All Chapters of Never Divorce a Secret Billionaire Heiress: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
82 Chapters
Chapter 53: I'll let you into my bed... if.
Malachi’s pov.Tieran refuses to pick up my calls and i feel my jaw clench at that.He has no right. He has no right to get Antonia furniture when i fully mean to make her suffer without it.He has no right to interfere in my marriage. He’s biting off more than he can chew.The anger in me seems to surge, cresting and falling at different intervals, because i still can’t imagine Tieran is the one doing this. He’s my family.Why would be side an outsider? Antonia disrespects me and as her husband i have the right to punish her how i see fit. He’s only going to make her wilder than she is now, and then what?Why exactly is he determined to cross me on this? The thought occurs to me that maybe Tieran has nothing to do with this but i brush it off. It took me kissing Antonia to prove to him that she’s mine, and since he’s seen there’s nothing he can do about that, he’s decided to do this.Tieran has no hold in the furniture sector of the city though. If he was sending furniture to my hou
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Chapter 54: Still thinking about your jerk of a husband?
Antonia’s pov.Bridget and i work late into the night. The plan to recover the Moon Tear’s fabric is already settled. We’ll be going to the starlight hall tonight. We also settled on a number of designs for the fashion show i want to throw. I’ve always imagined seeing people seated from far and wide, waiting to see the product of my mental creativity, and then being presented at the end of all of it, as the designer. Standing there with the models wearing my creations proudly on display.I haven’t had time to properly design a lot. Even my sketches had been termed, ‘’A combination of angry lines” by Bridget, but maybe that’s because i’ve been getting angry a lot since i came here, and that’s the only emotion i’ve had to work with.She also said there were a lot of sexually pent up lines in there, but Bridget doesn’t know what she’s talking about.“Still thinking about your jerk of a husband?” Bridget’s groggy voice floats into my ears and i turn to see she’s only half awake. She’s s
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Chapter 55: Get in the car.
I feel silly once i’m done crying.Silly and weak because why should i cry? Why do i cry over a man who has done nothing but give me his fair share of degrading remarks and treated me as nothing but his competent secretary and inadequate wife?“He’s a proper piece of shit.”Bridget’s comment comes out of nowhere, and i have to pause and peer at her through the mirror. My sorrow reduces a bit, just enough for me to look at Bridget and ask with a conspiratorial glint in my eyes, “Are you reading my mind or are you just picking on Malachi because you hate him?”Bridget shrugs, a sly smile spreading on her face as he responds, “I don’t hate him. I hate the way he behaves and treats you. I saw how angry he was yesterday because of that viper he calls his childhood friend.He doesn’t act like he cares for you, and with his threat to not allow you have furniture brought into this room… any woman would feel under appreciated and unloved by that, especially for a man you’ve given so much in yo
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Chapter 56: Get down.
The only thing i can hear as i walk out after Malachi is how his shoes give a distinct beat on the floor with each step and the clack of my heel comes after. I’ve never been a fan of heels, and i’m only wearing one today because i have to appear business like, and heels always give that cutting edge feminine look to me.I stop right beside Malachi’s car though, making no move to enter as i state the obvious, “I have my own car now.”I don’t know if he can’t see it, but it’s been right there all this while. I’ve even driven away and back in it twice now so he can’t say he hasn’t seen the car. Malachi’s response is a huff and an terse, “I know you already have a car, i’m not blind.”Well it seems like it. Either that or something else is wrong upstairs.I’m so glad i have enough self control not to say that.Malachi might be trying to undermine the fact that i don’t need him for car rides anymore, but more than that, i can’t wrap my head around one thing.He’s late for work.Malachi Fin
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Chapter 57: Can i have two bouquets?
Malachi drops me by the side of the road and he drives off. I stand there, looking and feeling like i could explode from the force of the anger running through me.This is so like Malachi. I don’t know why i didn’t envision it happening. He actually told me to get out of the car and now he’s left me at the side of the road. I don’t know what to…“Hey, are you lost?”I turn to see a lady behind me. She’s holding a bouquet of flowers in front of her, and on closer inspection i can see she’s probably a florist. She’s not offering me those roses. In fact, i’m standing in front of her store, and since i’ve been looking around while silently trying to contain my anger, of course she thinks i’m lost.“Do you not speak English?” Okay that sounds rude, but it also feels like she’s just genuinely curious and is trying to figure out if i indeed cannot understand her. Malachi’s actions have left me a bit tongue tied, but not so tongue tied that i won’t respond and keep on making this woman feel d
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Chapter 58: What do you think about synthetic produce?
