All Chapters of The Alpha King's Hated Slave: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
156 Chapters
Lily's POVFOUR YEARS LATER “Be careful there kids,” I yelled as my kids hurried away from where I was picking flowers and some herbs.Four years had passed, and in that time, Fiona and Raymond had grown so much. They spoke with a fluency that surpassed their tender age, and their magical powers—while remarkable—were still wild and uncontrollable.They took on after their father and uncle.My kids were a perfect blend of calm but naughty, wild, and haughty. Fiona was the first and Raymond was the second.This particular morning, I was out in the fields, gathering herbs, the scent of fresh earth, and wildflowers mingling in the air.From a distance, I heard a commotion. My heart skipped a beat as I recognized the voices of my children, bickering as usual."Raymond, you can't just use your powers on people!" Fiona's voice carried through the air, filled with a mixture of authority and frustration."I wasn't hurting them! I was just... showing them!" Raymond's defensive tone was unmista
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Lily's POV I looked between Clara and Fiona before rising from my bed to where she stood.“What are you talking about baby?” I asked crouching low to meet her eyes.“I could hear your heart beat faster from my bed. I wanted to block out the noise, but somehow I got to listen to your thoughts.” She announced.“Oh baby, mother loves everyone okay?” I said, holding her shoulders soothingly.“Alright Mother,” She replied and suddenly hugged me. “But your heartbeat tells me something different,” She whispered into my ears then tore free, going back into her room.What the hell just happened?"We have to be more careful," Clara said, her voice firm.I nodded in agreement. “They keep discovering more of their powers daily but do not know how best to control it,” I added.It was really getting frustrating to handle and I did not know anyone to turn to."There's something else,” Clara said, interrupting my thoughts.“Please do tell,” I said, urging her on.“Remember Lady Marty who came in to
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Shawn’s POV Lightning and thunder.Sounds of many waters.Mountain rumblings.Earthquakes.All these happened in my head in splits of seconds as I stirred and rolled on the duvet where I lay.After all the noise, there was a deafening silence that occurred in the tunnel which caused my eyes to flutter open.My entire body felt numb and no matter how hard I tried to move it up, I could not do it effortlessly.I laid back on the tunnel's cold ground and closed my eyes for a few minutes, trying to connect with the magic in the tunnel.I had found a way to tap magic from the cosmos and add to what we already had. More additions would mean more power and more power would mean more fighting and eventually, it could lead to a victorious state for the blood moon pack and myself.After a while of ignoring the insatiable hunger that gnawed on my insides, concerning harnessing magical powers, coupled with light.I lifted my hands to support my weight as I made to stand up from where I sat. The
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Leila’s POVStanding in front of the mirror, I admired how beautiful I had become. The past four years had been more than I anticipated it to be. Although Marcus had yet to ask me to marry him, he did not treat me as worse.Just a little more time to make him mine.I admired my curves which added a new grace to my movements, a perfect blend of strength and beauty that felt almost otherworldly.I was dressed in a deep emerald gown for lunch with the queen and my father. The fabric clung to my body, accentuating my new curves while also giving me an air of royalty.My hair was now longer and thicker than before. It fell down my back in brown waves, framing my face in a way that made my features appear even more striking.I slipped on my boots, their soft leather hugging my legs up to the knee. I took a final look in the mirror. The reflection staring back at me was a woman transformed.Beautiful, yes, but also powerful.As I stepped away, Maureen entered the room. She took one look at m
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Marcus's POVFour years had passed like a blur and as time passed, time drew nearer to when I would become alpha King.I had managed to suppress my raging desire and hunger for Lily during the day. Still, most nights, while my subconscious mind ruled my body, I would call out to her.With the dawn of day, those nights would be the worst. They reminded me of why I never wanted to fall in love or get married in the first place. Love was a weakness, and now I had to bear the pain of heartbreak alone.This day was no different. I had woken up hugging myself because I hugged her tightly in my dreams.I pushed thoughts of Lily aside as I gathered with my men to discuss the upcoming fight of beasts.Smithson had become a real pain, constantly challenging my authority. He had gotten on my nerves more than anyone should, and finally, I decided to give him what he wanted: a fight where the winner would be crowned the heir apparent to the throne."Alright, listen up," I began, my voice commandin
