Semua Bab Sold to the Prince of Hell: Bab 21 - Bab 30
108 Bab
Keeping close.
Kaltain Leiya That was all he said to me. He didn't give me any more details and I couldn't bring myself to ask them of him. We simply sat on the grass in silence, staring at the same moon but living in completely different worlds. “Would you like to join me for dinner?” He mumbled absentmindedly. Again, it wasn't much of my choice as he made it seem. My life at Kaltain revolved around him. It was either him or spend solitude hours in my bedchamber. “I would love to.” I sounded way more interested than I should have. He raised himself up using his hands, clasping them together when he was on his two feet. When he was done, he stretched out his hand towards me. Anywhere I needed to be, I needed him to get there. I took his hand and he helped me up. For some reason we didn't immediately teleport. Not letting go of my hand, I looked into his eyes and he looked into mine. I desperately wanted to look away, but I couldn't bring myself to. His eyes were mesmerizing. The sof
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Going away.
Kaltain Leiya I was up at the crack of dawn. I had the same nightmare that was becoming frequent as the days went by. They were becoming more vivid, the deaths more violent and I woke up more distressed each time. After a few minutes of staring into space, I remembered the events of the day before. For some reason, I was worried for him. I knew he was powerful, very powerful, but there was a chance his father was more powerful. Why had he suddenly shown up? Did his arrival mean trouble? The uncertainty was giving me unrest. I knew I needed to leave the walls of my chamber. I couldn't take the wait anymore. Just then I remembered the book of spells. I hurriedly got up to search for it. I frantically searched everywhere but I couldn't find it. I played back the memory of my futile practice in a bid to remember the last place I saw it before he took me to the field. After a few more minutes of unsuccessful search, I sat down on my bed with a heavy sigh. I began to trace our
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At nightfall.
Kaltain Leiya Helion had been gone for a few days and as a result, I had not left my chambers for the period of time. I would eat, read and sleep. When I slept and I didn't have the same violent dreams I was used to, I would dream about Nayla. I would dream about her telling me stories of her life at Hepthan. She would sit on my bed, and we would talk at length and laugh at her stories. Whenever I had those types of dreams, I didn't want to wake up, but I always did. Whenever I was awake, I would think about Helion. I would imagine what my life would be like if he never returned. Would I be sent back to Hepthan or would I be let to go free? Above all, would I ever get to see Nayla aside from in my dreams? I had read all the books Helion gave to me and began reading them again. Sometimes I would imagine myself in the shoes of any of the characters that appealed to me. I was living through my own imaginations. As instructed, Calin brought me food at different times of the day.
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A secret.
Kaltain Leiya “Leiya,” I heard the soft call of a familiar voice in my sleep. I slowly opened my eyes to see a familiar looking figure standing before me. I could almost say it was Helion. My eyes closed again. I was sure I was having one of those dreams where he returns unharmed. “Leiya,” I heard the voice again. This time, I heard it clearer than the first time. I lazily opened my eyes, rubbing them slowly to get rid of the slumber within them. “How long do you take to wake up?” This time I was sure I wasn't dreaming. I flung my eyes open to see none other than Helion sitting on the chair beside my window. I hurriedly sat up, unsure of if my imagination was playing games with me or he was actually there. “You don't believe it's me?” He asked with a light chuckle. “Not really” I slowly shook my head, rubbing my eyes one more time to be sure I was completely awake. He let out another light chuckle, proceeding to get up from the chair. He walked towards me and
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Ready or not.
