All Chapters of The Crushed Mate Who Struck Back : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
53 Chapters
Chapter 21: Distress Call (II)
***Scarlett*** I revved up my engine, overtaking the cars that were ahead of me. I looked down at my watch—It’s two minutes until I get to the port. My instincts kept yelling at me that I wasn’t going to find Scarlett on this road. This is the main road and it made sense because those werewolves wouldn’t be stupid to attack her here where the road was busy. The bastards could get hit by speeding cars. They wouldn’t want to hurt themselves in the process of chasing after her. I took a sharp turn, leaving the main road and driving into a narrow untarred road. It was a shortcut that led to the port. I kept switching glances from my phone to my watch, I was hoping I would see a call from Scarlett. But none came. I’m aware of my primary mission, which is to kill Alpha Ashley Anderson’s daughter, the man who took everything away from me. But right now I was holding back. I asked myself. For what exactly? Is it because Lois asked me to make sure she is safe? Or do I really want Scarlett
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Chapter 22: Rescued
***Scarlett*** I was about giving up. My legs strained and tightened as my paws dug deep into the dirt. i kkept on running and gasping for air, my lungs felt like they were about to explode. Six werewolves were onto me. They were so close…snarling and howling. Keep running! I screamed in my head. I thought I was out of reach until I heard one of the wolves behind me, it was so close. It had to be the biggest werewolf I have ever seen in my life. Fear gripped my stomach. I ran faster. But the monster grabbed me. Before I knew what was happening, we were rolling on the forest floor. Hell, I wasn’t going to die like this. Not without a fight. I scratched him and made sure my claws sink deep into his thighs, so deep that I could shred those thighs in one go. He lets out a growl, howling in pain. His strong hands held me tightly...restraining and preventing me from releasing myself. I fought hard to bite him but he was just too strong. I waited for that fatal bite from him or perhaps
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Chapter 23: Troubles
***Bryan*** Hell was about to break loose. Evan’s nose flared as he continued to glare at me. I could feel the tension rising. I returned the gaze with the same intensity. Scarlett quickly stepped in his way as he began to walk towards me. I quickly turned away. Her well curved butt jiggled as she tried to stop her husband from skinning me alive. “Evans, I called you but you didn’t pick up.” Scarlett gently touched his arms. “Bryan was the only person I could call. If not for him, I would have been dead by now.” Evans wasn’t buying it. His gaze still on her. He pulled out his jacket and put it over her, covering her nakedness. Looking away was vital because staring at Scarlett will only make me go hard again and nothing will stop Evans from attacking me if he found out that I was lusting after his wife. “Babe, let’s get you home." Evans muttered. "Wait. Are you hurt? Should we go to the hospital?” “I’m fine.” Scarlett replied with a sad face. He grabbed her wrist. “Hey, get the
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Chapter 24: Fired Up
***Scarlett*** I dialed his number for the twentieth time. I haven’t been able to reach Bryan since we parted at the forest. I felt bad about how Evans treated Bryan, especially when he tossed the money at him. I wanted to apologize. I tried calling Lois too but she wasn't picking up, so I left Lois a voicemail. I hope she calls when she sees it. It was nine hours since the awful incident. Who would have thought that a bunch of werewolves will be waiting for me ahead, blocking my path. With each passing moment, I was getting worried. Perhaps, Bryan isn’t returning my calls because he's angry? I wouldn’t blame him if he is. Evans really went too far. I can’t justify Evan’s actions as jealousy. This was pure hatred toward the poor guy. Evans was asking questions. I felt like yanking at my hair because some of his questions sounded stupid. He wanted to know if I recognized any of the werewolves who came after me. “I’ve never seen any of them before. I need some sleep, Evans,” I said
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Chapter 25: The Link
***Scarlett*** “He was only here because I wanted him to be here. How could you do that to him after what he did? He saved me!” Tears rolled down my cheeks. “You better pick yourself up and forget about him. He’s gone now.” “I’m confused here. I want to know how Bryan got in your way. He has never challenged you and he’s not even started working here yet. So how?" “That’s what you’ll say about the bastard. I know the games men like him play. He was lusting after you!” My heart dropped to my stomach. Perhaps Evans had seen something to make him conclude that Bryan was lusting after me. I hoped he hadn’t noticed our attraction to each other. “You're being ridiculous.” “I’m not stupid!” Evans growled, showing his fangs at me. “I could smell him back at the forest. He might think he’s smart to hide his lust, but I’ll be damned to let him near you again.” I wasn’t going to back down. “That’s in your imagination. You went to hurt a poor man because of your stupid assumptions.” I charg
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Chapter 26: The Pendant
