All Chapters of We have loved, not sinned: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
23 Chapters
Love or Sin
The day progressed into night. After making sure everyone had slept, Andrew made his way into Rose's room through the window. Rose was eagerly waiting for him to come and when she saw him she swiftly hugged him after helping him in through the balcony. ”I missed you so much.” “I missed you too, my love.” She broke the hug and looked at him, then started examining his body checking for any bruises from the fight with Fabian earlier. ”My dear Rose, I am completely fine. Nothing happened to me. See. You know right that I’m very strong. How are a few punches from Fabian going to hurt me?” “But I was so worried, Andy. When I saw him do all that to you, I just wanted to shoot him or something.” Andrew playfully gasped. “Oh my, what happened to my cute, childish and innocent Rose? Who is this girl ready to shoot someone?” She lightly punched him in the stomach and said “I can do anything for you.” He gave her the phone he had brought with him. “I have already saved my number in it.” Sh
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Rose’s Escape
As they had planned earlier, Andrew entered Rose's room through the window. The next day was Rose's marriage to Fabian and he desperately hoped and wished that he would not be leaving alone this time. “Please God, help us. Don’t let anything go wrong.” When he entered Rose was sitting on the bed waiting for him. She walked to him and hugged him as soon as she saw him. There was a sense of desperation and urgency in the hug. ”Rose what's wrong? You're fine right?” Rose nodded her head and held him closer to her. After some time she let go and asked him, ”do you love me?” ”Rose, what kind of question is this? Of course I love you and I will always love you and only you.”Suddenly the door opened and Fabian entered. Rose was very preoccupied with the news of her being pregnant and their escape plan that she forgot to lock her bedroom’s door. Rose and Andrew were shocked to see him there and so was Fabian to see them together. He fisted his hand and went to them with an intention to
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Fabian went to where Andrew was standing and slapped him. Kevin came and held his hand tightly before he could do anything more. James said, ”Fabian George Anderson, if you raise your hand on my son while standing in my courtyard, you will never be able to use that hand in your life. If your life is precious to you then step back and stay there.”Fabian stepped back and Alex came forward. He went to Rose and asked her ”why did you do this to me? Did I not give you everything you have asked for? What do you even see in this boy that's not there in Fabian?” Rose moved away from him as if being near him made her feel disgusted and said ”you want to know what my Andy has? He has a heart unlike this man. This Fabian who you wanted me to marry doesn't hesitate to even kill someone. Do you know the seriousness of that Dad? He doesn't hesitate to take someone's life. Andy on the other hand has not once reacted to anything even after everything that this man did. If he pressed charges Fabian
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The next day Alex went back to the Kingston Villa. The sight he saw made him very happy and emotional. Rose was sitting on a couch and Andrew was feeding her fresh fruits. He heard Andrew say “I hope uncle Alex will forgive us soon and accept our love. If only he would forget everything and things went back to how they were until two years ago. I would honestly be so happy if it did.” Rose replied “I want that to happen as well but I don't think it will. Something has happened to my Dad. He did so many things that I would have once said he could never do but now I feel like I never knew him at all. It’s like he is a completely different person now. I just can’t recognise him anymore.” Alex looked down in shame. For the first time, he thought about all the things he had done to separate Andrew and Rose. Andrew asked ”what if you would have been forced to marry that Fabian after all, and I couldn't stop it from happening?” Rose looked at him and smiled. "Andy, if that happened then
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Will Fabian be Successful?
