroom door, my heart thumping in my chest. I held my breath as I waited for it to open, bracing myself for his presence. But then, the sound of the shower came again, and I realized he was still in there, oblivious to the world outside, including Reese's tiny voice over the phone.I turned my attention back to the screen where Reese's face filled the frame. Her big, expressive eyes stared back at me with confusion and disappointment. “Mommy, why can't you come home and sleep beside me?” she asked, her lower lip quivering.I sighed softly, my heart aching at the sight. “Sweetheart, I have some work to do, and I'll be away for a few days. But don't worry, your Aunt Kayla and your nanny will be with you the whole time. They'll take good care of you.”Reese's small brow furrowed, and she didn't nod. Her eyes, so much like Elijah's, mirrored the same stubbornness I often saw in him. “But I want you, Mommy.”“I know, baby,” I whispered, trying to keep my voi
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Sophia’s POVThe storm raged outside, the wind howling like a restless spirit, and the thunder clapped with such ferocity it felt like the world was splitting in two. I lay on the bed, rigid and tense, my heart racing as I realized that I had an arm draped over the man lying beside me. The room was dark, save for the occasional flashes of lightning that illuminated Elijah's profile. As the rain pounded against the window, I listened to the steady rhythm of Elijah's breathing. I began to pull away. But then, thunder boomed again, and I flinched involuntarily. In the darkness, I felt the mattress shift as Elijah turned toward me, opening his eyes and gazing at me with deep longing. “Sophia,” he murmured, touching my face and leaning in to kiss me. It was gentle at first, and I found myself closing my eyes and simply relishing the familiar taste of his lips on mine, only passively responding. I didn’t move away, even though every rational part of me screamed that I should. His kiss
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Sophia’s POVI opened my eyes the next morning and gasped as I realized I was being held tightly in Elijah’s arms — wearing nothing!My heart raced as memories of last night flooded back. The craziness, getting carried away in the middle of the night—I felt a blush creeping up my cheeks. Carefully, I slipped out of his arms, not wanting to wake him.The rain was still pouring outside, a steady rhythm against the window. I made my way to the bathroom, cleaned up, and got dressed. When I returned, I noticed Elijah was awake too. The words caught in my throat as we stared at each other for a while. “Hey, good morning,” he said a little awkwardly. Perhaps he too was unsure how to address what had happened between us. “Uh, good morning,” I replied, my voice squeaking out in a weird way. I tried to suppress the fluttering in my chest.Elijah sat on the bed, shirtless, already engrossed in answering emails. He didn’t say anything else but went back to what he was doing. I sat on the couc
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Sophia’s POVThe morning light filtered through the curtains, illuminating the hotel room with a gentle warmth. I took a deep breath, savoring the freshness of the new day, a stark contrast to the storm that had confined us indoors the last few days. The memory of those days—and nights—lingered vividly in my mind, making my heart jump. A knock on the door made me sit up in bed. Elijah and I exchanged glances, realizing that we were wearing only our undergarments. “Elijah? Sophia?” I heard Trevis’s voice through the door. Elijah quickly got dressed and went to open the door, while I rushed to the bathroom to shower. “Hey, come on in…” I heard Elijah say. Then I heard footsteps coming in, and they all began chatting about the storm finally relenting. “Where’s Sophia?” Trevis asked. “I think she, uh, woke up early and took a shower,” Elijah fibbed. I turned on the water and couldn’t hear them anymore. After taking a quick shower and changing into a fresh set of clothes, I came out
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Elijah’s POVLooking at Sophia's back as she fled into the apartment building, I couldn't help but feel the weight of the last few days pressing down on me. The wonderful, intimate, wild moments we'd shared seemed to replay in my mind, each memory a vivid flash that made my heart ache with longing. God, how I want to be with her again, to feel the warmth of her body and see that spark in her eyes! The thought of it made me chuckle and shake my head in disbelief. Of all the things that could happen, this unexpected reunion had to be the funniest and most unexpected twist life had thrown at me in a long time.Just as I was about to leave, I noticed a small figure near Sophia's apartment. My heart skipped a beat as I recognized the little girl—Reese. She held a stuffed toy in her hand, and was skipping along the sidewalk. What’s she doing here? My curiosity piqued, and a sense of protectiveness surged within me. I got out of the car and walked over to her. “Hey, Reese?” I called sof
