All Chapters of MAFIA'S NOT SO INNOCENT GIRL: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
61 Chapters
Ishita's POV: I went downstairs after taking a bath and changing into black jeans and a black top with a black coat for fashion. Even when I know that my life is fucked up, I don't stop myself from showing my positives to the world and fashion is one thing in that. I love to dress up daily but I don't take more time again. And today as we are going to meet the head boss, I can't go in a saree, business attire, or any gowns. I went downstairs again but my heartbeat was still so fast and I needed to show the angry expression on my face to hide my inner expressions. I saw that Noah, Herman, and Adele were there talking with that Arrogant Armani. Seeing Noah, Herman, and Adele all set in the business manners, I knew that I was late today. Not giving any glance to anyone, I straightly went into the kitchen but to my shock, Andres was already preparing our breakfast and Dario was helping him. "I'm sorry, Andre. I'm late" I smiled at him while looking around to guess what he was cooking
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Riccardo's POV: I looked at Gio who was looking at me with wide eyes. Probably, he didn't expect the Queen to wish him with respect. Yesterday, my plan was to meet him in the morning and discuss with him about that woman but after Noah told me that they were going to meet someone dangerous, I thought of calling Gio with us, because, even if any problem comes I don't need to take my gun out unnecessarily. So, I messaged him to wait until my next order came. And, when Noah told me that we were going to Aventine from San Pietro, I told Gio to come to the historical monument estate street where he is living in between and I also messaged him to act like he is my friend when I became relaxed after the tension Ishita gave me early in the morning. Not in that way, but seeing her running like she saw the creepiest person made my anger rise as well as my tension. For the god's sake, I'm not any creep. But, seeing her panic when she told me that she was not doing any wrong thing while being
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Riccardo's POV: I looked at her while trying to find a joke in what she said, but with her angry expression and the way she was looking at Gio with hopeful eyes, I knew that she was serious. Though I don't like that she is looking at Gio while I'm here, I can't do anything here. "Riccardo, why don't you yell at her now that she is the reason behind this threat to your life?" Noah asked me looking around and I didn't know what he was searching for. "Noah, if you don't have anything to eat, close your eyes and sleep," Ishita told him, and even when in this confusing state, seeing them talking nonsense and behaving like Tom and Jerry, I want to laugh…but then. "This hotel is closed for outsiders only Noah, waiters are still here. You can just order through that message box near you" I told him as I know about this hotel very well. "I'm proud of myself for making you my friend" he gave me a huge smile and started to order like we were having a get-together here. "Can you
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Riccardo's POV: I was looking at her deeply until Gio nudged my shoulder making me come out of confusion. I looked over Gio and saw Noah looking at Ishita with a small smile and then he looked at me with the same smile. I went and sat beside Noah not knowing whether I should ask him about my confusion or not. I looked at her once again but she still didn't look at me. I looked at Gio and signaled him to take Ishita out and he understood me well. "Ishita…can you please come with me, I need to ask you something important" He hesitated at first but then I guess he remembered who he was. She looked at Gio for about a minute before turning towards Noah. After being with them, I was able to guess what was happening between them. She had first analyzed Gio on her own and now she is asking for her friend's permission. I was going to tell Noah to let her go but then he looked at me and Gio for a minute and nodded his head at Ishita like he analyzed me and Gio, not only Gio. And she
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Ishita's POV: We all got inside the car after I and Gio completed our breakfast and I knew that Armani must have guessed that I was only going to stay with him to protect him. Not getting in the back seat, I got inside and sat in the passenger seat. And when I thought Noah would get in the driver's seat Armani got in the driver's seat and both Noah and Gio got in the back seat. "Go back Noah will drive the car," I told him but I could see the tense look on both Gio's and Noah's faces. "I know the way to my mansion" He arrogantly replied to me and started the car without even looking at me. When both of our lives are in danger, here we are playing the ignoring games. He is ignoring me from the morning and I don't know what I did wrong. I'm ignoring him because my stupid feelings are unstable whenever I'm near him. "Rabbit, should I ask Adele to pack your dresses from your house and leave them in Riccardo's mansion?" Noah asked me and suddenly I remembered something I forgot to