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Marcus's POVAs I raised my head, I saw Smithson walk towards me with an air of pride. He has been rumored to win the upcoming fight of beasts and throw me off my seat.If only they knew they were bluffing.Smithson sauntered over, his smug expression only deepening the distaste I already felt for him. He stopped in front of me and looking into his eyes, I could see that he made no attempt to conceal the malice that lay concealed in them."What is Master Marcus doing here?" he sneered, his voice dripping with disdain. His mocking smile twisted his features into an ugly mask.I didn't want to engage with him. Smithson thrived on confrontation, and I had more important things to focus on. "I don't have time for your games, Smithson," I said coolly, turning to walk away.But Smithson wasn't done. "Ah, but you always have time for heroic deeds, don't you?" he said, his tone mocking. "Especially for a slave like Lily."I stopped in my tracks, my blood boiling. "Watch your mouth," I growled
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Leila's POVI stared at all the greedy faces of the courtroom members and knew then that my plan was working perfectly well.“What price would that be?” King Adonis asked.The fish in the vase were not ordinary. The oils from the fish could replenish dead cells in the body, causing the person to have fresher skin and it also could enhance the sense of smell of the person.I turned to look at Marcus, then tried to make my smile as warm as could be, so it would be convincing enough.“I just want to be wedded to Marcus already,” I said and made a little tear slip down my cheeks.Maureen walked behind me and passed me a piece of cloth to wipe them away. “Thank you,” I said amidst sobs.I stole a glance at Marcus. He looked angry and frustrated.Maureen was right after all. After we left him at the entrance to the mansion, we noticed Smithson walking over in the same direction as him.Maureen had tapped me and said, “Sister, I perceive trouble, and Lily,”I frowned at her words because I k
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Lily's POV“She lives in the wet housing district, not far from here. It's a bit run-down, but don't let that fool you. She's very powerful and very discreet. You'll need to knock on the door and wait for confirmation before entering. She values her privacy and security above all else,”Clara's voice kept echoing in my mind and I knew I had to get to action. As I looked at Fiona and Raymond preparing the perfumes and healing potions for the travelers we would meet today, I wondered if they could hear my thoughts at the moment.“Yes mother,” Raymond spoke up. I looked at him surprised.“I thought it was Fiona with that ability?” I asked.“No Mother, we share a lot more than you can think of,” He replied, moving his body childishly.“So, since you can hear my thoughts, both of you know and understand that we need to get help right?” I asked and waited patiently for their responses.“Since it's getting you so worried, I'm okay mother,” Fiona replied understandingly.I smiled and ruffled
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Lily's POV I watched the man jumped down from the horse he was on. He looked strangely odd for a werewolf of the Twilight Ridge pack, but his runes bore him witness to his membership. “Who are you?” I asked defensively as I gathered my kids behind me. “Come on now,” The man said as he raised his hands to ruffle his brown hair as he briefly closed his eyes, relishing in the activity he was doing. “I promise I won't bite,” He added and winked at me with his almond-brown eyes. I could not believe the sight before me. The man had freckles on his face, was slim, and was really funny-looking. Most members of the Luna Crest Pack had brown hair, just like Leila and her father. But this man also had dark runes along his arms. I had learned to be wary of Twilight Ridge werewolves. “That doesn't answer my question,” I replied sternly. “Leave us alone,” Raymond said, peeking from behind me. I hushed him to stay put. “You know what? Forget it. We have perfumes and potions for sa
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Shawn's POV Planning had begun with an immediate effect. We had a full moon coming in the next four months. I wanted to lay siege on Mistwood Creek then, but I could also not sit still and do nothing till then.“Shawn,” I turned as I heard Martin's voice.“What is the update?” I asked, eager to know the state of affairs in Mistwood Creek.Early in the morning, I had sent some guys to go in and report the state of affairs back in Mistwood Creek to me.I wanted to go there myself, but Martin offered to go there instead. Looking at him, I could tell something was wrong but he acted well composed.His smile felt a little forced.“There seems to be some internal strife among the royalties,” Martin relayed.“How serious?” I asked.“Very serious. Smithson, King Adonis's favorite knight was arrested because he insulted Marcus's mate who turned out to be the only slave he ever took on,”I felt something gnaw tightly at my intestines. Who was Marcus's mate and slave? “Who is this mate and sl
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