***Scarlett*** “Oh…I’m okay.” My voice trembled, my knees buckled, and a cold sweat trickled down my spine as I struggled to keep my composure. “ see that.” I collected the necklace from her. “Are you saying he went back into the house to get this?” “You find it absurd too, right?” It looked exactly like mine. This means one thing. It had to be him. I recalled twelve years ago when that boy got two pairs of this necklace. He gave one to me and he kept the other. It was his way of saying he was glad I helped him. It was a token of his love. A very short time with him that felt like forever. I had left school to get a gift for my mom. It was her birthday. I wanted to surprise her with a cute wool scarf. I had seen a wool scarf that would look lovely on her. I saved up some little money and decided to get it for her as her birthday present. Then I was ambushed by four boys. I knew them from school. They were bullies. They yanked at my backpack and pushed me into an alley. I
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Chapter 27: My Decision
***Scarlett*** When I arrived home and Evans wasn’t in. I looked everywhere…searched the whole mansion for him. I stepped out to ask Jim, the gate man. Jim was the new gateman I had to hire after the old one fled, scared that he’ll end up like Sir Vik. “Hey, Jim. Have an idea where my husband went?” “He drove out not long ago.” “But it's past midnight. Where would he be heading to?” “Perhaps, the pack house.” Jim suggested. “Thanks Jim. I would make a call and find out if he’s there.” I sighed. I feel stressed. Evans wasn’t picking my calls. I scrolled through my phone to search for somwone to call. I decided to call Sterling, my pack's beta. He was working under Evans now. There was a small crisis after we merged our packs. Evans’ beta, Holm, refused to step down for Sterling. It was the fair thing to do beacuse Evans was overseeing both packs now, so the beta is supposed to be someone from the Anderson pack. Till this moment the crisis is still ongoing because Holm is to
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Chapter 28: Walking Away
***Scarlett*** The thought of Bryan was the only thought that made me feel better...and sad. He was returned to Silvercrest Range but didn't comeback for me. My happiness quickly turned to sadness when I reminded myself that he’s injured because of me. Maybe he doesn’t remember me. I gripped onto my necklace. When Bryan gets well and hears of my Pack's Involvement in what happened to him, he will hate me. Even if I told him the truth that my pack has nothing to do with it and that it was all Evans's doing. He would still hate me. I screamed into my pillow, throwing punches at it. Ahhh... This is so Frustrating! Evans isn't home yet. The images of him and Dina together kept assaulting me. What I saw at the Foss pack house meant that a lot was going on that I didn’t know about. Hell! I didn’t even know what was going on in my own pack house. I had left everything in the hands of Evans except for my father’s business. Even that, I had once considered involving him in the business bef
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Chapter 29:  Going In
***Bryan*** My pack didn’t want me to go back to the Anderson’s territory. I told them I had to. With the allegations…I needed to meet Scarlett myself and confirm. I was told she came to see me last night. I didn’t want to believe that her pack was responsible for this. They had no reason to unless…yes, unless someone in the pack finally found out that I'm the one killing their pack members, which is very unlikely. I saved Scarlett yesterday. Instead of her husband to thank me, he humiliated me. I didn’t retaliate because I knew very soon I will be achieving my goal. It’s a promise that I made to myself. I’m going to be the one who kills him and Scarlett too. I loathe her now! I heard her conversation with her damned husband. She knew he was the one who sent someone to set my house on fire. After saving her, this is how she and her mate repay me…with death. Ungrateful bastards! I packed my car in the packing lot, got out and headed towards the pack house. I hadn’t reached the doo
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Chapter 30: Payback Time
***Bryan*** It was past midnight and the lights were out; as expected. I noticed the gate man wasn’t at his post. Then I thought to myself, maybe he had gone to the restroom. I sighed, watching Scarlett’s massive mansion from where I stood. I had no idea how I was going to break in. But that isn’t a problem. I came here to achieve one thing and I wouldn’t leave until it’s done. I was considering that it would be better if I ended my revenge mission with Evans and Scarlett both dead. The pack members who had no idea what happened twelve years ago would be let to live. Although I haven't concluded yet. But it hurts to recall how innocent young and old, men, women and children were wiped out that night and they called it “a rogue attack”. What a joke! Rogues that were never tracked and found by the authorities in Silvercrest Range. I was certain Scarlett and Evans aren’t the only ones taking their last breath tonight. I had made arrangements for the guards too, but the house was as qu
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