All Chapters of The REJECTED Wolf Turn Mighty Luna : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
185 Chapters
Chapter 31: Complications
Millicent's POVI left Christopher standing there after that devastating kiss we shared. I had wanted to go up to my quarters but I needed time alone to clear my head, so I went for a walk to my favourite place. My best place in the world when I was still serving as a maid in this pack. The stream. This time I was not going for a dip in the water but to watch the water and get some semblance of peace. Who knows, I might understand what I was feeling.As I sat down near the stream, throwing stones into the water and watching it make ripples, I had to admit that like the stones were making ripples in the stream, Christopher was causing ripples in my heart and body. But it cannot be encouraged. He was my enemy.'But how is that so?' Milly asked. 'You reject Sylvester and now that you have a chance with Christopher, you are refusing to grab the chance as well. What do you want?'It was clear that Milly was getting exasperated with me. I wondered if she had no choice at all. She at first w
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Chapter 32: Complications (2)
I climbed the stairs deep in thought, on my way to my room. I heard voices screaming at each other. It was not uncommon but there was something about one of the voice that drew me towards the door.Then I heard, Sylvester's voice. What was he doing in Christopher's room in his absence? What kind of question is that? I asked myself. He is the Alpha and Christopher is his brother! He can go into any room he chooses especially his own brother's room.But what he said as I got to the door stopped me cold.'Like I said earlier, I do not feel as angry towards her like I did in the past. I am also sorry for deceiving her into helping me preserve my throne. But that's that. What I feel might just be gratitude or just likeness. It is not something you should be bothered about!' Sylvester said and I knew instantly who he was referring to. What other female was going to help him secure his throne?'Thank you so much', Cathania said and placed her arms round Sylvester's neck, kissing him. And he
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Chapter 33: Frustrated Desire
Millicent's POV After the incident where I saw Sylvester making out with Cathania in Christopher's room, I tried as much as possible to avoid all of them I ate in my room and rarely showed my face.Of course Sylvester did not like it and tried to make me join them at the dinning table but I always had one excuse or the other handy.Christopher himself came to speak to me and talk me out of isolating myself from the rest of the pack but I wouldn't heed his words. 'I just need some time to myself', was what I told him. I was not ready to tell him yet that I was angry with him for the part he played in encouraging Sylvester to cheat on me with Cathania.I found another pleasurable way to fill my evenings, which was walking to the stream to feel it's cool breeze and peace.I was at the stream on day, lost in the serenity of nature. The wind blowing and the cool breeze from the stream making it calming on the skin like a soothing balm. Oh Peace! If only that were how my life was, but I
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Chapter 34: Out of Control
Christopher's POVMillicent has been avoiding me since our last encounter. Was it because of the kiss we shared or was it because of its effect on her? I know that she must have felt that unbelievable pull like I did. I raised my hands and wiped my face with my palm in frustration. Even now, as I thought about her, I could feel my beast rising. I wanted her desperately. It felt like my life deepened on mating with her. I have never felt anything like it.I have noticed that she goes off to somewhere most evenings and I got my Beta, James to find out where. He reported his findings to me and I felt she needed her privacy. I usually go to the same place in the past whenever I wanted to be alone.But I couldn't refrain from following her this time because I felt an overpowering need to be with her. I had missed her so damn much!I got to the stream, and was not disappointed as I met her sitting in the sand, her eyes closed as she took in the serenity of her environment.'This place is so
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Chapter 35: Confrontation
Millicent's POV I could not sleep that night. Anytime I shut my eyes, I saw Christopher's face. I could not get the kiss out of my mind either.I had had to take a bath when I got to my room after leaving Christopher by the stream. The cool bath had done nothing to cool my heated body as my senses continued to run riot on me. I wanted to go to him, so that we could continue what we had started, what he had interrupted. I should be grateful to him for stopping when he did. And I was but I felt disappointed as well.Early the next morning, before anyone was up, I was out and running. The exercise was good for me and I could feel the tension in my body easing.After the exertion and my mind seemed to be clearer, I was about to return to my room when I heard footsteps behind me. Someone was also running. It would seem that I was not the only one who could not sleep or the person was running for sport - to keep fit. The two Alphas did it, Alphas Sylvester and Christopher. I knew now that
