All Chapters of A Luna of fire: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
29 Chapters
Meeting Alpha Kane
Avery I didn’t know what I expected the northern kingdom to look like, but it was certainly not this. When I thought about Alpha Kane, I pictured dirty, old, dark, depressing castles that resembled dungeons. I never expected state of the art architecture or beautiful blooming flowers everywhere. The castle itself was majestic. Tall and proud, not flashy, yet it commanded attention and respect. Everything looked and smelt of wealth. We were led into what looked like a waiting room and forced to line up with our heads bowed. All of us were hand cuffed, but the men tied me up in another set of silver chains because of my earlier stunt with Greyson’s nose. I looked at Greyson’s bruised nose and smirked. I was very proud of my self. A man walked in, and from the sound of his steps, I realized that he was tall and confident… most probably someone important. I took a peek at him and realized I was right. He was dressed like a high ranking warrior.. most likely the gamma, but
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A deal with Dorian
Jame’s POV It had been almost 24 hours since my wife had been taken from me. I had already shared the good news of her being alive to the pack, but I had barely slept and I had not left her room the whole time. It still smelt like her and I wanted her presence around me while I made my rescue plans. Lizzy had knocked on the door several times asking me to come out but I ignored her. She even brought my meals to the front of the door but I refused to open it. How could I eat when I wasn’t sure that my Avery had eaten? Was she alright? Was she injured? Did they try to sleep with her?! I felt hot rage pile up in my throat at that thought. No! I couldn’t let myself dwell on such thoughts, they would only make me too emotional to think clearly. And besides, I was sure that they had not done anything sexual to her, because if they had, I would know, I would feel it through my mating bond, and it would hurt like a mother fucker. Dread filled my gut as I imagined experi
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Burn me
Avery POV “What are you doing?!” I yelled as I watched Alpha Kane start to unbutton the sleeves of his shirt. He had already thrown his Jacket and gloves on my bed, and he continued to strip, despite my mounting panic. To make matters worse, the king stayed quiet, but his eyes stayed focused on me. He was watching me like I was some prey that he wanted to devour. I felt the hairs on the back of my neck rise in warning. He took a step forward and my heart sized. “Stay back!” I yelled but he ignored me and took another step forward. There was no where to run to, his large body was blocking the door and the windows had bars on them. My heart began to pound in my chest. Was he trying to have sex with me right now? As if to answer my question, he looked me right in the eye, and started unbuttoning his shirt. My eyes darted to the left and to the right, but there was no way out. If I tried to scream, who would even try to save me? I was immediately snapped out of m
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Avery’s POVI woke up with a surprising jolt of excitement, which I had not expected. Maybe I was just eager to see worth life had the north had in store for me."Or maybe someone's eager to see a certain tall handsome king by the name of Alpha Kane today," Lea my wolf teased.I felt my cheeks heat up. "Shut up," I muttered. But she wasn’t wrong though. There was something about Alpha Kane that stirred something inside me, something I couldn't quite place. I just felt warm and fuzzy whenever he’s near.And when he touched me… oh goddess, when he pressed me up against the wall last night, it felt like my body was burning for something… an ache I needed to feel. It was all very confusing.I had never felt that way with James before, and I wondered if he felt that way about Lizzy.When I thought about them, my heart soured. They were probably fucking right now. Lizzy must have thrown a party when I was kidnapped.And I’m sure that James did not hesitate to make her his Luna and replace
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God forsaken mating bond
James POV It’s been a week since Alpha Kane took my wife from me. My eyes drifted to the weapons I'd been quietly gathering for the battle that I knew was coming, when Dorian succeeded in bringing my wife home. I couldn’t afford to lose her again. Not after everything we’d been through. But as focused as I'd been on preparing for that fight, I'd been ignoring another fight outside my door. Lizzy had been upset for days now. She has been throwing tantrums, yelling at me, and sometimes just crying because she felt that I wasn’t paying attention to her. “Avery is gone.” She would shout at me. “You need to let her go. That’s what She would have wanted. She would have wanted you to be happy with me." She always yelled but I didn’t believe her. I could clearly remember the look of hurt and betrayal on Avery’s face the day I told her that Lizzy was pregnant. She looked like she wanted to die. I can’t let that be the last memory I have of her. I have to get her back. Liz
