All Chapters of The Lycan's Forbidden Queen: Chapter 1 - Chapter 5
5 Chapters
TALIA'S POV“Time up,” I muttered under my breath as the large clock in the empty hallway banged. I made my way towards the front exit, the heavy thud of my feet as they hit the ground, loud and clear.I only had a few minutes before the front exit into the asylum was locked shut.I reached the fence, my hands grasping at the rusted metal, the jagged ends biting into my skin. With determination, I hoisted myself over, ignoring the pain.Once on the other side, I stumbled onto the uneven ground. I took a moment to catch my breath, my heart pounding in my chest as I scanned the darkness for any signs of pursuit.But there was only silence, broken only by the distant wail of sirens. The realization hit me like a ton of bricks—I was free, at least for now.After escaping the asylum, my thoughts were scattered, my mind still reeling from two years of confinement. The world outside seemed both familiar and foreign as I navigated the unfamiliar streets, my senses dulled by the years spent be
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Meeting HIM
TALIA'S POV“What can I do, right?” I pulled away from Emily, the bitterness of her betrayal lingering in the air. “You can keep your code to yourself. You both deserve each other, anyway.” I stole a quick glance at Michael. His expression had grown cold as he gazed at Emily.“You're just jealous!” Emily's voice cracked with frustration as she reached for Michael, only to have him pull away.“Enjoy your secret-filled marriage,” I retorted with a taunting smile before turning to leave.As I wandered the streets, my mind raced with thoughts of places to spend the night. Yet, I had none. Stranded in the cold city, hunger gnawed at my insides, its relentless rumbling a painful reminder of my predicament. With a heavy sigh, I trudged forward, my steps echoing in the empty streets.The sound of tires rolling behind me snapped my attention, my heart quickening its pace as I hastened my steps, a sense of unease gripping my stomach.The car trailed behind me, its presence looming like a shadow
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She wasn't supposed to be born yet
Damien's POV“Are you listening, King Damien?” Alpha Rylan's voice pierced through my wandering thoughts, pulling me back to the present.Since I had left the room, my mind had been oddly preoccupied with the human girl the pet hunter had brought for me. There was something about her that struck me as odd; I had to admit she was pretty. Her name, the way it had rolled off her tongue when she said it, had been enticing. And her feistiness, it seemed to appeal to my wolf.I blinked, refocusing my attention on the elderly alpha seated across from me. “Apologies. Could you repeat that?” I inquired, raising an eyebrow in mild curiosity.“Why are you not paying attention, Alpha Damien?” Alpha Killian, a young alpha, questioned, his tone laced with a hint of audacity that caught me off guard. The room buzzed with murmurs of surprise at his boldness, and I couldn't help but find it amusing.Leaning back in my chair, a smirk tugged at the corner of my lips. “You must be new here,” I remarked,
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the connection
Damien’s POV“The one?” I asked, my eyebrows squeezing together as I stared at the seer. Everyone knew she was strange, but this was pushing it.“She's come back,” the seer repeated, barely looking at me as she focused on the girl in front of us. The seer's eyes flitted over the human girl's form with frantic intensity, as if she were attempting to devour every detail in a single glance.Her gaze darted from the human girl's eyes down to the curve of her jaw, all in rapid succession. Each movement seemed urgent, as if she were racing against time to absorb every aspect of the girl's being. There was a sense of desperation in the way her eyes widened with each new observation. She gently touched the girl's hair, taking a big sniff like she was trying to confirm something.“It's really her,” the seer said, looking up at me with wide eyes.“Who?” I asked, getting annoyed at her mysterious talk.“Your mate,” she whispered, and I jerked back. She must be joking. I thought as I scoffed.“Ho
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A threat? Or a warning?
TALIA'S POVTalk about a dramatic icebreaker! There I was, minding my own business—or so I thought—when suddenly, I found myself in a live-action medieval drama. And who should star alongside me but the same handsome stranger who had earlier insulted my name? Only this time, instead of hurling insults, he was wielding a sword! Yes, you read that right.And let me tell you, that sword wasn't just for show — it was sharper than my wit on a Monday morning. Before I could say, “Is this a Renaissance fair gone wrong?” The blade sliced through the air with precision and plunged into my chest.Talk about cutting straight to the heart of the matter.Agony, sharp and unrelenting, erupted within me like a torrent of fire, searing through my veins and engulfing my senses. I gasped for air, my sense of humor deserting me, the metallic tang of blood flooding my mouth as I staggered backward, my mind struggling to grasp the reason for his actions. Why? Why would he do this?As consciousness ebbed a
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