All Chapters of A Bittersweet Revenge - Fighting The Reckless Billionaire: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
62 Chapters
Chapter Fifty – Devastated
Zion’s POV I noticed the hesitation on Eros’s face every time I mentioned Andrea. “She hasn’t taken my calls since she left the hospital.” He sighed and drove through the gates of my condominium, parking the car. The attendant the hospital sent home with me helped me to the wheelchair, pushing it inside the elevator. Eros followed me and I frowned at not seeing Maddox around. I had expected him to wait for me at home.“Where’s Maddox?” The elevator doors opened, and they pushed me towards my door. Strangely, the cop guarding the place was also missing, and the door was closed.“He left.” I frowned with confusion since Maddox wasn’t one to leave suddenly. He would inform me and surely demand a treat for doing so much for me. I punched in the security code with a frown. I had expected Andrea to be waiting for me at home. “Where’s the cop who was stationed here? What’s going on, Eros?” “He left.” I frowned, feeling upset at their negligence. I opened the door, and the attendant pushe
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Chapter Fifty-One – Keeping Tabs On Andrea
Zion’s POV “Hello!” I couldn’t help the wild thumping in my heart as I waited to hear Andrea’s apology. I could send her the tickets and ask Killian to bring them over with him! “Dad? It’s me, Zayden. How are you? I’m missing you.” My little boy’s sweet voice brought me to my senses. The way he was whispering, it was clear they were calling me in Andrea’s absence. “Hey, buddy! I miss all of you very much. I wish I could come over to get you, but I have broken my bones from the car accident. It’ll take me almost two months to heal!” A gasp escaped Zayden. It was obvious they had no idea about my accident. “Oh, I’m sorry I can’t help you when you need me, Dad.” I could feel his grief as he tried to choke back the helpless tears. “Hey, it’s okay buddy. I have hired help to look after me. Just keep calling me and I’ll get better soon. So how are you and Adrian?” “Addy is here. He wants to talk to you, Dad. Hurry, Mom will come for her phone any minute.” He passed the phone to Adrian
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Chapter Fifty-Two – The Battle Had Just Begun
Zion’s POV The next few days, my defense case received a setback as Mr. Dimakos battled for his life in the hospital. Although the police nabbed the car, the driver was absconding. The traffic police had footage of the driver at various crossroads. He was none other than the local hitman Helix Fotios whom the Hellenic Police had been hunting for quite some time. A manhunt started in the city and its surrounding areas for Helix. There was a monetary reward announced for anyone who could inform the cops about his hideout. At the police headquarters, they tortured Kostas Papandreou for more information, but the man died in custody before opening his mouth. His mysterious death was a colossal blow to the cops, as it proved there was a traitor amongst them. A secret investigation was launched and. Eros and Killian were the prime targets now since they looked after my case and my business. I was worried about them, but I was helpless. All I could do was to arrange for bodyguards for both
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Chapter Fifty-Three – Listening To My Heart
Andrea’s POVI waited patiently for his declaration of love. My last message was enough to instigate anyone to confess, but maybe not Zion Concorde. I didn’t care if Sebastián loved me! All I cared for were Zion’s feelings for me. If he loved me, why couldn’t he confess? Didn’t he know how much I was dying every day waiting to hear him say those three little magical words to me? Was it so difficult to say, I love you, Andrea? Please come back to me! I want an actual relationship with you! When Sebastián could say it every day, why couldn’t Zion say it even once in the last seventeen years? I waited in vain. There was utter silence from the other side. Zion didn’t reply at all. Tears pooled in my eyes as I lay on the bed to spend another lonely night. Ever since I left Athens on the spur of the moment, I had been dying of guilt. The wish to fly to Zion and take care of him was so strong, it took all my willpower to restrain the urge. Under the circumstances, Sebastián had become a
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Chapter Fifty-Four – Was Andrea Challenging Me?