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Puppy in danger
Avery’s POV It's been a week since Alpha Kane received that letter from Dorian. I remember that because he's been avoiding me ever since and It's driving me crazy. Sure, we still eat together, but I feel like he intentionally avoids talking to me or even touching me, which is the very opposite of how he was before the letter. Before the letter, he always looked like he was two seconds away from ripping my clothes, but now, I would be lucky to even get a glance from him… and it was maddening. What had changed? To make matters worse, I was always seeing him with Sophie— that brat who tried to challenge me on the first day. I always saw her going into his room at night or walking out of it in the morning. I already knew what they were doing, but that little brat made it a point of rubbing it in my face every time I saw her. Unfortunately for me, I was the only one experiencing this. Marie and Greyson were all over eachother every second of the day. Sometimes I worr
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Fucking Breathtaking
Avery’s POV I fought hard to hide the deep blush that was spreading across my cheeks when I looked down at myself. A sheet was wrapped around me to preserve my decency, but underneath the sheet, I was only in my bra and panties. “Where are my clothes?" I asked, feeling more embarrassed by the second. "After I treated your wound, you got a fever and you were burning up so I had to change your clothes to help you cool down," he explained calmly and it was then that I noticed that my hand was wrapped in a bandage My cheeks bloomed bright red when I pictured him undressing me. Did he like what he saw? Did he even bother to look? He had probably seen more prettier girls than me. He gently kissed my head again as if he could hear my racing thoughts. “Don’t be shy sweetheart. You are fucking breathtaking.” He murmured in my hair and I buried my face in the crook of his neck. If he thought I was breathtaking, why hadn’t he made a move on me yet? Or was he waiting for me
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King of the north’s POV
Alpha Kane’s POV I could see Mona- my fated mate standing in front of me. She looked as beautiful as always, but she was standing dangerously close to the edge of a very high cliff. The sea below was crashing violently against the rocks, like it was eagerly waiting for her to take that last step and fall. The cold was seeping into my bones, but I couldn’t take my eyes off her. One more step and I would lose her forever. “Mona! What are you doing?!” I shouted in panic. She turned to face me and I saw tears streaming down her cheeks. “Get away from me! I hate you!” she suddenly screamed, her voice raw and full of pain. My heart clenched painfully at my words. Mona was the love of my life. I loved her ever since we were children. How could she hate me? “Mona, please don’t do this,” I begged, taking a step towards her. “No! Leave me the fuck alone, Kane! I hate you!” she cried and shifted even closer to the edge. She was going to jump. Pain pierced my heart,
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The battle for Avery
Avery POV I couldn't believe what just happened. It felt like I was watching a dramatic opera where two powerful men were fighting for the heroine, except this was actually real life, and I was the heroine. I was truly shocked that Kane had even agreed to Dorian's terms considering the fact that he was so possessive of me. But to be fair, Kane looked like he was seconds away from tearing Dorian’s throat so he was clearly not happy with the situation. But the most important thing now was that I also wasn’t happy about the situation either. If I had any say in it, then this stupid competition wouldn’t be happening in the first place. I am not a toy that two boys can fight to own. I’m a woman with a mind and choice of her own. And if Dorian even bothered to ask me what i wanted, then he would know that i wanted to stay in the north. But Kane already made it clear to me that the law was the law and could not be revoked. Dorian had officially challenged him, so they m
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Kisses and pledges
Avery’s POV The intensity and emotion in James’s words hit me with a force that I didn’t expect. Tears streamed down my face, blurring the ink on the paper. He was really sorry for the past, and I knew that he was truly being sincere. But wasn’t it a little too late for us now? As much as his apology moved me, I realized I couldn’t see a future with James anymore. His future belonged with my sister and their children and I didn’t want to get in the way of that any longer. It was now also clear to me that James wouldn’t let me go without my permission. He was still holding on to the broken promises we shared. He was hoping for a reconciliation that I could no longer give him. I had to let him go and make him know that it is fine to let go of the past. I grabbed a piece of paper, and wrote my reply, but Just as I was about to finish, the door creaked open, and Kane walked in. Remembering that communication with the outside was forbidden, I quickly hid the letter b
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