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Ishita's POV: Standing in front of the huge glass door, I tried to peek inside to see him but I realized that this was the one side glass. "How the hell I open this?" I grunted not seeing any kind of locks on the door. "This is automated with face recognition" I heard Patio's voice from behind and I turned to look at him only to see him looking at the round design above the door and suddenly the door got opened. "Highly secured" I whispered knowing that the design was the identification camera and he just gave me a small smile and left the place as I stepped into the room. The door got closed again and my heartbeat started to rise hearing the sound of drums. Wait…what? Drums? I looked around the room to find the source of the sound or the man to whom this room belongs but I saw a huge work area with different kinds of sofas, more than 3 desks including a huge one like the CEO's desk and more than 4 laptops and computers and telephones. Did I get into any office rather
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Riccardo's POV: "Let me fight with your demons along with you" I know I shouldn't have said that this soon but I know that there is no way to back up from the pit she pulled me along with her. "My body is sinned, Armani" She whispered making me confused. "You're body is not the one which made me do all this, Ishita. It's not like I can't get a more beautiful body than yours. And, before today I didn't know you were a virgin and my feelings were not even different single percent" I swore and I know I want her everything but that doesn't mean I only want her body. That is not a 1% of what I want from her and that was not what attracted me towards her more than 1%. There is something special that I couldn't decode now, more than that undeniable attraction. "You didn't see my real body till now, Armani, and I'm not ready to show you that now. Maybe I want some time to forget everything" She said and got up from my lap as I loosened my grip on her waist hearing her words which have
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Riccardo's POV: Looking at the tense figures in front of me, all I can wish is that Ishita wouldn't come outside her room and see these men respecting me. I signaled all three dangerous underbosses to sit including Gio and I knew that taking them here was a risk but then I needed to show them Ishita so that they could start protecting her and also needed to show them her real character. What if she decided to seduce them to get things perfectly even after my warning? If I show them her now, they'll know who is she and to whom she belongs and they won't dare to even look at her. "What you got to know about that Indian boss?" I immediately directed my first question towards Khan who looks more tense. "Boss, there is not even a single thing to know about him in the abundance and when we get to too low, there are lot of things about him to know which are awfully disgusting" He scrunched his nose and rubbed his long beard and from this itself I know that he got know something smuttier
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Ishita's POV: I thought he was not like other men but now he proved that he also is one of them. I already started to feel disgust and my body already started to shiver. The same feeling whenever I seduce men, the same feeling, that I didn't get whenever he was near me before. I never knew why I felt safe near him but now I feel like running away. All those past memories started to resurface as I pulled the front zipper down, I'm wearing black bodycon below but that is too small. I couldn't able to pull my dress off as my hands started to shake seeing him looking at me. I closed my eyes in order to stabilize my brain and was going to pull off the dress when I felt something covering me. I jerked open my eyes only to see him in front of me covering me with the bed sheet. He smiled and I looked at him confused and tried to move away from him while he just pulled me to himself wrapping his arms around my waist tightly. "I surely have effects on you" He whispered and wiped the tear
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Riccardo's POV: I came downstairs after simply getting things done and getting control of my anger. I never knew that her tears would make my anger vanish into thin air. And I know I must have a small smile on my lip by now. I must be stupid to think that she can play with me like she does with others but when I saw her trembling in my site, I knew that she can't…just play with me. And, I'm more than happy knowing that. I sat on the same spot on the couch as before and saw the three men still terrified, standing across ten feet. "Sit" I ordered and they did as I said, however, they thought for a second and also informed Gio about Yalim Mehra he messaged his men and then he informed me that things would be done by tomorrow morning. Yeah, this is the simplest way to handle things being the King but my Queen has been playing this game on her own in the complex way. "What are the other details you have about him?" I asked Khan as he was looking at me with both terrified and
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