All Chapters of Empire of Lust: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
50 Chapters
Chapter 31 : Sexual Revelation
*Seymore’s POV*My brain had not done Ava justice. Her sensual curves, the freckles that dot her shoulders before stippling down to her breasts, the sweet dampness of her womanhood. As I stand here before her, I feel inadequate. Like a boy who has no clue what to do with his penis.I wasn’t expecting his, Ava’s brash decision to pull me into the bedroom had caught me by surprise. Now I stand here, trying to burn the image of her supple skin contrasting against my black silk sheets into my mind.She’s catching her breath after I pleasured her orally. I want to slide my cock deep inside her until I can’t push it anymore. But we are doing things her way, this time. Keeping the demon at bay isn’t as hard as I thought it would be. This type of sex is so far removed from what I normally do, I think the beast hasn’t caught on yet. “You are absolutely breathtaking,” I whisper, lowering myself on top of her to steal more kisses.She moans softly into my ear, causing a shiver to run d
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Chapter 32 : Family Matters
I try not to let Ava see my face as I glare at Marcus. How could he let it slip in front of her? He mouths ‘sorry’ at me as Ava goes to let the dogs in. It was going to have to come out eventually, may as well be now. I sit on the couch, my plans to walk the dogs through the property with Ava fading with each passing minute. “Oh, no. You stay here,” I tell Marcus as he tries to sneak off to his room. In typical Marcus fashion, he sulks like a child over to the couch before joining me with a huff. Ava follows with both dogs hot on her heels. They try to start roughhousing and Ava quickly calls it to a stop. Goldie isn’t allowed to play rough until she’s healed. “Okay, so what were you saying about the Ambrose family?” Ava asks calmly while sitting next to me. I sigh. “Do you know who the Ambrose family is and what they do?” I question, needing to know how well she knows the people involved.“No,” Ava replies. “But now is your chance to educate me. If I’m going to help,
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Chapter 33 : The Last Straw
*Ava’s POV*As I pull up to the curb in front of my building I can’t help but marvel at how nicely Seymore’s SUV drives. It’s getting late and I really need something to eat and to change my clothes before heading back to him and Marcus. I noticed a stain on my pants that must have been a little too close to Seymore’s bed earlier. I wouldn’t worry about it, except for the fact it’s very noticeable. It took a lot of convincing to get Seymore to let me go. He wanted Marcus to come with me, but I would rather he stay with Seymore. As I open the door, I notice all the lights are off. Ellie must be out. I flip on the switch by the door as I close it. There is a note from Ellie sitting on the entryway table. *Ava-I was called into work while hanging out with Sophia. I shouldn’t be too late, I’m just covering for a few hours. I’m sure Seymore won’t mind hanging out till I get home. See you, boo.*I smile, Ellie is such a sweetheart. I’m in the process of kicking off my shoe
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Chapter 34 : Taking Care of Ava
*Seymore’s POV*The last few days were touch and go with my mental health as I bounced between Ava’s and the Hospital. Doc is improving every day, and it doesn’t appear that he will be suffering any long-term effects from his beating. Ava had been depressed for two days, refusing to get out of bed.Today has been better, as I woke her up with a smile and a kiss. I haven’t left her side, leaving the dogs in Marcus’ capable hands. He’s been going to the hospital every day as well, but Ava refused to see him. She hadn’t wanted him to see her in her state. We talk when we see one another, and we both agree that Conner and Corbin must be dealt with. Ava doesn’t deserve to live in fear, and Corbin needs to pay for what he did. I had feared Doc would die and I would lose someone I consider family. Now that I know he’s going to be okay, I just want revenge. At first, I was confused by Sophia’s call. I didn’t receive any notification that Conner was near the condo. But then I remember
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Chapter 35 : A Deadly Game of Cat and Mouse
I make it back to the condo, my heart racing at what I just saw. Corbin had gotten to Conner before I had the chance. I’m experiencing a mixture of emotions. On one hand, I’m happy at not having to deal with Conner anymore. On the other hand, I’m scared shitless. Corbin is more dangerous than I thought him to be.I pull out my phone and call Marcus. He answers, sounding chipper and a little drunk. I fill him in on what just happened, keeping my voice to a low whisper so I don’t wake up Ava. The conversation sobers him up quickly.“You and Ava need to come over tomorrow so we can talk. I know you didn’t want her involved, but she is,” Marcus replies after a long pause of silence.I sigh. It’s true, I hadn’t wanted her involved. Having her know what is going on was necessary, but I wanted to keep her away from the Ambrose family. Considering Sophia had helped her, and Corbin knows her, keeping information from Ava is not going to keep her safe anymore.“I agree. We will come over
