All Chapters of The Billionaire's Drunken Bride : Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
76 Chapters
Who Could It Be
Chapter 51James and Lily walked in tense silence, putting as much distance between them and the bloodbath in the alley as possible. The sounds of distant sirens wailed faintly, no doubt alerted to the chaos by some anonymous caller. They had to get off these streets before the police officers inevitably swarmed the vicinity.At last, James ducked into the dingy entrance of what gave the look of an deserted workplace building. He ushered Lily inside ahead of him, eyes constantly scanning their surroundings for any threats. Once they were concealed in the shadowy interior, he finally seemed to relax a fraction."You hurt?" he asked gruffly, giving Lily a once-over. His hands skimmed over her arms and sides as if checking for injuries himself.She shook her head. "No, I'm okay. Just shaken up is all." Her hand went instinctively to her child bump, alleviation washing over her that her child was unharmed after the nightmarish attack.James's jaw tightened but he gave a curt nod. "Good. T
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Chapter 52As the sirens grew louder in the distance, indicating the police would soon be swarming the area, James finally broke away from their searing kiss. He cupped Lily's face, staring into her eyes with an intense determination burning behind his piercing gaze."We want to get moving," he said in a low, gravelly tone. "There's no way they are going to permit this drop after witnessing Spike's brutal homicide. We're going to have every law enforcement agency in the city coming down on us once they find his mangled corpse." Lily felt a tremor of dread at the thought of the citywide manhunt that would soon be unleashed. But she gave a resolute nod. "You're right. We can't stick around here any longer. What's the plan?"James's jaw tensed in that way it did when he was rapidly calculating their next high-stakes move. After a pregnant pause, he gave a tight nod."We can't go to any of the usual properties or underground bases. They'll be crawling all over those places within the ho
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Bigger Fish
Chapter 53After pulling into the secluded compound, James wasted no time getting Lily settled into one of the underground safe rooms. It was basically just a reinforced bunker, but at least it would keep her protected while he figured out their next move."You'll be alright in here for a bit?" he asked gruffly as Lily surveyed the stark living quarters - a small bedroom, bathroom, and a kitchenette area stocked with non-perishable food and bottled water.She gave him a wry look. "You kidding? This place looks way comfier than some of the motels we've had to squat in over the past few months."James allowed the faintest smirk at her attempt at humor, though his eyes still burned with grim intensity. Leaning down, he pulled her right into a fierce embrace, cradling the lower side of her head against the strong wall of his chest."I don't know what clean hell is coming," he rumbled towards her hair, "but you could bet your candy ass I'll pass heaven and earth to preserve you and the bab
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Louis's voice was grim on the other end of the line. "Alright Jimmy, buckle up - because I got a whole mess of ugly shit to unload on you." There was a pause as James heard the sound of papers rustling. "First off, those hunches of yours about the bigger fish seem to be right on the money. After digging into Spike's background, it's pretty clear that punkass wasn't the brains behind this whole operation to take you down.""I'm listening," James said tightly, his gut tightening in anticipation. "Well, from what I can trace, Spike spent years running as a low-degree enforcer for the Petrov crime syndicate - you know, those Deepstars mobsters who've been looking to muscle their manner into the city's underworld." Louis's voice took on a harder edge. "And based on the money trails I'm seeing, it looks like the Petrovs were bankrolling this whole vendetta against you from the jump."James's free hand clenched into a fist until his knuckles strained white. So his old suspicions about thos
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Family First
Chapter 55James strode back into the bunker, his jaw set in a hard line. He saw Lily sitting at the cot, gently rubbing her swollen stomach. Seeing her like that, so susceptible but fiercely protective in their unborn toddler, made his heart clench."Lily," he stated gruffly, "We need to speak."She looked up at him with those big, soulful eyes. "What's going on, James?"He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. This wasn't going to be clean."After speaking to Louis, it is clear we are managing some primary players here - the Petrov crime family. They've been bankrolling everything to take me down, including that rat Spike."Lily's eyes widened. "The Petrovs? But they're incredibly dangerous...""Exactly," James cut her off. "Which is why I can't have you anywhere near this fight." He could see the protest forming on her lips, but he held up a hand. "I'm serious, Lil. These aren't just street thugs - they're ruthless mobsters who won't hesitate to use you or our baby as leverage a
