All Chapters of Fragments of Elysium: Love on Campus: Chapter 51 - Chapter 56
56 Chapters
Chapter 51 : Friendly Visit
*Lily*When the final chime of my shift sang out, I untied my apron with a sense of finality, the fabric heavy with the scent of roasted beans and sweet syrups. As I stepped into the brisk evening air, a shiver chased up my spine from the chill and I wrapped my coat tighter around me to prevent the wind from cutting through.Before I turned the corner, I felt the familiar buzz of my phone in the pocket of my jacket. Rachel's name flashed across the screen, piercing the veil of avoidance I'd carefully crafted around myself. Perhaps I was finally starting to let the grief for losing my dreams behind me, or maybe I just really missed her, but I swiped the answer icon before doubt could reclaim me."Hello?""Li-Lily?" The voice on the other end trembled. "You answered," she breathed, relief coating her tone."Hi, Rachel..." My heart constricted, guilt taking hold of me as I heard how desolated she sounded. "I'm sorry. I just—""No, don't... I understand." Her words hitched, and I p
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Chapter 52 : Unexpected Encounter
*Lily*When Rachel left on Sunday morning to return to the city, I felt a sense of loss as she walked away. And there I was again, in the kitchen of the coffee shop, back to my routine, scrubbing away at the espresso machine, lost in a rhythm that didn't require thought. My movements were mechanical; wipe here, rinse there, all while my heart wrestled with a puzzle that refused to be solved.The distance between Adrian and me was more than just miles—it was this gaping rift filled with uncertainty. Could we go back to what we were once? Would he be mad at me for ghosting him for so long?The whirring grinder and the hiss of steam from the milk frother became the soundtrack to my internal debate. Long distance wasn't something I believed in, or so I'd convinced myself. Yet, as I stood there, the possibility of not fighting for what Adrian and I once had was even more unbearable.The day faded, and with it, the bustle of customers slowed to a trickle before the doors closed behind
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Chapter 53 : Detonating the Bomb
*Adrian*The semester's end was so near, I could almost hear the collective sigh of relief from the entire campus. But for me, it was a race against time, the final stretch in a marathon that had tested every fiber of my being. As I sat at my desk, fingers poised over the keyboard, I was reminded of how everything had changed since that fateful day when Rachel, bless her, had been the bridge between Lily and me.And through that storm, finding Lily again had felt like grasping a lifeline in turbulent seas. She'd been wary, understandably, but as the days warmed into something resembling trust, I promised her that I would not let her down. Not again.After guaranteeing Lily wouldn't run away from me again, I felt more encouraged than ever to put my plan into action.Perched within the confines of my apartment, away from the incessant chaos of campus, I clicked the button with a finality that seemed to echo in the suddenly quiet room. The screen flickered as the documentary began t
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Chapter 54 : My Best Work
*Lily*As we settled into his car, the seatbelt clicking into place, anxiety crept up on me. Normally, I would have been exhilarated by the rush toward the unknown, but today, apprehension constricted around my heart like ivy.With the impact of the news, I had forgotten to let Rachel know I was going back to the city to try and find Adrian. Retrieving my phone from the depths of my bag, my thumb hovered over the screen before pressing call. "Hey, girl," she answered after a few rings. It didn't escape me the way her voice was strained and cautious."I'm going to the city to find Adrian," I told her. "Please let me know if you see him," I pleaded into the phone, my voice a thread fraying at the edges.Rachel's voice crackled through the speaker, her tone a mix of reassurance and surprise. "Yeah, I got you, girl. I haven't seen his face around campus today, but... Oh, wait—" A pause snagged the conversation, and I tensed."What? What happened?" The question shot out of me, shar
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Chapter 55 : Safest Place
*Lily*As soon as the bedroom door closed behind us, Adrian's arms wrapped tightly around me, instantly melting away any remaining tears and igniting a wave of longing within me. His kiss was fervent while his hands roamed with purposeful intent, cupping my ass and solidifying his hold on me. He moved with a blind confidence toward the bed, each step he took resonating with an unspoken urgency.My arms were tightly entwined around his strong, broad neck as I leaned into him for support. His muscles flexed and rippled beneath my touch, providing a solid foundation for me to lean on.With a fluid motion, Adrian tossed me onto my back on his bed, and I bounced slightly upon the mattress. My eyes drank in the sight of him as he hovered above me, his presence commanding every ounce of my attention. He pressed his face against my neck, his warm lips tracing a scorching path along my throat, igniting fire with every touch and nibble of flesh. I squirmed beneath him in an instinctive
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Chapter 56 : Glimpse of Future
*Lily*Two months had flown by since the exposé went viral and Elysium turned into a scenario of apocalyptic chaos. Each day that passed ever since pulled Adrian and me even closer together.So much changed ever since that it was hard to keep track of everything. The more important thing was that the Order of Elysium was now part of a dark past, no longer active thanks to Adrian, Chris, Jenna, and everyone else who accepted to risk their lives to end that madness.I was so proud of everyone that it was hard to put into other without shedding a tear.I felt proud of myself too, although I hadn't done the dirty work of gathering evidence and exposing anyone. But knowing I had encouraged Adrian to start this, somehow was enough for me.Lots of students were expelled and many people--parents, professors, members of the board, staff--were arrested for several crimes such as corruption, defamation, harassment, forgery, to name a few.Adrian didn't win the Festival with the exposé, bu
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