All Chapters of Her protector indebted to the mafia boss: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
26 Chapters
Dave pov
It's been 4 horrific hours with Temper, and he still won't let go. It's the worst hours of my life I can't get back. Here I was believing his numerous guests would distract him and overturn his decision, sadly it didn't.A thousand times I pleaded with him, but not for once did he listened. His attitude wasn't stunning to me. I mean, I knew he was a jerk, but It never occurred to me that he would forcefully include me in this case. Temper and I haven't crossed each other's paths in the past or had any altercation that would make him want to lead me to my destruction. I'm pretty sure I'll be apprehended by the cops even before I get to find Mark.After seeing his last guest at the exit door, Temper rushed back to me and opened his drawer to bring out the pistol gun.“Damn you,” I muttered succinctly and groaned in silence. I grinned my teeth angrily, but I couldn't do anything stupid to him. Temper is heavily guarded. It might take a miracle for me to get past his security.“Take t
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Dave pov
Damn fool! I should have known Temper was fucking pulling my legs when he promised to text Mark's address.Oh, no. I was a fool for trusting someone like him. If he could betray his political acquaintances, who then am I?I glanced at my phone repeatedly, hoping to see a notification of the address, but unfortunately, I found nothing.Now I'm stuck between the devil and the deep blue sea. A part of me wants me wants to escape, while another voice propelled me to stay optimistic.The thought of Temper wiping my family away from the surface of the earth reversed my decision.I won't forgive myself if anything bad happens to them due to my negligence.I reached out to Temper over the phone, but he wasn't responding. A thousand times I called him, but he ignored my calls, How will I accomplish this without the aid of the address? This must be the most difficult moment of my life where I get to rack my head for a lasting solution.I gestured to an isolated area to cool off and elude the sc
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Mark pov
Mark's POVEw! I reek of sweat. I haven't changed my outfit since Temper granted me that ridiculous holiday to perfect his mischievous act.I needed to visit my flat and change my outfit to something different. I was without my sophisticated weapons and I haven't had my bath, either. So much I need to do at home.“I need to go home now,” I told Joe and waited for his response. Of course, he declined with an immediate response.“You crazy? Why would you wanna do that? You just survived an assassination attempt and you still wanna make this move? Does it occur to you that Temper might have sent someone to your flat? Oh, you thought he'd let you walk away freely? Think, man,” Joe tossed the words and made them sink right Inside my head. I thought about what he said and realized it made sense. But temper knows too well , that I never fear anything even in death.I wasn't satisfied with his opinion. Aside from having a good bath and fetching my weapons, I still needed to tidy up a little
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Mark pov
Why would Temper send someone unqualified like Dave to come assassinate me? That's a slap to my face. I'm so disappointed in him. He should have done better. Last I checked, Dave can't even hurt a fly. To worsen the situation, he gave Dave a gun that had just one bullet. What the fuck was he thinking? It'll take more than just a bullet to eliminate me.“Found him yet?” Joe asked me. Dave seemed so fast. He was completely out of sight. How he managed to escape from us still baffles me. I guess he was a good runner back in his prime.“Told you coming here wasn't a good idea, but you wouldn't listen. So what are we gonna do now?” Joe freaked out. He found the perfect excuse to blame me for what happened. I should have listened to Joe when he warned me about visiting my flat. He was damn right. Temper obviously has been the on the hunt for me. But to think of non professional for such a job was just ridiculous.We can't even tell if Dave has got another Gun. From the way he missed the
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Stefano’s pov
I watched her curl in shock, she must really think she’s something huh, she knows $50 million is peanut to her father, you’d think he’d pay up sooner. “Why?Why? Why are you doing this to me,” Tears begin to drop from her eyes. I hate it. In this moment she looks so vulnerable and broken, not the spoilt princess she was few seconds ago. I feel my heart soften, dammit! Why did she have to cry now, what was I even thinking, telling her about the ransom, what was I expecting. “I want to go home,” she sniffed, her green eyes piercing at me like dagger. “You only leave when I tell you to princess, meanwhile if you want to stay alive, I suggest you eat something” I told her “No” she said softly at first, then “no!” She screamed “you are not my father, you can’t tell me what to do, to hell with you and your goddamn food” she spat and kicked the plate with her leg, the content pouring everywhere. And just like that, the spoilt, overbearing princess was back, like a snap of a finger.