A few days later Fabian sneaked into the Kingston Villa. Only Andrew and Rose were at home that day because everyone else had gone either to a wedding or other personal work. Andrew made tomato soup for Rose and left it on the stove to cool down. After he left the kitchen,Fabian came out of his hiding spot and looked at the soup which was still in the pan. He took out the pill he had in his shirt pocket which was used for abortions. He had paid quite a large sum just to get this tablet but he didn't care now. As long as Andrew and Rose would cry, he was fine with any price. He had just crushed the pill and mixed it into the soup when he heard footsteps. Fabian went back to his hiding spot. Andrew went back to the kitchen to get his phone which he had left there and also checked on the soup. “Why do I feel like someone else is here?” he thought. He had a strange feeling like someone was watching so he turned around to see if there was anyone there. Not finding anyone he went back
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A Surprise for Rose and Andrew
Fabian was closely watching Alex that day. He made sure to stay near him so that he could hear when he got the call to say Rose lost her child. He was waiting for that moment because after what he did he was so sure that it would happen. Fabian had to stop himself from asking Alex about her well-being several times in case he got suspicious. Some time later, Alex got a call from James. “Finally! This is it. I was waiting for this for so long” he thought. Fabian took the phone and handed it to Alex. He prepared some fake tears and practised how to make sad and shocked expressions as Alex talked to James. When he came back Fabian noticed that Alex didn't look sad or disturbed at all. When he asked what the call was about, Alex replied ”it was just James asking me about some suggestions for a surprise.” He left without giving any more explanations. ”Surprise? Does this mean Rose’s baby is fine? How is this possible? My luck is terrible these days.” Fabian thought to himself confused
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Misunderstanding between Andrew and Rose
It had been two days after Andrew and Rose had returned from the Maldives. Rose was now 3 months pregnant. “I miss being in the Maldives Andy. It was so nice and relaxing there.” Andrew replied “I promise I’ll take you back for our next babymoon” with a cheeky smile. Rose raised her eyebrow and said “don’t you think you’re getting a little too ahead of yourself mister?” They laughed. Andrew was giving her fruits when Rayah and Kyle walked in along with the rest of the group. Both of them stood up when they saw them. They were also a bit surprised to see all of them together like that. ”What happened guys? How come all of you are here together? Is there something wrong?” asked Rose. ”Is it some other surprise?” Andrew asked in an excited voice. Kevin said ”it's definitely quite surprising but also not if you think carefully.” Andrew and Rose looked at each other and asked Kevin what he meant. Rayah answered ”we found out who caused the rivalry between our families.” ”What?“
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Figure in the Dark
Like she said, Rose went home with her family making Fabian overjoyed. She went directly to her room and Fabian thought “she’s probably very hurt and annoyed by what Andrew said.”Rose came out of her bathroom just to bump into a dark figure. Before she could scream, the figure quickly covered her mouth and said ”sshh Rose, it's me.” Rose breathed in relief and said “Andy, you scared me.” They sat down on the bed and began talking in a low voice. ”How's our plan going?“ asked Andrew. Rose smiled and said ”I think it's going great. He seems to have believed that we are actually fighting. If we add a little more spice to our so-called "fights and arguments" I'm sure he'll definitely believe everything wholeheartedly and slip up.” Andrew chuckled and said ”I can’t help but wonder how couples fight. It's so hard to fight with you. I just wanted to laugh. When we were yelling at each other earlier.” ”Exactly, I wonder how people fight so much in real? I’m already so tired after a fake
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The Truth Comes Out
As the days went on Rose kept ignoring Andrew's calls and talked to Fabian about how she regretted marrying him. She even had a mental breakdown one day after which Fabian comforted Rose by hugging her. He believed everything she said and even thought about not killing her baby since she was already so angry with Andrew and he didn't want to cause any kind of distance between himself and Rose. If anything happened to her baby then Rose could become depressed and not talk to him or maybe even take her own life. Unknown to Fabian, Rose and Andrew used to meet every night and talk about their day and romance with each other. That night after they had finished making love, Rose was lying on Andrew's arm and her free hand was drawing designs on his bare chest. ”Rose.””Hmm?” she asked, lifting her head up.”When will all this end, my love? I just really can't live without you. I miss you and our baby so much everyday. I know that this distance is necessary but I just can't hold on for mu
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Fabian is Punished
One by one all the members of the Kingston and Anderson families came out of their hiding spots. Andrew went and stood beside Rose and kissed her forehead. She hugged him in return. Kyle said ”Dad, Uncle James, he was the one who started all of this rivalry between us and I'm sure you guys have also heard and understood the reason behind his actions.” Alex looked at Fabian as if he could kill him right there and then. Andrew spoke after that ”he is the one who tricked our investor into investing in uncle Alex’s company and caused the rivalry.”Fabian knew that his game was over but he couldn't let everyone win like that. He took the bottle of wine from the table and smashed it all of a sudden. He grabbed Rose holding the broken glass to her neck. Everyone panicked and asked him to let her go. Rose however, remained calm and turned him around making him drop the glass when she got the chance. She then slapped him and pushed him towards Andrew who caught him and punched his face. B
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