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Chapter 36: Confrontation (2)
Third Person POVChristopher pulled Millicent back into his arms. He kissed her lingeringly, feeling, his hands moving roughly on her back, his beast excited. He had to tell himself to take it easy, he wanted her so much it was hurting. It was an effort to restrain his beast from taking over. His mouth trailed to her neck and she moaned, her hands that had found their way round his neck, drawing his head down.'Look at me', he commanded. Millicent obeyed and found that he had disposed off his singlet and his chest was bare, and the jumpers he had on was on his hip bones, making his narrow waist visible. She could see the v - shape that led to his shaft region and through the jumper, could see his hard shaft, pulsating. So strong, so sexy..She licked her lips as desire pulsed through her and looked up into his eyes,and saw her desire mirrored in his. His eyes, followed the movement of her lips and darkened further...With a growl, he carried her to the bed,, his mouth never l
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Chapter 37: Confrontation (3)
Alpha Sylvester's POVI had gone to wish Millicent a good morning but after knocking and it seemed like she was never going to invite me in, I had gone in anyway, but she was not in her room nor the rest room.Where has Millicent gone? For a moment I considered that she had run away without anyone knowing. God knows she had ample reasons to do that, especially seeing me with Cathania in Christopher's room.That reminds me, I thought. I had planned on running with Christopher this morning 'Daniel, look round the grounds for Millicent', I said, ' when you find her, tell her that I would like to see her when I get back from my runs'.'Right away, my Alpha', he said and moved away.I went into Christopher's room to call him but his Beta told me Christopher had gone for his run. I was going to go for mine, believing that I would catch up with Christopher when Cathania accosted me.'Good morning, my Alpha', she greeted.'Good morning, Cathania', I replied. 'What are you doing here? I thou
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Chapter 38: Confrontation (4)
Millicent's POV'What the fuck?' I heard Christopher say and felt him throw the covers over me and at the same time jumped off me. I felt bereft. I had not been aware of my surroundings. I had been far gone in pleasure land, so my mind was slow in taking in the things that were happening. So I sat up to find out why Christopher had leapt away from me. Was he going to stop half way again, like he did at the stream? I looked up to find Sylvester at the door, blood dripping from his mouth, there was a red welt on Christopher's cheek as well and I realised what had happened.How did Sylvester know where to find us? I thought in my head, as I burrowed back under the bed covers, covering myself from view.'Damn! He just interrupted something deliciously exquisite!' Milly moaned.'Shut up! This is not the time to be randy!' I cautioned.When they started arguing about whose mate I was, I knew that I had to do something. I quickly picked my discarded shirt from beside the bed where it had bee
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Chapter 39: Poisoned
Third Person POVSamantha had sent message across to Millicent of her intended visit and Millicent had been expecting her. She came and a maid was sent to call her, but there was no response. The maid, opened the door and looked in but could not see anyone and went downstairs.'She isn't in her room and I don't know where she has gone to', she told Samantha. 'But she must be close by because I saw her go upstairs with Cathania'.'With Cathania?' Samantha asked unbelievingly.The maid nodded. But before she could say more, Christopher came barging in, clutching his chest and panting. 'Where's Millicent?' She's in trouble. I can feel it here', he said in a hurried voice, indicating his chest, which he had been clutching.Samantha had also sensed that something was not right especially when she heard that Millicent had gone upstairs with Cathania.'Where's Millicent?' Sylvester who hurried in said, out of breath. 'I need to see Millicent, now!'No one answered as they all rushed upstair
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Chapter 40 Alpha's Blood
Millicent was unconscious for weeks. Barely responding to treatment, during which time, no one heard from Cathania. Anytime, the Alphas Sylvester and Christopher could tear themselves away from matters of the pack, they came and stayed with her, and it was often. Whenever they visited, they had a word or two to say to Millicent in her unconscious state.'Millicent, surely, you do not want to forego the dreams you've had since your youth?' Christopher would ask. 'I have not told you my dreams but it is just because we have not really had the time to speak much', he laughed in self mockery, remembering that the times they had been together, they had done more of feeling, being consumed by the awesome chemistry they shared - their strong mate bond.'My dream has always been to make the woman I love, my Luna', Christopher continued. 'For a long time, I could not love anyone. Not that I've not had my own share of female companions, but they hadn't really meant much to me till I met you. Y
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