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Elijah’s POVI pinched Reese's tiny nose gently, causing her to giggle. “It's too late to take you without your family's permission,” I said, trying to sound serious, but her infectious laughter made it difficult.Reese's eyes widened with determination. “Mommy will say yes! Promise!” she declared, her voice high and full of confidence. Before I could react, she wriggled out of my arms, darted to the nanny's side, and snatched the phone from her hand.“Reese, wait—” the nanny started, but Reese was already trying to navigate the screen with her chubby fingers.“I'll call Mommy and ask!” Reese insisted, her face scrunched up in concentration. The nanny, looking slightly exasperated but quite a little shocked, gently took the phone back from Reese.“Sweetie, there's no need for that,” the nanny said softly. “Remember, I'm your mommy's sister.”I looked at her in surprise. “Yes, sir, I am,” she reiterated. “But still, her mother will worry if we go with a stranger.”“I want to go!” Rees
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Elijah’s POVI exchanged a quick glance with Serena, a silent conversation passing between us. Reese was smiling so brightly, her little face lighting up with joy. “Mommy’s work!” she exclaimed, pointing to the design on the desk. “Look at that smile,” Serena exclaimed. She stared at the little girl, seemingly scrutinizing her. “She looks just like Sophia.”I nodded, my throat tightening. “Yeah, I’ve been thinking that for some time now. So it’s not surprising that I’m not the only one who thinks so.”Serena walked over to Reese and crouched down to her level. “Hello again, sweetie,” she said softly. “Why are you excited about that design?”Reese beamed up at her and then pointed to the design again. “Mommy made this,” she declared proudly.My heart pounded wildly. A little girl can’t possibly lie like that, right? This could really be Sophia’s daughter!Serena stared at Reese with a smile that didn’t reach her eyes. It was a fake, strained smile that made something twist in my gut.
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Sophia’s POVMy heart swelled at the sight of my little girl entering the apartment. But I held back, unsure if she was still upset with me for being away on business the past few days. Instead of rushing to her, I took a moment to collect myself and observe.She didn't run to me. That was the first sign something was wrong. Reese was usually so excited to see me, her little legs carrying her as fast as they could into my arms. But this time, she sat on the sofa with her eyes downcast. As I got closer, I noticed the telltale shimmer of tears clinging to her lashes.“Reese?” I said gently, touching her arm. She looked up at me, and my heart broke at the sight of her red-rimmed eyes. “Sweetie, what's wrong?”Her bottom lip quivered. But before she could answer, her nanny stepped in. “Ms. Sophia, I should explain,” she said, her tone apologetic. “There was a bit of an incident today.”My eyes widened with concern. “What happened?”“It was that man again from the park. Elijah.”My heart
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Elijah’s POVI came home late that night, the exhaustion of the day's work settling into my bones. But I couldn’t stop thinking about Reese, picturing her cute little smile and hearing her adorable voice. The house was dark and quiet. I hung my coat on the rack and made my way to my study, craving a few moments of solitude before heading to bed.I sat down heavily in my chair, staring at a file on my desk that seemed to taunt me with its presence. I'd hired a detective to look into Reese, and now the results were staring back at me, demanding attention.I opened the file and flipped through the pages, each piece of information making my heart beat faster. Reese had been born in France, and the date of birth matched perfectly with the timeline when Sophia was pregnant. The pieces fit together in a way that made too much sense, yet still seemed surreal.“Reese looks like Sophia,” Serena had commented earlier today. “It's not just you, Elijah.”I rubbed my temples, trying to make sense
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