All Chapters of His Omega Mate: His to protect: Chapter 21 - Chapter 25
25 Chapters
Lyra's Pov"Who the hell do you think you're talking to like that?" Alexander asked me as I sat down on the Throne.For some reason, I had courage in me to do what I want."You're in another pack, not your pack... So I'll advise you to use horrifics when talking!" I said to Alexander."Well, madam queen.... I'll advise you to come with me right now back to Crystal Moon Pack" Alexander said to me."You said your mother is ill right?"I asked Alexander.I've never had the honour to talk to him like this, but given the circumstances, I think it's time I paid him back for all he had done to me in the past."Yes, she is..... And what gives you the right to question me?" Alexander asked.He was hell bent on protecting his stupid image, of course he wasn't going to let a mere maid talk to him like that.But that was the one thing he did not know, I was not that maid of before."I did,..... With Tristan gone, I'm as well in charge....and I see nothing wrong with her questioning you!!" Damian
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Lyra's Pov"What do you mean he's dead?" I asked as I got up, running towards the Hall of fame to confirm if what the guard had just said was true, I was accompanied by Alpha Damian shortly, and some other royal palace guard.On getting there, I hastily made a stop, and indeEd the guard wasn't lying, I saw Alpha Alexander lying lifeless on the ground, his face was pale and white, no form of oxygen went in through his nose."Summon the Royal Physician at once!" I ordered, I was afraid of loosing him so early, if he dies then he won't get to suffer the way I sufferred, I was going to show him that there was something more painful than death."Excuse me, miss Lyra!!" That was the voice of the royal physician, thankfully he was nearby which made him to come quickly...That's what the royal guard indicated to me."Damian!!" I called Damian to the side, where no one could hear what we were saying."This is exactly what the moon goddess said.... THOSE YOU LOVE WILL PART FROM YOU, ANS GRIEF WI
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Lyra's PovThe Crystal Moon pack has changed a lot since I saw it last.... Although we were not there yet, I could see the huge Alpha Logo on top of the building...My heart began to pound rapidly, i was afraid of the Humiliation that I was about to suffer, but it's a one-time thing...."Anything troubling you?" Shanze asked as we nearly approached the gate..."Nah, it's just some things from the past" I said awkwardly."Can we just pass and head directly to your pack?"I asked Damian confidently."Why?" Damian asked out of curiosity."Well, just because....... If we make a stop here, then it would take too much time and we may likely get to the blood moon pack in the middle of the night...... But if we just keep going straight Without making any stop, then we might get on time..." Those were the only words I managed to craft out."Hmmmmm, she's kinda right..." Alexander supported me."Alright, we'll drop alexander off at the mouth of his territory, then we'll proceed towards my pack..
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Lyra's Pov"Athena..... You'll never change, I can see you still have your old habits of the element of surprise!!" I said as I raised my hands and gave Shanze and Aradia a signal to stop."Wow, .. you've got yourself a maid!!" Athena said as she walked towards the throne and sat down... Then she ordered the guards to power off the dim lights and make the hall more brighter. It was obvious that she wanted to showcase her power and mock me.... But that was the problem..I've changed."Lyra, why haven't you go to your room?" Alexander asked as he walked in... Accompanied by Damian."Why are you talking to her?" That was the first word she said the moment Alexander asked me.... I was waiting to see the look on her face the moment she saw that me and Alexander were back to being friends....."What do you mean? Is there any reason why I should not trust her?" Alexander asked as the confused look on his face began to stand out..He walked towards the Throne and made a signal for her to ge
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Lyra's POV:"Somebody help me" I screamed. My mind was covered with rage. Who would dare to do such a thing to her? If they wanted to come at me they should have just faced me head on. I was extremely terrified by what I saw. I had only been gone for about twenty minutes and I came back to see Shanze's lifeless body.I had few people in my life who I could be myself with and now one of them is gone. I struggled to take it all in. Maybe it was the pregnancy hormones but my feelings were very heightened and my chest tightened as if it would burst out of my ribcage any moment from now.As I sat there crying, like a jolt of electricity, the words of the moon goddess came back into my mind. "Those you love will part from you and grief will come to you……."."Why does life have to be so unfair to me", I shouted. Nothing ever goes fine for me. It felt as if the world was mocking me.I cried bitterly, screaming and shouting and punching everything. My mind was in a mess and I just wanted to de
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