Tieran’s eyes are the same silver as his car.I don’t know why i never noticed that, or why i only noticed it now, but now i can’t stop staring at his eyes, especially when they gleam in interest like this. He keeps his eyes on the road, but i can see them stroll ever so lightly to me every once in a while. When our eyes meet again for what might be the fifth time, he asks with a smile, “Are the flowers for me or are they for some better looking chap you’re on your way to meet?”Despite Malachi’s attitude and the anger he managed to infuse into my bones, i find i still have a smile in me, a genuine smile, not because i want him to take the smile and feel good about himself, but because i feel a genuine happiness in me at his comment.I ask back, “Is there any better looking lad who’s going to sign a contract worth half a million dollars with me?”Tieran chuckles and taps his hands on his steering wheel, “I’m sure there would be a number of them if the proposition is made correctly. Ri
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Chapter 59: Has it been finalized?
I don’t know why i was feeling so nervous. The terms of the contract are negotoiable, but they’re already pretty good, good enough that i don’t think there’s anything i can ask for that won’t seem like an overreach on my end.There’s a stable interest rate though, one that makes me shoot a sly look at Tieran because he isn’t joking with his money. He fully intends to make profit off it. Of course, even the interest rate is something he’s termed as negotiable.“You’re taking it easy on me.”Tieran doesn’t try to deny, not argue that fact.I should feel insulted. I’ve read through some of the business deals he signs with Malachi. In fact, i’ve read a lot of business deals various investors have signed with Malachi. The terms are always cut throat. It always involves a fair amount of back and forth before anyone ever comes to suitable business terms.In my case, Tieran has made everything simple. Easy and suitable.He’s taking on most of the risk, and i am grateful for that. I’ll surpris
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Chapter 60: You know something, don't you?
The Franc Robinson hotel is one of the most expensive hotels in this city and the next four ones beyond us. To get in, you either spend half a million dollars for a week spentg in this place or you get invited.Invitation is based solely on the owner’s discretion. In essence, it’s a hotel for the filthy rich and outtrageously wealthy. The butlers by the side of the door almost fall over themselves when they see me and my father.“Mr Elcot! Mr Elcot! It’s been so long. We never thought we’d see you here again.”I don’t know what’s funnier. The fact that they’re all staring at me quite confused or the fact that they’re all simply not going to acknowledge the fact that they’re acting very unbutlerly right now. The Finn family butler would be mortified right now.“Who’s the beautiful young lady Mr Elcot?”My eyes snap back to attention when i hear one of the butlers say that and from the look in my father’s eyes, i can see that he’s made his choice. His voice is authoritative when he sp
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Chapter 61: An opening.
My father nods and gestures to the table and chairs set out on the rooftop. We’re the only ones here, and as much as i want to ask him about exactly how much power he has to be able to reserve the whole rooftop to himself, i know that isn’t the question i need to ask. I already have a fair estimation of how much power he has.I need to ask questions about what he knows, so i go to the chairs, watch his chair wheel him over until he’s seating beside me, and i set my natural questioning gaze on him. My father dramatically rolls his eyes and looks away as he comments, “You look a lot like your mother when you look at me like that, do you know that?”I shake my head. I didn’t have so many pictures of my mother, but i knew she was conventionally beautiful, didn’t use glasses like me when she was in highschool, had a fair number of boyfriends and men who would flutter around her like butterflies, because she was like a flower. A very beautitul flower they would love to make their own, not t
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Chapter 62: More money?
“You want to make more money?”My father sounds a bit taken aback, but i nod like it’s nothing. Like we’re talking about the weather.I know two things for a fact. If some money can be made from little to no effort, then more money can be made from some actual effort. If i can make money in the stock market by buying the shares to the stocks of a certain company, then what’s stopping me from buying all the shares to the stocks of that company and getting all the profits that come from it?The stock market is what, but that’s by the way. I tune out of my thoughts and look at my father, watching as he goes back to his food and chuckles. He eats for a while, and i begin to worry if he’s actually eating at home. Tieran mentioned that he barely eats sometimes. My father has had to be under constant surveillance from Tieran just to be sure he was doing what he had to do to keep healthy.Right now, the man is eating like he’s been hungry for a while, and it feels like a crime to stop him, so
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