All Chapters of Dominated by the Dark Billionaire Daddy: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
50 Chapters
Chapter 21 : Stopping James
*Liam*Ava leaves not much later. She told me she needs to work on her resume, which I don’t disagree with. I promised her I’d help her, telling her to send it to me afterward. I still intend to help her. Any job she applies to, they’ll receive my stamp of approval. She works hard, she’s a good person, and she deserves all the good in the world.My name means more than James’ ever will, anyway. I’m not letting that filth stop her from pursuing her dreams and making it big. Ava is a spotlight on this Earth, and even if she decides not to work with me, I won’t let anything stop her. All those years of schooling should be rewarded.As soon as I know Ava won’t return, I pull out my phone, dialing James’ number. It sounds like he needs to have the fear of God put into him. I won’t let him do anything to Ava. That promise, I will take to my grave.“God, what an absolute waste, Liam. What’s so special about this girl anyway?”No pleasantries, right into business. James wants to pla
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Chapter 22 : Getting Away
*Ava*Once I get back to my apartment, I quickly get to work on my resume. I have a few companies in mind that I’m interested in applying to. Business management is thankfully a common job that is always looking for new hires, so I don’t anticipate this being too difficult a task. Not to mention I have Liam’s help and support. I know he wants me to come to work for him when I graduate, but I want to see what’s out there. The other places I plan on applying to are other larger companies around New York, and I’m excited at the prospect of going out into the world. I’ve spent so much of my life trying to get to this point, and I’m giddy to have gotten here.I edit my resume before quickly sending it off to Liam to look over. He’s been in the business industry for decades. He must have good insider techniques and trade secrets that can easily help me get a job, plus all the connections to help me get to know people in the industry. I don’t doubt his abilities to help and to be in th
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Chapter 23 : Like Father, Like Daughter, But Not Exactly
*Ava*I walk into the apartment to see my best friend packing again. I look around, trying to figure out what I’m missing, but don’t seem to be able to put the pieces together. “Where are you going? You just got back,” I ask her. She’s currently trying to shove a bunch of clothes into the suitcase but looks up when I speak. She gives me a wide, toothy grin. “Long Island. Daniel surprised me with a weekend getaway trip! I’m so excited.” A thrum goes through me at the realization. If Emma’s gone, then I don’t have to explain where I’ll be going. And, what’s best, she doesn’t even have to realize I’ve left the apartment at all. I’ll have to tell Liam that we need to get back before Emma does. I don’t want her to know I was gone, and I know Liam will make sure that doesn’t happen. Guilt begins to gnaw at me almost immediately. I’m standing here, watching my best friend excitedly pack for a getaway, and plotting the best ways to deceive her. I don’t want to keep hiding, it’s a
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Chapter 24 : A Hunger You Can’t Fix
*Ava*My breath is taken away, words failing me. I can’t believe Liam’s brought me to Vermont. The weather’s finally warm enough here that Vermont is green and lush. I’ve always known Vermont was this absolutely gorgeous state. But to be here in person with the changing weather, seeing the flowers, trees, and green well-trimmed grass, is another thing entirely. We land in Burlington, and Liam tells me we’re going to stay a night here before we go to Woodstock tomorrow. “We can explore the city a bit, check out the scenery.” I hold in all the squeals I want to let burst from my chest. The thought Liam’s put into this weekend makes me want to melt into a puddle. It’s all so surreal. “We’ll stay in a more secluded area tomorrow, but for tonight, I have reservations at an inn.” I shake my head in disbelief. “This is all so insane.” I touch Liam’s arm. “Thank you for this.” His eyes are warm as he hides a smile on his own face. “Of course.” There is a car waiting for
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Chapter 25 : Check Your Messages
*Ava*I awaken to the smell of bacon and eggs, and see that Liam is pushing a cart into the room with lids covering each plate. “What’s this?” I ask sleepily. “Just some breakfast to start the day,” he replies. It’s not just some breakfast, it’s a whole gourmet breakfast – and it’s in bed. We eat together under the sheets, and Liam asks me about getting to Woodstock. “Do you want to drive or fly there?” I think about it, but it doesn’t take long to find my answer. “Drive. It’s only a couple of hours away, and it’ll be a pretty great view of the plants, wildlife, and flowers.” He nods. “I thought you might say something like that.” “What does that mean?” I try to tease. “Finish your breakfast and I’ll show you.” Once we’ve cleaned up, packed, changed, and checked out of the hotel, I see what Liam’s talking about. Outside waits a stunning convertible car. It’s sleek black paint with the retractable roof glistens in the morning sun. “You are incredibly