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Mark’s pov
What?” I’m stunned.“Why would you tell him that?” I demanded. Racking my brain to come up with a plausible reason why he would lie.I had done everything in my power to avoid Tiffany and her advances. I can’t even begin to count the numerous times she’s tormented me, how long it takes me to calm my hard on down. And the cruel part was, she knew the effect she had on me, and did everything in her Will power to make sure it’s not easy for me.So what exactly did Dave see that made him to believe I am having an affair with Tiffany.He swallowed hard “I’m- I’m sorry” he stammered “ I don’t know what came over me.” He begged like a child, tears pouring down his eyes.It irritated me to see a grown man cry like a child, dude man up please.“Why did you lie?” Joe thunderedI watched Dave shiver from shock “I wanted to win Temper’s favour, but I know now, it was stupid of me”I wondered if he saw Tiffany try to kiss me that night at the club.“Have you been following us?” I ask instantly “Wh
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Tiffany’s pov
My face is an inch away from him, the proximity sending shivers down my spine, I could kiss him if I wanted to.I know he’s aching for it, liking every bit of this.I can see it in he’s eyes, the way he’s battling in his head to pull away, betraying his inner struggle,the conflict between yielding to his desire and resisting the temptation but he didn't .he’s frozen in place, transfixed by my gaze. The air is thick with tension, and I can sense his surrender.Men.Men will always be men. Just moments ago, he was trying to assert his dominance, to prove to me, that he was in total control here. But now, this very second, he’s putty in my hands, if I were to ask him to jump, he’d ask how high.He’s body betrays his arousal, He’s already so hard, and I’ve barely done anything to him.I can feel his warm breath on my skin, his eyes are locked in mine, filled with a hunger I know he can’t contain. I’m playing a dangerous game, but I can’t resist the thrill of having him at my mercy.I won
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Dave’s pov
It took my few seconds to realize I’m still breathing.Another second to realize that no sound came out after the trigger was pulled.And another second to realize that Mark knew all along, he wasn’t going to kill me, he just wanted to scare me.And it worked, I swear to God it did.I heave a sigh of relief, exhaling a breath I didn’t even know I was holding.“I don’t plan on killing you,” Mark said at least “not yet.” He added “I need you to do something for me. do you think you can do that?”Why would he even ask me that, I’d do anything not to get killed.“Yes” I respond firmly.“Good, I need you to watch Temper, follow him, keep an eye on him, whatever you need to do to get me info on who’s holding Tiffany captive and why, understood?”What? I can’t do that, I can’t show my face to Temper ever again. If Mark didn’t kill me, Temper will, definitely. So how the hell I’m I supposed to do what he’s asking without getting close to Temper.Oh God! What sort of mess have I gotten myself
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Mark’s pov
What do we do now?” Joe asked me after Dave left.I really don’t know. It’s a lot to take in, first Temper didn’t want me to find his daughter, then he sent people after me, to kill me. And now I know he knows where Tiffany is, all along, he knew those keeping her and why.Why couldn’t he just pay the fucking money, he could just make it back.So he’d rather let his daughter, be held captive, surrendered by horny unfamiliar men. The nerves.“I don’t know honestly, I have no freaking idea”I couldn’t stay here, that was one thing I knew, my home was no longer my safe space.“Let’s just get out of here”I went in to pack up a few essential things then we left. I didn’t even know where I was heading. Temper owned the fucking city, he could find me anywhere.“Let’s go to Rex’s” Joe said, “plus we need to fill him in on what we know”I nodded.“You look like shit” Rex said to me once he open the door.“Yea well I am shit” I responded slumping into the couch. “Any luck on Tiffany whereabout
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Tempers pov
Those bastards.How dare they, they kidnapped my daughter for funds as ransom. If they think I’ll pay they’ve got another thing coming.When I find them, I won’t spare them, every single one of them.No one messed with Charli Temper and go scot free. No one.“Sir,” one of my men said coming into the room.“What!?” I shouted “better have some goodnews”“They weren’t there sir, they were gone by the time we got there.My anger boiled over “What do you mean gone? You incompetent fool! get out of my sight this instant and don’t come back unless it’s with Tiffany”“There’s more sir”I give him a questioning look, “what?”“It’s Mark, we saw him, pass by us, I think he figured out the safe house as well”Mark is still alive. And Dave, that good for nothing fool, when I find him, I’m going to skin him alive.“Fools!fools!! I’m surrendered with fools! get out of my sight! Get out!!!” I bellowed, my rage echoing off the walls.My anger simmered, Why couldn’t anyone do their job right, I should
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