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Chapter 36 : Getting to the Bottom of Things
*Ava’s POV*The guys fall silent as I jokingly suggest killing Corbin. I thought I had been sarcastic when I said it, but I guess not. “I was just joking,” I mumble, hoping to ease the tension in the room. It’s been a stressful week. Seymore’s been great, in every way possible, but I just want to move on and put all this behind us. Corbin and Conner have been constantly present, and all I want to do is enjoy my new relationship with a man who truly knows how to treat me.Marcus chuckles as I clarify, killing the thick atmosphere. “You went really dark on us for a second,” he says with a smile. I’m happy Seymore has decided to let me in on the conversation regarding the Ambrose family, but I’m a little preoccupied with trying to figure out how I’m going to deal with Conner. Breaking into my place for the second time had been the last straw. I also need to talk with Sophia and find out why she had been so against staying when Seymore was on his way. I only half listen
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Chapter 37 : Dead Wrong
*Seymore’s POV*She said it again, the dreaded ‘we have to talk’. I need to get more clothes, so I turn toward home. It’s killing me to find out what Sophia said to her. Was I right? Did the woman I can’t even remember end my relationship in thirty minutes flat?“I need to go home to get more things,” I say, just wanting to eliminate the silence in the Rover. “That’s fine. Your place or mine, it doesn’t matter,” Ava replies, not giving any hint at what’s about to go down.I suppose she wouldn’t agree to my place if she planned on ending things between us, so I can at least hold on to that strand of hope. During the drive, I try to remember anything new about that fateful night that drove me to hit therapy hard. I just can’t. I still have no face to put with the woman.I pull into the driveway and look at the empty house. No dog to greet me and no Marcus to give me attitude. Just a large empty home without any occupants. I shiver, not ever wanting to go back to that life.
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Chapter 38 : An Uncertain Future
I whip into Doc’s driveway and jump out of the SUV. Marcus meets me at the door before I even reach it.“What’s going on? Is Ava okay?” he starts to question as I hurry past him.“Ava’s fine, we fought, and I dropped her off at Ellie’s,” I answer angrily as I pull out my phone and pull up the news video about Conner.I hand my cell over to Doc, who is now standing next to Marcus. They both freeze in place, eyes glued to the screen of my device. The reporter sounds unbothered as she reads the teleprompter, adding how it’s so sad that people can’t feel safe in their own homes anymore.Doc looks up at me slowly, followed by Marcus. “So, you were right about the leg belonging to him,” Marcus says, still very confused as to what this has to do with Ava.“Ava thinks I did it. That’s why we fought. Everything I did to try and make Conner’s life miserable came back to bite me in the end,” I reply, dropping into one of Doc’s chairs. “How did she find out about everything?” Marcu
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Chapter 39 : How to Take Down a Crime Boss
*Ava’s POV*Seymore has been so great about everything, and that makes me feel worse about accusing him of killing Conner. I went back to Ellie’s and talked with her and Sophia. They had pointed out so many inconsistencies in my accusation of Seymore that I felt stupid by the time we were done talking. “He really cares about you,” Sophia had pointed out. “I’ve never had a guy jump through so many hoops for me.”“The fact Corbin was involved has me immediately pointing a finger at him,” Ellie had added. “He’s the one with the background in murder, not Seymore.”“But Seymore flat out said he wanted to kill him,” I had argued. “So? I wanted to kill him, it doesn’t mean I did,” Ellie had retorted. I still feel bad about it, what had I been thinking? The fact Seymore just accepted my apology with a warm smile and comforting touch drove a blade into my heart. I’m so used to things that aren't my fault being blamed on me, that I’m having a difficult time accepting forgiveness w
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Chapter 40 : Cementing a Plan
*Seymore’s POV*As Ava falls asleep next to me I think about what just happened. Was it the talk of marriage and children that made me act so impulsively, or a darker part of me acting on its own? Either way, something told me to stay tucked into her pulsing womanhood to spill my seed. I’ve never been so careless. Every time I’ve been with someone, I’ve pulled out. I wonder if she noticed. Either way, it felt amazing. Strangely enough, I would love for her to have my baby. Children with her would be a dream come true. I’d given up on ever having children, deciding that life just wasn’t for me. Being with Ava has changed all that. After pulling her in close, I manage to close my eyes and drift off.***The Next MorningWe wake up to Ava’s phone ringing. She answers it and hurries out of the room, trying not to wake me up. While we were asleep, I must have slipped off of her.I hear her talking in the other room, but can’t make out what she’s saying. I climb out of the bed a
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