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Chapter 56A few days later, James gathered Lily in the central lounge area of the compound. His expression was pensive as he took her hands in his. "Lil, I've been thinking..." he began slowly. "I'm not sure I'm comfortable with you staying cooped up in this bunker much longer, especially in your condition."She frowned at him. "What do you mean? I thought you wanted me somewhere secure while you deal with the Petrov situation."James sighed and ran a hand through his cropped hair. "I did, however the more I consider it, the more I fear it's no longer a terrific environment for you right now, splendid.He fixed her with an intense stare. "A situation like's not good for you or the baby to be under that kind of constant strain."Lily felt a spark of irritation flare within her. "So what, you think I can't handle a little tension now?" she challenged. "In case you've forgotten, I've been by your side through plenty of hairier moments than this, buster."The faintest of smile
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Chapter 57Back at the compound, James was a coiled spring of restless energy. With Lily safely ensconced abroad, he could finally focus all his faculties on the looming Petrov problem without distraction."Talk to me, Lou," he said without preamble as his friend strode into the central hub. "Where are we at with smoking out these Slavic cockroaches from our crevices?"Louis' expression was uncharacteristically grim as he spread out a sheaf of documents on the table between them. "We might have a problem, Jimmy. A big one."James felt his spine stiffen at the other man's tone. "What kind of problem?" he asked tightly.Jabbing a finger at the papers, Louis met his gaze squarely. "The kind of problem that looks a hell of a lot like an inside job, boss."A muscle ticked in James' clenched jaw. "Explain."Louis tapped the documents again. "These are transcripts of intercepted communications between key Petrov players. And based on the level of detailed information they seem to have about
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No Stress, No Drama
Chapter 58Back in her luxurious private villa on the sun-drenched shores of Bali, Lily was doing her best to embrace the carefree bliss James had sent her there to find. Reclining by the glittering infinity pool, she let the warm tropical breeze wash over her as Maggie and some of her other friends laughed and sipped fruity cocktails nearby."I'm telling you, girl, this is exactly what the doctor ordered," Maggie sighed contentedly, wiggling her bright pink toes in the crystalline waters. "No stress, no drama - just pure relaxation and living our best lives before that little bambino of yours makes their debut."Despite herself, Lily felt the knots of tension easing from her shoulders at the soothing surroundings. It was as if an entire world of crushing pressure and violence had simply been...switched off for these few tranquil moments."Not gonna lie, it is pretty nice to tune out the chaos for a bit," she admitted with a soft smile, cradling her rounded belly. "Though I've got a f
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Chapter 59The next few days passed in a blissful blur for Lily. True to their word, Maggie and the others kept her on a non-stop regimen of indulgent activities and luxurious pampering. Massages, beachside yoga sessions, decadent spa treatments - if it existed to soothe the body and spirit, they threw it Lily's way with gleeful abandon.Not that she was complaining, of course. After so many relentless months of chaos and violence, Lily was surprised by just how easily she was able to slip into this new mindset of tranquility and serenity. With every passing day cushioned in paradise, she felt the remaining knots of dread and anxiety loosening their insidious grip over her psyche.On one particularly glorious afternoon, after an invigorating al fresco brunch, Lily found herself wandering the lush grounds on her own while the others went off for ocean kayaking. She let her feet carry her almost unconsciously toward the private corner of their villa's gardens, lush and vibrantly bloomin
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Chloe Adams Again
Chapter 60Back at James' compound, things were getting tense. Louis paced back and forth as James sat hunched over the desk, his brow furrowed."You're telling me Chloe Adams could be involved in this Petrov mess?" James said gruffly. "But she's supposed to be locked up in that psychiatric hospital."Louis shook his head. . "I realize, that's what we concept too. But a number of the intel we have accrued factors to her having a hand in things from the inside.""How's that even possible?" James slammed his fist at the desk. "We've had spherical-the-clock surveillance on that area since she went nuts.""Could be she has some inside help," Louis said grimly. "Maybe one of the guards or staff is working for her, keeping her in the loop."James let out a frustrated growl. "Damn it, I should've seen this coming. That woman's obsession knows no bounds."He stood up, taking a deep breath and running a hand through his hair. "Alright Louis, here is what we are exactly going to do. Double the
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