Zion’s POV A Month Later I was well prepared as I headed to the court for my hearing. With heavy police protection, Eros and I walked in with Mr. Petridis and his team. Our defense was strong, and I knew I would be acquitted. After twenty minutes, just as I had expected, the magistrate accepted the evidence and acquitted me. I was now a free citizen, acquitted of the murder charge I hadn’t committed. There was a country-wide alert issued for the capture and arrest of the real culprits, Delia Kayakos and her mafia family! The moment I emerged from the court, the reporters flocked to me. Thankfully, they left me after a brief interview. With the property case hearing scheduled ten days later, I left for my office, escorted by four bodyguards. Mr. Petridis recommended to me an excellent attorney who would fight for my inheritance. I had no proof before, but now I did. The case was uncomplicated and I would surely get back everything. Eros came over in the evening on his way home. He
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Chapter Fifty-Five – Zion Keeps His Promise
Andrea’s POV My phone buzzed with Knox’s call for the fifth time as I quickly wrapped up my work at the office. I knew what he wanted, and I wasn’t entertaining his wish to return home early and gear up for my engagement party. Did I ask for an engagement party? I only agreed to get engaged to Sebastián on one condition. Knox would have to invite Zion over to my engagement ceremony! My heart skipped a beat at the thought. I had to challenge Zion to keep his promise to come over and abduct me! It was the only reason I had agreed to this engagement. It was the only way to get Zion here. I had it all planned out. This time, I would make him confess in front of all! Excitement coursed through me at the thought of seeing him again. I hardly thought about what I would do if he didn’t come over. No, he had to come here and get me. I was sure he wouldn’t let me get engaged to someone else. However, instead of a small ceremony with the family, Knox arranged for a mega event, inviting peopl
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Chapter Fifty-Six – Zion’s Confession
Andrea’s POV “What the f*ck are you doing here, Concorde? I don’t remember having invited you,” gritted out Sebastián while Zion and I were engaged in a staring contest. “I don’t need an invitation, Conrad. I’m here for my family.” Not once did his attention deviate from me, as if he had expected me to retaliate. The twins clung to him and he held them close. “Dad! I’m so happy to see you,” said Zayden, clinging to his leg. “Me too. Dad, let’s go,” said Adrian, clinging to the other leg. “Andrea, let’s go,” said Zion, grabbing my hand. Sebastián panicked, and the others rushed towards us, noticing the commotion. “She isn’t going anywhere with you, Concorde. It’s our engagement today! Leave right now or I’ll call the cops.” Sebastián pushed Zion, trying to extricate my hand from his hold. “Stop, Sebastián. Let me handle this, please.” I wanted Zion to confess before I left with him. How did he expect me to just leave and be his fake fiancée all my life? “How will you handle it?
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Chapter Fifty-Seven – Clearing The Air
Andrea’s POV He didn’t reply, but smirked instead. Afterwards, I hardly got a chance to talk to him. We boarded Zion’s private jet three hours later, ready to fly home. A sense of completeness engulfed me after years of upheaval. I felt like I was finally going home with my boys. I sat down, feeling lethargic after succeeding in my mission. The twins were still bursting with energy, although it was well past their bedtime. I let them enjoy with their father. “Wow! Is this jet yours, dad?” asked Adrian, inspecting every nook and corner with Zion. “Yes, but now it’s ours.” He glanced in my direction, and I smiled at him, watching him interact with the twins. We really looked like a happy family! At that moment when our eyes connected, I felt the sparks of electric charge get transmitted between us. I was dying to feel his lips on mine after his heartfelt confession! I knew he did too, his gaze sweeping over me briefly. “Did you make this, dad?” asked Zayden, running his fingers ove
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Chapter Fifty-Eight – Going Home Forever
Andrea’s POV “I don’t fear punishments, Mr. Concorde!” He raised his eyebrow, giving me an amused look, closing the distance between us. My breath hitched when he captured the back of my head again, all the while holding my gaze. I was under his spell, unable to move even an inch. Not that I wanted to. I wanted to feel his lips on mine! It had been so long since we kissed! “Is that so? Let’s find out, Ms. Cromwell!” The smell of his faint, lime and spice cologne stirred my whole body with desire. He tilted my head backward, exposing my throat. His soft, warm lips grazed along the skin, making my insides clench more with need. “Ready, love?” Before I could respond, he traced his tongue up along my chin to hover over my lips. A gush of liquid heat erupted, and I was dripping wet already for his touch. It was the same as that fateful night, five years ago when I conceived the twins. Only this time it was more heartfelt and full of longing!I didn’t need to answer him. He knew I was r
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Chapter Fifty-Nine – Back To Reality
Zion’s POV A phone call from my lawyer brought me back to reality. I remembered my shitty life and the threats looming over my head. With the court case coming up, I had to strengthen my allegations against Delia. I knew what that entailed. It was a tremendous battle against Delia and her mafia family. They could do anything for money. I walked out of the kids’ room and accepted the call. “Yes, Mr. Dimitri, I just returned. I would surely have got in touch with you soon.”“I’m sorry to bother you now, Mr. Concorde, but an emergency has cropped up. The Interpol had arrested Ms. Delia Kayakos from her hideout in Chicago last night. They’ve brought her back to Athens, but she has attempted suicide by consuming a bottle of sleeping pills.” I wasn’t surprised at all. Ever since my win at the last hearing, she knew her game was up. Soon I would prove that she had illegally confiscated assets from us. Her involvement in Mr. Alesci’s murder and my murder attempt has already been proved. “O
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