All Chapters of Caged To Her Obsessive Alpha: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
314 Chapters
Chapter 0121
[Fineon’s POV] Why am I here? Why did I even bother coming? Was I a glutton for punishment or something? Feeling my heart squeeze painfully, I stare up at the mansion where my first and only love lives. Inside I’m sure she is somewhere smiling and laughing, but that smile and that laughter aren’t
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Chapter 0122
"Idris," Gale hisses, shooting her son a glare. "Fineon would be the perfect match for Fallon." "I’m with Idris," the other, Cyrus, agrees. "Fallon only deserves the best." Trying to contain my irritation, I look from one twin to the other. Who the hell were they to say whether or not I was good e
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Chapter 0123
[Fineon’s POV] The world around me sways as I chug the burning liquid that still rests in my cup. This is drink number eight, maybe nine? I don’t know and frankly I don’t give a damn. As long as they keep doing the job of numbing my emotions they could keep coming! "Another," I announce, fixing my
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Chapter 0124
[Fallon’s POV] My heart hammers in my chest as I stare down into Fineon’s blazing blue eyes, which are staring up at me through his shaggy brown hair. The pain I find there leaves me at a loss for words, especially because I know that the pain he is feeling is due to his unrequited love for my mot
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Chapter 0125
As the words leave my lips, I can feel all the feelings I held close to my heart for so many years slowly slipping away. There was a lot I could forgive, but this was too much. "For so many years." I rasp, feeling tears spring to my eyes. "For years I waited for you. I waited as you didn’t hide you
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Chapter 0126
[Fallon’s POV] I stare up at the large mansion that I haven't seen in years and prepare myself for what is to come when I walk through those doors. Even though I was coming to terms with the fact that I would forever be stuck with the beginnings of a mark that was forced upon me, that didn't mean
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Chapter 0127
"Not a child?" Dad repeats, narrowing his gaze. "I don’t give a damn how old you get, you’ll always be my child, understood? And as such, when someone hurts you, they hurt me and need to be dealt with properly." At his words, my heart gives a tug, and I find myself torn. "Uh..." Cyrus says, remind
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Chapter 0128
[Fallon’s POV]Later that evening, I slowly make my way downstairs, where I can already hear the sound of people gathering for my welcome back party. As much as I wish that I could just spend a quiet evening with my family, this is necessary to properly begin my transition from alpha heir to actual
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Chapter 0129
[Fineon's POV]I pace in front of the large mansion that is brightly lit for the night's event. Again, I find myself wondering why exactly I even came here.'To beg forgiveness.' Franz growls, not bothering to hide his disgust. 'Like you should have done before she walked out that door!'Cursing und
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Chapter 0130
[Fallon’s POV]My eyes grow wide as I stare up into Idris’ crazed eyes. Gone is the little brother that I knew, and in his place is a creature that is only interested in taking my life.‘Idris?’ I whisper, unable to quite believe what is happening. ‘Why?’Instead of responding, Idris bares his teeth
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