All Chapters of An Alpha for the Stolen Princess: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
80 Chapters
Chapter 61 : Predictions and Preparations
*Ember* The days continued to pass, and the tension in Moon Haven remained palpable. It seemed that every day another messenger was coming back to deliver news of the front lines, but there were no updates about Alec or Bryan. Lukas’ army was halted for now, and the forces of Whitelark were recovering, but it wouldn’t be long before the stalemate ended. Tonight, Mary, Lauryn, and I sat outside as the sun began to set. Mary hadn’t eaten much or seemed to realize that she was falling apart every time the messenger came with no news. I wasn’t much better, but I had my training to focus on instead of the pain usually. Today, though, Chastine had kept me from training with the maidens because of some secret rite that they were going through that might hurt me if I was there. I had practiced what I could alone. I hadn’t even managed to rustle any leaves. All of my energy was being consumed by my worry about Alec. I sank onto the steps of the Palace of the Moon, looking out on Moon H
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Chapter 62 : Who I Am Now
*Ember*We were ready to leave just as the sun was completely below the horizon. The weight of the war seemed to be on everyone’s mind, pushing us to move faster. All the maidens seemed skittish, but they worked quickly. When Chastine came out fully ready to leave, everyone seemed to move any faster. Chastine rolled her shoulders and ushered the maidens into the cart, loaded up all the supplies we could take, and soon we were heading out.The maidens trembled in their white cloaks and traveling bags. They didn’t even have shoes. Rhys and the other warriors flanked us on all sides before we left Moon Haven. The night was dark and moonless as we made our way south to Whitelark. The cool breeze brushed against my cheeks as we traveled. Those that were too young to shift rode on the backs of whatever warrior could take us or on the carts they pulled. No one spoke much as we hurried through the forest. Lauryn had shifted, running alongside the cart I rode on. Mary was poised on the c
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Chapter 63 : Ambush
*Alec*I still wasn’t sure about what to think about Grey or where he was leading us. As we followed Grey through the dense forest, the shadows of the towering trees cast an eerie, otherworldly glow. My stomach was turning into knots as we walked. Everything in me was telling me that I shouldn’t be here, but I pushed that feeling away. Grey and wherever he was taking us was a safe haven, at least for us to heal up, and if not that, then to get more reinforcements against Lukas. How many were there? Grey had been vague. I didn’t know if that was to protect them or because he didn’t feel it was important for us to know.We moved swiftly, our footsteps muffled by the thick layer of fallen leaves beneath our feet. The anticipation in the air was palpable, and my heart raced with a mix of hope and anxiety. A deep unsettling feeling started to grow further into the forest we went to, but I couldn’t place why. It wasn’t a feeling I had ever experienced before. A part of me knew something
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Chapter 64 : All of Allusia
*Ember* Traveling south through the flat lands was easier and quiet, but I could see what Chastine meant when she said I was stronger in the forest. The shadows around us felt weaker than they had in the woods. Luckily, we didn’t run into any more trouble. Finally, I could see the torches of Whitelark. We arrived at Whitelark just before dawn. Men were shirtless, working outside the castle walls as we rushed through the village outside. “Halt! Who–”“Stand down!” Rhys yelled back. “Open the gates!”The patrol was tense and wary about us, but they hurried to help us unload and move everything to where it was meant to go. They hurried, carrying the medical supplies and food into the castle. Then, II turned to see the rest of the warriors who had traveled with us, stuffing their bags with whatever food they could manage to put inside. They crammed bread and cuts of meat into their mouths like ravenous wolves. Rhys was with them, talking with another warrior and seemingly giving
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Chapter 65 : To The Front Lines
*Ember*The words echoed through my mind like a far-off whisper carried by the wind of my hopes and deepest fears. Alec was alive. He was still fighting, but what of the shadow walkers? Would they betray him? Were they aligned with Lukas?I could hear his voice in the back of my mind. I felt the cold of the night air on my skin and stiffened my jaw as my heart started to race. The cool breeze of the evening ruffled my hair as I tried to think. Whitelark Castle was so far away from where my mind was. “How is the fight going?” Lauryn asked. He winced. “They're pushing back Lukas' forces, but the battle is fierce. There are reinforcements coming from the West, we think."My gut turned. I bit my lip, trying to suppress the surge of emotions threatening to overwhelm me. “How many? How quickly will they get there?” I asked. His eyes widened as he stared at me, seemingly speechless. Was he surprised that I was asking, or was it my tone? “Tell me!”He jolted and shook