Kaltain Leiya “I think Calin doesn't like me.” It was a childish thing to say but I said it anyway. “Why do you say so?” He asked after responding with a light chuckle. “Well, when you were away, anytime I asked about you, he would always give me a straight answer that doesn't actually answer my question.” He chuckled again. “And when I begged him to let me out of my chamber, he outrightly refused." We had finished breakfast and he asked that I follow him to a room within the castle. “He was simply following my orders. If anything had gone wrong, I would hold him responsible.” It sounded fair but I still was not convinced that his attitude was solely just following orders. We continued to walk through the castle halls until I could barely recognize the castle anymore. It seemed like we were in somewhere new. After a few more steps, I realized I had never been to this place. I noticed a big portrait on the wall. It was the portrait of a woman. I fair, beautif
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Kaltain Leiya I couldn't bring my legs to move a step further. The pungent smell of blood filled the walls of my nostrils. Before me, a man hung from the ceiling while his insides were being devoured by two big, ruthless looking dogs. What was even worse was he was alive. For some reason, his mouth was open but he wasn't screaming. His eyes, however, screamed out in pain. Excruciating, dreadful pain. As soon as Helion walked in, the dogs desisted from their meal and walked to his side. They purred around him like cats did, begging for his attention. He gave it to them, rubbing their furry heads and bodies. After a few seconds of running his fingers through their fur, he snapped his finger and they returned to mercilessly devouring the man's insides. “These are my pets.” He muttered casually. “If you're scared they'll come after you, they won't.” He was referring to the fact that I was still standing outside the door. I wasn't scared they would attack me, I was simply
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New door.
Kaltain Leiya The loud, annoying sound of tools hitting against each other woke me up from my sleep. I slowly sat up, rubbing my eyes to see what was going on. I glanced outside my window to realize it was noon already. The book I remembered reading was lying beside me. I must have fallen asleep while reading. I looked up to find where the noise was coming from. My eyes noticed Helion standing at the center of the room, watching a few men work with tools. On closer look, I discovered they were breaking down the door. “What are you doing?” I mumbled as I walked towards him after I climbed down by bed. “It's about time you got up.” he said as he turned to me. “I'm replacing the door with one you can open.” As soon as I heard his words, every bit of sleep disappeared from my eyes. I snapped my head in his direction. “What?” “Did you lose your hearing in your sleep?” I knew I wasn't expected to respond to that so I remained silent, watching as the wooden door was b
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Maybe not an accident.
Kaltain Leiya I was still getting used to being able to leave my chamber at will. After it was fixed and working, Helion stationed an extra guard to the entrance, making them two. He said now that anyone could also go in, I needed extra protection. I couldn't understand why he was so protective of me, but I liked it. I was allowed to go into every room in the castle, as long as I could get into it. I got a few strange stares when I walked around without Helion, especially from the kitchen maids. Whenever I tried to say a few words to them, I would get cold replies. It was like they didn't want to even associate with me. I made my way around in search for Helion. He was the only one in the entire castle I could speak to without getting a cold reply from. After a few futile searches, I caught sight of Calin on my way outside the castle. “Calin!” I called out to him. He halted for a second before turning to me. “Do you know where Helion is?” “We address him as his majes
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Sit still.
Kaltain Leiya Seconds later, I eased into the kiss and soon enough, I wanted more. He gently jerked my body closer to him, kissing me with so much passion, it was almost impossible to keep up with his pace. When my eyes opened, I noticed we were still in the middle of the hallway. Maid came and went. I knew they noticed us but none of them had the guts to look at us or turn back after they had walked past. I felt a little embarrassed but he kept working his way around my tongue, it was hard to care about our surroundings. His hands traveled behind my neck and into my hair. He cupped my head with his hand, pushing me closer to him, and my lips further into his. To inch closer to him, I raised myself on the tip of my toes. As soon as I did so, his other hand travelled around my waist, softly crashing my body against his. My thoughts were in complete disarray. A part of my head and body wanted more of him. To submit to him my entire being. The other part of me wanted to get away.
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God king.
Kaltain LeiyaMy eyes fluttered open, unaware I had even fallen asleep in the first place. I slowly sat up. I looked out the window to notice the moon had already taken its place in the sky. Surprised at how fast I fell asleep and how long I slept, I smiled down from my bed. Just then my thoughts went to Helion. My legs voluntarily came to a stop. I thought about our kiss and my fingers traced my lips. I began to feel the passion all over again. The intensity of our bodies brushing up against each other recreated a burning need within me. As I traced my lips with my index finger, I felt them form into a smile. I wanted him, I wanted more of him. I made my way to my door and out of it in search of him. As I walked, I started to feel a faint sensation of hunger. I was torn between requesting for food or continuing my search for him. Outside the castle, I could hear the loud playing of various musical instruments. At once, my attention was diverted. I headed for the
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