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Chapter 26 : I'll Be Waiting
*Liam*I am ready to take this farmhouse down board by board. I consider throwing my phone at the wall, letting the image Mark sent me shatter with it, then hole up here for the rest of Ava and my natural lives.But that wouldn’t be fair to Ava.“What’s going on, Liam?” Ava asks, correctly reading my expression. I hate that I have to tell her this, I know how much this is going to hurt her.I sigh and bring the phone over to her, surprised the screen hasn’t cracked with how hard I’m holding it in my hand.Pulling my chair over to be side-by-side with Ava’s, I reveal the screen that had been hiding against my palm.Mark had sent me a screenshot of a text he received from James Kincaid. And it was blackmail.On Ava and me.Ava gasps and takes the phone from me, gripping it in shaking hands.A photo of me escorting Ava into my Lamborghini sits insidiously on the screen. The smile she’s giving me is not a ‘daughter’s best friend’ smile. And the smile I’m giving her is far
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Chapter 27 : I Need to See You
*Ava*When I get home, the apartment is empty, which is a godsend because I just can’t talk to anyone right now. Especially Emma.But just in case she should return, I hurry with my bag to my bedroom and close the door. I proceed to throw myself down on my bed and cry.There really is no help for it.I can’t imagine breaking up with Lucas, but I can see the consequences of our relationship unfolding before my eyes. Emma and my father will likely be furious. Maybe Emma will kick me out. Maybe my dad will stop accepting legal help. Maybe they’ll both stop speaking to me altogether.Then there’s the question of people thinking I fucked my way to the top of the food chain. I’ve worked hard and held down a job while going to school full-time. I’ve paid for my own tuition, knowing Dad wouldn’t have the money for it. When I was young, our financial situation was pretty rocky. Dad worked his way through that, but that doesn’t mean he had a lot left in the bank after saving his busine
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Chapter 28 : The Heart Wants What the Heart Wants
*Liam*I button my charcoal, pinstripe vest and look in the mirror to tie my tie. If I was going into battle with James, I was going to make sure my armor was perfect.I shrug on my suit coat last and make my way to the elevator, taking it down from the penthouse to the garage. My town car and Lamborghini sit side-by-side. I choose the Lamborghini. It’s the one from the picture after all. If James can pull power moves, so can I.James, the cocky bastard, chose his own shitty restaurant for the meet. I think bitingly about accusing him of giving people salmonella poisoning, but that isn’t really fair to Chef Jaime, even though the creative Mexican fusion food did suck ass. Tastes like it, too.Maybe I’d just get the most expensive shot of tequila they had to throw in James’ face.I pull out smoothly into traffic and, sooner than I want to be, I’m at Dos Jaimes. I park my car – James wants to think his restaurant is high-end, but he doesn’t even have a valet. For a few momen
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Chapter 29 : Do You Love Me?
*Ava*“Do you love me?”Liam’s words cause my breath to catch. If I’d been driving, we would have swerved right off the road.“You’re asking that NOW?!” I cry.“Now’s the time,” Liam says. “And I really need an answer. Do you love me?”I shift in my seat. “That’s not the point.”“That’s exactly the point,” Liam replies firmly.“Liam, I do love you, but…” I begin.“Good,” Liam interrupts me. “I love you, too.”The expression on Liam’s face echoes the feeling in my heart. I can see that he was hoping for me to say that. My chest swells. My eyes mist.Liam looks as though I’ve made his life. Which is good, because he’s just made mine.“Now I can tell you how things went with James,” Liam says, his smile fading a bit.“You said it didn’t go well,” I remind him.“It went about as poorly as you’d expect. Maybe worse, actually. I ended up punching him,” Liam begins.“I’m sure he deserved it,” I say loyally.Liam chuckles. “He really did. He told me if I didn’t dr
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Chapter 30 : Stalkerazzi
*Ava*I’m starting to think I should have let Liam stay the night. At least then he would have been around to bolster my confidence about my interview today.As it is, I’m trying not to cry. It will ruin my make-up.Emma never came home last night. I’m worried about her and I feel guilty about the whole situation. I keep trying to think of how we could have navigated this better with her, and I come up blank every time.At least my blouse is perfect. And my shoes. And my jewelry. And my skirt. And my … I straighten my jacket. Now that’s perfect as well.I’m about to head out the door when my phone rings. Thinking it’s probably Liam wishing me luck, I answer without looking at the caller ID.It was a mistake.“Hey, beautiful. Answering on the first ring. I must rate higher than I thought with you,” James says once the line connects.My lips turn down in a grimace. “Fuck off, James. Lose my number.” I pull the phone away from my ear and move my thumb over the red “End” bu
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