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Chapter 66 : Last Words
*Alec*As I moved through the chaotic streets of the port city, my heart pounded in my chest like a warm drum. The scent of blood and sweat filled the air, a grim reminder of the toll this war was taking. The shadow walkers, led by Grey, fought beside me. Their movements were swift and coordinated as we pressed forward through the city headed toward the bridge, yet there didn’t seem to be an end to the number of Lukas’ enemies there.The city had become a battleground, each alley and street a potential trap. But we were determined and pushed through. With each step, I felt myself growing more tired, yet I couldn’t stop to rest. The coolness of the night dried my sweat. The tension in the air kept me on edge as we moved forward. I cast a glance at Grey. He met my gaze, a silent understanding passing between us. We were getting closer to the bridge, which meant the battle would get harder from here.He gestured behind him, and several of the wolves with him shifted and seemed to
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Chapter 67 : The Risk
*Ember*Love you…At that moment, the battlefield faded into the background, the clash of steel and cries of battle drowned out by the echo of Alec's words. The world around me seemed to blur into a chaotic whirlwind, leaving nothing but the sight of Alec on his knees between the two men. All I could hear was his voice. I didn’t even realize I was screaming, reaching for power within me, reaching for him as I ran, wishing I could just go a bit faster. One of Lukas' warriors pulled out his sword and took a stance right behind Alec, sword gleaming with deadly intent.Time seemed to slow as our eyes locked. The glint of malice in his gaze sent a spear of cold terror through me that turned into burning hot fury. I felt it surging through me. My power sparked and skidded. Despair sank in as I realized I couldn’t call the shadows up to stop him. I watched in agonizing slowness as the warrior drove his sword right through Alec’s back until the blade came out of his chest, red an
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Chapter 68 : The Promise
*Ember*His brow arched in curiosity, a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes. "And what, pray tell, could that be?" he inquired, a mockingly polite smile tugging at his lips.The air was heavy with tension as Lukas regarded me, his expression a mix of curiosity and amusement. But it was his eyes that gave him away. There was just the smallest flicker of doubt in his eyes, a thread of uncertainty that seemed to gnaw at his confidence.“Well, Ember?”I held his gaze. "You didn't anticipate me making a deal with you," I replied, my voice steady despite the tumultuous emotions swirling within me.His lips twitched. A mirthless chuckle escaped his lips. It turned to full-on laughter after a moment. "A deal, you say? And why should I bother listening to your proposal, Ember?"His words were dripping with a mockery that grated on my nerves, but I pushed down the surge of anger that threatened to bubble over. I had to control myself. I had to do this. I paused and lo
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Chapter 69 : Buried Alive
*Alec*I woke up to darkness, my body aching, and a heavy weight on my chest. As my eyes adjusted to the fading light of day, I realized I was in the woods. Trees towered over me, their branches dancing in the breeze. I groaned and tried to move. I went rigid, panting through the pain that shot through me. As it ebbed, I pushed a little harder against the heavy weight on top of me. What was on top of me? I smelled blood, mostly mine, but there was also the dirt of dug-up earth and fallen leaves. Had someone tried to bury me? I almost snorted. It was just like Lukas’ men to do a half-ass job on even the simplest task. My stomach lurched as I rolled down the small burial mound to the forest floor. The world spun around me. I could feel that my injuries had started to close. I needed food and rest. I needed shelter if the darkened sky meant oncoming rain. I tried to stand, but my body screamed in protest. I choked on the pain, curling up as the sound of the evening and the fore
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Chapter 70 : Don’t Ever Touch Me Again
*Ember*I woke up in the dimly lit room, my body feeling heavy and lethargic. It had been a month since Alec’s death, a month Lukas had brought me back to the capitol, and every day seemed to stretch on endlessly, a monotonous cycle of despair and uncertainty. As much as I tried not to lose faith that I had done the right thing, there was no way to know for sure. Was Rhys still alive? Had Lukas already marched on Whitelark? I heard from the maids and the guards who patrolled and talked probably more than they should that Lukas was losing his grip on Western Allusia. The last battle against Whitelark had shaken his once formidable forces and fractured them, and the packs were turning against him. As much as I should have been glad that he was losing power, I couldn’t find it in me to smile. Every night, it seemed like I heard Alec whispering his last words to me. I saw the way he jolted as the sword pushed through his chest. I could smell his blood. It at once kept me awake and lul
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